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WiegieboardIcon...07-09-2010 @ 00:16 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11330 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Enjoying this blog a lot. Very interesting training methods and the videos are great for reviewing everything.
tlast2O12dudeIcon...07-09-2010 @ 00:44 
Obvious Juicer
Member 1613, 1036 posts
SQ 185, BP 140, DL 220
545.0 kgs @ 66kgs UnEq
Wiegieboard said:Enjoying this blog a lot. Very interesting training methods and the videos are great for reviewing everything.

Thanks! now the interesting part begins, i´m starting to burn out and fatigue is kicking in! the Dark times are about to start! I will fight it to the end!!
Squat_StallionIconSome good advice.07-09-2010 @ 03:33 
Member 1658, 41 posts
Hei Pablo, it is Per here.

I've been through this program, and I'm in my 11th year of squatting. I'd like to chime in with some advice.

1. The program is created the way it is, because that is what I tought I would be able to handle when I could dedicate all my energy to focus only on the squat. Sometimes one can add some sets at the end of a workout if one feel fresh, but this should be done once, or tops twice a week. My current training scheme is heavy singles every second day followed by volume work. This is not sustainable, and I will not do this year round. So do not pay too much attention to what I do at the moment. Training needs to be periodized. Even if Broz says he do not believe in percentages and periodization, they always adapt, and they do take it more easy when things get too rough. He is knowledgeable, and rough with his talking, and my fear is that any young lifter taking all his words for granted will be injured and not get the gains they hope for. It takes a long time to build up the work capacity. I made a 3kg PR from that 31-day program. I followed it to the letter, still I was dead tired many times, only at the end of the program I started to feel normal. I did no academic tasks during the program, in fact in the first part of it, many days I just stayed on the bed because I ached everywhere. First in week 4 I felt i started to adapt.

2. Pain comes not only from bad form, but also from fatigue that builds up over time. Let us face it: You are no machine, the muscles, tendons and ligaments are not iron parts, and your joints are not greased with machine oil. They will become increasingly tired. This process will accelerate as you put more demand on the body. Traying for a daily random max at your level of preparedness is a huge gamble, and what might happen is that you develop tendonitis or some other pain that will force you to abandon the program all togheter.

You have already achived a lot on this program. So why not stick to it "as is" from now on, just work out once a day, eat and rest well, to prevent injuries? You want strength, and you want it really really badly, but half the battle is staying away from injury. Even if you gain so much you make a 185kg squat now, it does not matter if you get a injury that put you out of comission for a month or more, then your strength will decrease again.

3. You are young and impatient. This is common in the young man. Only age and a decision to become more patient will change this. I was exactly like this myself. I wanted the world, trained like a champ, and got injured all the time.

I am watching you too see if you can complete this program. I will not be surprised if you have to quit because you can simply no longer continue because you want too much too soon. I of course hope this will not happen, so I hope you take appropriate actions to avoid this. Squatting every day is very brutal, and sometimes on this program I even had trouble walking.

I also reccomend walks. Go for slow walks at least every other day, about 60mins every time. This makes the blood flow through the body, and is good for your psyche too. Other options are swimming, or just staying in a pool and play a little. All cardio must of course be done lightly so as not do prevent strength gains. The body is made to move, and this will only be good for you.

I am happy for the gains you have made, but remember that it is the long term that counts. Right now I am hitting heavy singles very frequently in the squat, but if you watch the videos from my cycle in the 31-day program, I kept to the percentages most of the time. Often I was tempted to lift heavier. Do you know what stopped me? I knew there was another workout the next day. Because if the fatigue builds up too much, eventually you will have to quit, esp. if you get an injury.

4. Distractions in training. A mobile phone should be turned off, or set in flight-mode (ie. not getting a signal, and thus nobody can call you). And if you get a call, do not answer it. You can always call back later. Have a voice answering machine take the call, or do like me: Have no answering machine, and only call back those who are important. When I have important sets in training, I always remove all possible distractions.

