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RobIcon...02-02-2007 @ 20:34 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
25 pull ups mate - nice! I think that's Tokar's PB but he swings his legs a bit so it's not really as good.
CuddlesIcon...02-02-2007 @ 20:51 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq

Like the goal, although I dont fancy your chancesGrin

See ya sunday.
DavidIcon...02-02-2007 @ 22:03 
I ♥ Dr. Gillian McKeith
Member 17, 742 posts
SQ 0, BP 180, DL 0
180.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
f**king hell them pull ups are awesome!
RickIcon...02-02-2007 @ 22:56 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10040 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
Holy s**t at those pullups.
SparrowIcon...03-02-2007 @ 09:49 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
David and Rick - thanksGrin

Paul - every sunday at the moment (just started last week), 12.00 (just ask anyone who wants to come to bring £3 towards more equipment Grin

LOL at Rob, TBH the 25 rep set probably wasn't the strictest I've ever done them, but as long as they are better than tokar's that's all that matters to me Wink

See you sunday Olly, hopefully my journal goal will still be true after the session!
SparrowIcon...04-02-2007 @ 16:31 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Another rip roaring session today with Olly and Joni. Great performances from both those guys, they both have a really great attitude towards training.

Sun 4/2

Log press
70kg x 3
80kg x 2
90kg x 1
100kg x 1 PB
105kg x 1 PB
80kg x 8 clean and press each rep in 75 secs

Farmers walk (40m 1 turn)
70kg x 14.9 secs
100kg x 19.9 secs

132kg x 20m
212kg x 20m
272kg x 17m PB

to 48 inches
140kg PB
150kg x x
to 44 inches
150kg x 3 PB

Really pleased with the PB's. Buzzing off the log, hope to get 10+ reps at the comp. Still a bit gutted I didn't finish the 272 yoke, made it about 15m in one go and then another 2 or 3 attemps to get it to 17m, was never going to make it though - will do it next week though. Also a bit gutted I didn't load the 150kg stone to 48 inches, but it was close!

Looking forward to next week already.
BoarIcon...04-02-2007 @ 16:34 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
you really should be getting some vids of these jon, are you doing the same comp an joni ??
SparrowIcon...04-02-2007 @ 16:40 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Don't worry Jonny, vids are on the way!

Yeah it's the same comp as Joni (and Olly when he sends off his form) up in Scotland.
CuddlesIcon...04-02-2007 @ 17:04 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Nice one Millsy. That was a lot of fun!
JoniIcon...04-02-2007 @ 17:30 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
aye mate, exellent session. More room in that log pb - looked really solid there. I wont say anything about the stones that the numbers cant tell you already!

4 weeks out!
RickIcon...04-02-2007 @ 18:05 
I am a bench-only guy
Member 3, 10040 posts
SQ 185, BP 175, DL 235
595.0 kgs @ 140kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 04.02.2007 @ 18:06 PM
They're good fun to train around, aren't they Happy.

Another great session there, Jonny.
RobIcon...04-02-2007 @ 18:38 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Awesome log work Millsy mate.
JonathanIcon...04-02-2007 @ 19:27 
the Ergbreaker
Member 19, 862 posts
SQ 190, BP 140, DL 260
590.0 kgs @ 128kgs UnEq
Fantastic session Jonny!

The log pressing is very impressive - I got 2x5 in 75 seconds today, with a little to spare in the first set. You have me beat there!

The yoke is v good too. It is funny that once it goes, it goes and it is very hard to get it going again. My wife had that today - she got 7m with 152kg today but it just wouldn't go any further.

As ever excellent work on the stones.

Olly - if you have not sent off your form yet, you have missed the closing date. You might have to email Big Al to get in.

buzzIcon...04-02-2007 @ 20:16 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Solid lifting Jonny. Great work on the log PBs especially!
SparrowIcon...05-02-2007 @ 16:41 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Yeah it was a good one today Olly and Joni. Christ I'm stiff today though!

Cheers Rick, Rob and Buzz - hopefully more to come!

Jonathan - I was very pleased with the log. The 80kg x 8 was easy (without wanting to sound a t**t), it was just trying to breathe part and the legs going to jelly that was hard, no trouble at all though on the cleans, and in particular the presses, so yeah I was well buzzin'!

The yoke is a bas***d! I thought 'I'm going to make it 20m no matter what', but I wouldn't have done it even with a gun to my head! I'll get it in a couple of weeks.

Really pleased with the stones too, cheers. Not even used any tacky yet! Just got to figure something out for the higher platforms, but I think I may have figured it out - will report back next week.

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