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little_aIcon...12-07-2015 @ 06:28 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
Commute only - 20 ml

C2 - 1/2 hour moderate pace
Bench 60x10 100x5 130x3 120x5 90x15
Ski type machine - 1/2 hour moderate pace

Finding it easier to hold my gut in, which is nice.
little_aIcon...13-07-2015 @ 15:16 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
C2 25 mins steady pace
WG pull downs BN 8,8,8
Seated row machine 8,8,8
WG pull downs to front 5,5,5,10
Alt DB hammer curl each gun 8,8,8,8
Seated isolation curl each gun 10,10,10

Busted the 200lb barrier this morning. No more planned weight loss. Lean gainz from now on.
little_aIcon...13-07-2015 @ 19:48 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
Post Edited: 13.07.2015 @ 19:49 PM by little_a
No cycling today. On call tonight so need to cram in what I can.

DL 40x5 90x5 130x5 170x5
BO row 80x5,5,5
Pwr cln 80x1 EMOM - but 30 seconds, so ETSOTS for 20 minutes. 41 cleans? Almost lemon fresh. couple o secs rest then 100x1 110x1 120x1
Situps 100. Going well till 85 then by 88 they were a bit not easy.

Sweating. Fun.
little_aIcon...14-07-2015 @ 20:19 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
No cycling. Work is getting in the way Angry I have 2 ironed shirts and 2 pairs of pressed troos at work. Friday is dress down day, plus I need to be mobile, relatively professional and very non sweaty. Bike tomorrow and Thursday it is then. Good times.

Press 40x3,3,3 70x3 80x3 70x5 60x5
Bag 10x 1min rounds
Speed ball 10x 1min rounds
Pushovers 50x10,10
Situps 50,50
DB tri exts 20,20

Cut milk from my shakes now in favour of 100ml rich and creamy coconut milk (I use Kingfisher) and 350ml water.
Einstein said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I've looked at the man in the mirror and asked him to make that change.

I lost a seg today. Thought I'd outgrown all that malarkey. Apparently not.
little_aIcon...15-07-2015 @ 19:43 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
20 mile commute, in this weather. Get in.
Saw bull dog Aaron on the way home. Not seen him for a while. He only had one bull dog with him. Bummer.

DBDL 60k 20 rounds. Don't know about death, but they hurt. I guess HBDL isn't as epically sounding.

No other training. Trying chicken breast sausages for the first time tonight.

Was thinking about Shaun Kenny earlier. I like Shaun.
b15ape1Icon...15-07-2015 @ 20:13 
British bum sex champ
Member 450, 1740 posts
SQ 315, BP 212.5, DL 290
817.5 kgs @ 137kgs Eq
little_a said:
Was thinking about Shaun Kenny earlier. I like Shaun.

Is he still training these days Andy i was thinking i havnt seen him in years?
little_aIcon...15-07-2015 @ 22:05 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
b15ape1 said:
Is he still training these days Andy i was thinking i havnt seen him in years?

Don't know mate. I think he had some issues with his bodyweight which steered him towards more fitness stuff and away from the weights. He went into MMA from there which I think he would be pretty not bad at.
WiganIcon...15-07-2015 @ 22:32 
a cynical old scrote
Member 68, 6910 posts
SQ 255, BP 132.5, DL 250
637.5 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Shawn is a pretty successful MMA fighter now. They call him The Caveman. Seen. Couple of his fights on YouTube, he's as tough as we always knew he was.
He is also working as a PT and seems to be doing well at that also.
Shawn was always a good lad glad he is doing well
He also has a little boy.
b15ape1Icon...15-07-2015 @ 22:43 
British bum sex champ
Member 450, 1740 posts
SQ 315, BP 212.5, DL 290
817.5 kgs @ 137kgs Eq
Wigan said:Shawn is a pretty successful MMA fighter now. They call him The Caveman. Seen. Couple of his fights on YouTube, he's as tough as we always knew he was.
He is also working as a PT and seems to be doing well at that also.
Shawn was always a good lad glad he is doing well
He also has a little boy.

Oh happy days cheers Jeff he is good lad Shawn and im glad hes doing well.
little_aIcon...16-07-2015 @ 20:12 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
20 mile commute
1830 Curl festz
BB curlz 8,8,8,8
Behind forearm curlz 8,8,8
Std DB isolation curlz 10 each arm x 3
Situps 50,50,50

40k snatch PB
Just the one, but its a start.
little_aIcon...16-07-2015 @ 20:38 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
Wigan said:Shawn is a pretty successful MMA fighter now. They call him The Caveman. Seen. Couple of his fights on YouTube, he's as tough as we always knew he was.
He is also working as a PT and seems to be doing well at that also.
Shawn was always a good lad glad he is doing well
He also has a little boy.

I enjoyed watching them. Shawn is hard, and still nice.
little_aIcon...20-07-2015 @ 18:22 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
No cycling.

DL 60x5 100x5 140x5 180x5
BO Row 100x5,5,5

Tai Chi
b15ape1Icon...20-07-2015 @ 18:42 
British bum sex champ
Member 450, 1740 posts
SQ 315, BP 212.5, DL 290
817.5 kgs @ 137kgs Eq
little_a said:
Tai Chi

Tai Chi???.....

......Cool bas***d Cool
little_aIcon...21-07-2015 @ 09:24 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
b15ape1 said:
Tai Chi???.....
......Cool bas***d Cool

Last night the session was taken by a visit Buddhist monk from Thailand. He actually looked like the Golden Child, but was about 70. He was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and given 6 months to live. Walking back to the monastery from the doctors he was bitten by a cobra which he dealt with without any medication (there was no anti venom in his village). This was 12 years ago.

He's cool. I'm just a turd.
little_aIcon...27-07-2015 @ 19:56 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
Been a bit hit and miss for the last week or so. In fact pretty miss since last Wednesday. Onwards.

Bench 20x20 60x10 100x5 120x5 80x20
Ski machine 30 mins

Bag 10 x 1 min rounds
Press 60x3 70x3 80x3 60x5
Sit up 50,50,50
Lat raise 5,5,5,20,20
Legs raise 20,20

Abtastic shoulder gainz

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