5. Multiple daily sessions. If you insist on doing this, as I suggest you do not, keep them extremely short. The shorter the better.

I know your will and your desire is strong. It is like a fighting lion. But if the lion is not smart, it can get injured or killed.

6. Most of the time strength is created from less than maximum weights. Strength is not built by displaying it, but by getting in all the volume. For instance today I did a heavy single that I did put on youtube, but after this I did 4 sets of nine with 58% of my 1RM. This is not so much that it will exhaust me totally, but yet give me sufficient stimulation to promote strength gains. This was just an example, a random workout, and of course strength is mostly built with lower reps.

7. Don't experiment too much with tempo, styles, foot placement, hand placement etc. Just find something that you feel are okay for you, and stick to it. You can worry about the finer details later, what you need to build is the foundation.

You can think that you are as mentally strong as anyone, or the one with the best attitude in the entire world. Still, the rules that apply to physiology of the human body apply to us all. We can improve our level of preparedness, and even better our ability to utilize our mental power, but everyone have a certain limit, and even the best athlete can do too much. There are many examples of this.

Through trial and error, we can find methods that works. But it is not only important for you to build strength at this stage, but also to build a foundation. For instance, after these 31-days, you could do a 14-day peaking cycle after a short break, and hit new PRs, no problem, but if you are injured, you might not get them at all.

As to which months are best for strength gains... Any month is the best. But strength gains are never a diagonal straight line. Sometimes gains come quicker, and other times they come slower. But there is a given fact, if you never give up: You will improve.

You are young, and light weight, and you can take a hell of a lot of beating, and keeping good form will also help you to prevent injuries.

In regard to squat form, knees should never buckle inward on the ascend. When you do this on every rep in a set, the weight is too heavy for you. Solidness and becoming a "squat machine" is something that does not happen over night. Hell, I'm still working on my technique after 10 years of squatting. There is no such thing as the "perfect technique", there is always something that can become better. Even Mike Tuscherer (check out power275 on youtube) continually evaluate his training, and his technique.

For any young lifter or novice, volume training with good technique is essential.

I sincerely wish to see you through this program. It really is up to you if you will make it or break it.
tlast2O12dudeIconWorkout ( 07 Sep 2010 ) [ AM Session ]07-09-2010 @ 14:01 
Obvious Juicer
Member 1613, 1036 posts
SQ 185, BP 140, DL 220
545.0 kgs @ 66kgs UnEq
Today i felt cold, that's why i did so many sets to warm up.

Legs and back. Roll-Eyes ( damn, i was tight as a freaking stone )

Push Jerk
50 x 5
70 x 3
80 x 3
90 x 3
100 x 4 Grin ( estimated 1RM now raised to 109kg )
90 x 3

tlast2O12dudeIconWorkout ( 07 Sep 2010 ) [ PM Session ] - 31DaySquat DAY 1207-09-2010 @ 22:50 
Obvious Juicer
Member 1613, 1036 posts
SQ 185, BP 140, DL 220
545.0 kgs @ 66kgs UnEq
50 x 5
90 x 5
105 x 2 x 10

I'm thinking in changing to high bar squat... idk... mabe not...
Also i was thinking in starting to do deadlifts with hook grip.

haha i like weightlifting more than powerlifting, but i cant do weightlifting for many reasons, but i can at least use their techniques to train powerlifting.

31DaySquat Log
WiegieboardIcon...08-09-2010 @ 01:16 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11330 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
awesome video. Looks as pro as f**k. You're really going balls to the wall with this program!
tlast2O12dudeIcon...08-09-2010 @ 01:44 
Obvious Juicer
Member 1613, 1036 posts
SQ 185, BP 140, DL 220
545.0 kgs @ 66kgs UnEq
Wiegieboard said:awesome video. Looks as pro as f**k. You're really going balls to the wall with this program!

