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AndyCoupeIcon...14-05-2014 @ 20:44 
His levers get the bar up.
Member 2919, 8635 posts
SQ 195, BP 127.5, DL 225
547.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Looked so close!!
little_aIcon...15-05-2014 @ 20:38 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
19:30 The Bunker

Very tired. Last 12 hour shift. Last of 8 x 10 mile bike rides, and as well I've been doing a bit on the weights. Sitting down all day doesn't lend itself to feelings of athletisism. I'm tired.
100x3 Too tired for reps
180x1 Tired, but not unhappy at this stage

100x3 Too tired for reps
200x1 Nothing blinding, but a nice little milestone at this stage.

50x3 Too tired for reps

I'm tired and I'm done.

Hiking and camping from tomorrow so over to Coupey to keep the faith till next week.
MrSmallIcon...15-05-2014 @ 20:47 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
You might have been a bit tired today then Andy!
AndyCoupeIcon...15-05-2014 @ 20:48 
His levers get the bar up.
Member 2919, 8635 posts
SQ 195, BP 127.5, DL 225
547.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
MrSmall said:You might have been a bit tired today then Andy!

Yeah I was.

Strong session that mate!
dave_rogersonIcon...16-05-2014 @ 06:56 
Member 4046, 590 posts
yeah pretty much killing it now aren't you mate?

That 147 was agonizingly close!
little_aIcon...16-05-2014 @ 07:06 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
dave_rogerson said:yeah pretty much killing it now aren't you mate?

That 147 was agonizingly close!

Wow wow wow. That vid is quite old now Dave. Today's sessions don't look like that anymore lol.
Thanks guys.
dave_rogersonIcon...16-05-2014 @ 08:25 
Member 4046, 590 posts
little_a said:
Wow wow wow. That vid is quite old now Dave. Today's sessions don't look like that anymore lol.
Thanks guys.

I was talking about the last couple of sessions mate, every time you step in the gym something is improving!
little_aIcon...18-05-2014 @ 10:24 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
dave_rogerson said:
I was talking about the last couple of sessions mate, every time you step in the gym something is improving!

Fair play Dave. Thanks fella. It's all muscle memory really. This OL stuff will be pretty short lived, but I've picked out a few lifts and if I can get to 75% of my best ever lifts I'll be made up. 80%'s and I'll buy Coupey a chicken kebab for roping me in.

Back from camping. I'm f**ked. 20 mile hike with a walking weight of 113Kgs (I weigh 90 striped) with a dog who walks backwards every time a car drives past took it's toll. Walked about 10 of it along the Bridgewater canal tow path which in the weather we had was beautiful. Did another 8 miles yesterday through Delamere forest and surrounding areas, avoiding blisters. The plan was to walk back, but decided to get my Mrs to come and rescue us. I also got sunburnt quite badly which is going to hamper any training done in the short term. Fun time had by all. No more camping for a while.Unhappy
MarkCleggIcon...18-05-2014 @ 10:32 
knock knock !! who's there ?? OLD SCHOOL SUGDEN
Member 212, 11439 posts
SQ 325, BP 212.5, DL 370
907.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Wooooh !

I just got butterlfies here . If your lifting again then surely theres gonna be a Adlington comp soon . ??

I enjoyed the Alan Fairclough Memorial, What a great man x x x x
little_aIcon...18-05-2014 @ 11:12 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
MarkClegg said:
I just got butterlfies here . If your lifting again then surely theres gonna be a Adlington comp soon . ??

Lol. No mate. Got a workout with Mr Coupe and Mills next month that I'm doing a bit of training for so as not to make too much of an arse of myself. Then I'm on a severe cut for a week, then I'm in Turkey for a week, then I'm back doing cardio.

I'm leaving the young mens stuff to the young men Wink
AndyCoupeIcon...18-05-2014 @ 12:01 
His levers get the bar up.
Member 2919, 8635 posts
SQ 195, BP 127.5, DL 225
547.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
So training session, cut for a week, Turkey for a week and then back to OL Wink
little_aIcon...18-05-2014 @ 12:30 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
AndyCoupe said:So training session, cut for a week, Turkey for a week and then back to OL Wink

Another drawback is I don't have my own transport. I got fed up of spiralling costs a few years back and became a pedestrian, and have been happily walking and cycling ever since. As I dont want to smash my house up I have to be absolutely certain of getting every lift and under good control. I'm not convinced that this is the best mindset when you get hold of a bar.

Things change, so who knows what the future holds, but unless I get serious about crossfit I can't see it.
little_aIcon...18-05-2014 @ 15:48 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
1400 Livewire

Limited to what I can do till the sunburn subsides somewhat.

Bench press
90x15 Bit disappointed with this set. The goal is bwtx25.

EZ Curl
4 10's

Pec Dec
4 10's

I reckon this is enough to allow me a carb back load night. I hope so. I'm going for it. Got myself a tasty Chinese lined up. Not as tasty as Ming-Na Wen, but in any case a big dish of beef chow mein. From the Oakwood chippy mind, not Lee Ho Fooks, because I haven't been walking in Soho in the rain.

Hopefully do something a bit less 'holiday' tomorrow if my skin allows movement. As it stands it hurts just to wear socks. I may have to try a good few exercises before I can find one I can do. Drained all my feet blisters now so they're on the mend.
FatpeteIcon...18-05-2014 @ 16:01 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18377 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
little_a said:
Drained all my feet blisters now so they're on the mend.

Man you live well.

little_aIcon...18-05-2014 @ 16:21 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
Fatpete said:
Man you live well.

Yeah, I make it look easy, but believe it or not there's quite a bit of effort goes in there.

Have you been watching the new 24 btw?

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