Use of this website
Sugden Barbell accepts no responsibility for any damages or loss to your computer or it's equipment whilst browsing this site. You browse the site entirely at your own risk.
Information on website
You follow any information, routines or advice contained on any part of the website or forum entirely at your own risk. You should seek a medical opinion in respect of injuries and subsequent rehabilitation. You should consider seeking a professional opinion in respect of any new exercises or routines that are likely to cause harm. Any information contained on Sugden Barbell is merely the opinion of its members and not to be considered a professional opinion or definitive fact.
Use of the Competitions System
Sugden Barbell accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies contained on the Competitions Database. Whilst the information is usually accurate, to be sure you should always check the information with the organiser of the event before entering or attending.
Use of the forum
By participating in the Sugden Barbell forum you agree to adhere to the following rules.
- Post Content
You may not post any links, addresses or information to or concerning any website possessing illegal downloads or illegal content. - Discussion of Drugs
This is a lifting website, some members take drugs in order to enhance their performance. This is an individual decision and must be respected as such - no member should unduly attempt to convince another member to either take or stop taking drugs. There must be absolutely no discussion of where to purchase any such drugs from, nor any specific mention of details regarding one's drug usage. - Image/Video Posting Policy
You may not post any profane images/videos. In the context of the forum, this includes any below-waist nudity and any item deemed as vulgar by the administration team. You may not post any items involving any nudity of under 18s. The administration team reserve the right to remove any item without prior notice as they deem fit. - Avatar Policy
Guidelines are clearly stated when uploading avatars. They must be followed otherwise your avatar will be removed. - Language Policy
Members are allowed to use swear words within posts, however administrators reserve the right to remove or edit any post that they deem as too provocative. Swear words should not be used within thread titles. - Attitude Policy
Sugden Barbell has a unique community spirit - any member that goes against this spirit may be banned without warning. Any members that believe another member to be damaging the community spirit should advise an administrator immediately. To clarify, 'going against this spirit' could involve badgering members, humourless 'federation-bashing' and posting negative comments or opinions. We understand and accept that members may have arguments from time to time, though it is suggested that any such issues are handled over private message rather than 'washing your dirty laundry in public'.
- Ownership of content
Any content you post onto Sugden Barbell becomes the content of Sugden Barbell. As such, the decision of whether to remove or modify that content is made by Sugden Barbell. - Removal of Threads/Posts
All requests to remove threads and posts will be handled on an individual basis - you must contact us explaining the reason why you want threads/posts removed. It is unlikely that Sugden Barbell will agree to removing threads or posts that have occurred some time ago as this will effect items such as members posts counts and bookmarks.
N.B. Any items that have been posted sometime ago will be on the internet somewhere (in search engine caches or other archiving services), so deleting them is not a way to prevent other people finding the data if that is the reason for your request. - Advertising
Members may not advertise anything other than personal belongings without prior permission. This means it is fine to advertise any gym kit etc. that you are trying to sell - but not if you are a reseller, store owner or gym owner. You must contact Rob with information regarding the business or service that you wish to advertise. You may not be allowed to advertise without joining the Sugden Barbell Banner Advertising Scheme. Any member who fails to comply to these rules may be banned.
Sugden Barbell may includes adverts, banners, reviews, advertorials and product recommendations which may lead to commissions being paid to Sugden Barbell. Sugden Barbell may include product recommendations which can lead to commissions being paid to Sugden Barbell for a successful recommendation.
Administration Policy
Sugden Barbell reserve the right to ban or delete any member account or any IP address without any warning or reason. Sugden Barbell reserve the right to edit, remove or manipulate any content on the website without prior warning, reason or notice.