I'm not going from this world until i get a squat like this guys here (they are my same bodyweight) I'm not going to stop until i get there. I know this will take years, i know that and i will train for as many years as i need.

tlast2O12dudeIconWorkout ( 08 Sep 2010 ) [ AM Session ]08-09-2010 @ 15:24 
Obvious Juicer
Member 1613, 1036 posts
SQ 185, BP 140, DL 220
545.0 kgs @ 66kgs UnEq
Bench Press
50 x 5
80 x 3
100 x 3
110 x 3
120 x 3 Grin ( +1 rep improve from last workout )

Half Bench Press
100 x 1
110 x 1
120 x 1
130 x 1
140 x 0 Roll-Eyes ( i knew this wasn't gonna happen today )

High Lockouts
130 x 1
150 x 1
170 x 0 Embarassed ( next time i will go for 160 after 150 )

Dead Bench Press
110 x 3.5 Roll-Eyes ( haha i'll go back to 105kg next workout )

tlast2O12dudeIconWorkout ( 08 Sep 2010 ) [ PM Session ] - 31DaySquat DAY 1308-09-2010 @ 21:36 
Obvious Juicer
Member 1613, 1036 posts
SQ 185, BP 140, DL 220
545.0 kgs @ 66kgs UnEq
From set 3 to the last i started to use a little wider stance (between shoulder width and hip width) and feets opened a little bit more. Throwing air on each rep seems to increase power and it makes the lift easyer in terms of heart beats (less fatigue for some reason)

Noticed in this workout that the way on how you unrack the bar can affect the rest of the lifts. The unrack must be strong and agressive.

50 x 5
90 x 5
120 x 5 x 7 ( i think i'm starting to find my technique )
150 x 3 ( just a test to see if i can keep good technique under heavy load and fatigue, i droped the bar at the 4th rep because i knew was going to join the knees )

31DaySquat Log
spam_upIcon...08-09-2010 @ 22:37 
Glorious spam
Member 1563, 3961 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 260
570.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Keep going mate, very impressed by that last vid, solid looking technique!
WiegieboardIcon...08-09-2010 @ 23:01 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11330 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Very strong benching dude! Very impressive!
tlast2O12dudeIconWorkout ( 08 Sep 2010 ) [ PM Session 2 ] - Random Max Attempt08-09-2010 @ 23:04 
Obvious Juicer
Member 1613, 1036 posts
SQ 185, BP 140, DL 220
545.0 kgs @ 66kgs UnEq
Trying to raise my 5RM to 160kg so i can increase my estimated 1RM to 180kg.

50 x 1
90 x 1
130 x 1
150 x 1
160 x 4 Angry Angry Angry Angry I LOST BALANCE! im %200 sure i had 5 reps! s**t!

Tomorrow i will try again Angry

mozIcon...08-09-2010 @ 23:32 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
Whoooooaaaa boi Happy loving that benchpress. 120 x3 @ 66kg, sir I take my hat off to you.

Sorry I crnt pass comment on the squats I know f**k all about them.
tlast2O12dudeIcon...08-09-2010 @ 23:43 
Obvious Juicer
Member 1613, 1036 posts
SQ 185, BP 140, DL 220
545.0 kgs @ 66kgs UnEq
moz said:Whoooooaaaa boi Happy loving that benchpress. 120 x3 @ 66kg, sir I take my hat off to you.

Sorry I crnt pass comment on the squats I know f**k all about them.

im 68kg now Grin If you liked that workout wait till i get my strength back, i used to do 3 reps with 130kg and 1 and a half with 140kg. It's just a matter of months.
mozIcon...08-09-2010 @ 23:50 
Feasting on humble pie.
Member 51, 1692 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 185, DL 272.5
685.0 kgs @ 90.4kgs UnEq
tlast2O12dude said:
im 68kg now Grin If you liked that workout wait till i get my strength back, i used to do 3 reps with 130kg and 1 and a half with 140kg. It's just a matter of months.

Carnt wait to see that mate, 140 single at your bw would be mega. Btw I like the little progress chart, where can I get my hands on one? Noticed all your lifts are rising on your chart. Keep going Pablo

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