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Daws87Icon...26-01-2013 @ 14:57 
Member 3634, 2381 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 175, DL 250
652.5 kgs @ 143kgs UnEq
Top graft on the pushies bud!
JamesIcon...26-01-2013 @ 15:05 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Cheers guys!

I needed the volume as I haven't done much overhead in a while. they felt very easy. Hoping for about 180 push press by June if my shoulder gets better soon.
WILLSANIcon...26-01-2013 @ 15:07 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
James said:Hoping for about 180 push press by June if my shoulder gets better soon.

180 pushie would be immense!
brocerslrdIcon...26-01-2013 @ 15:15 
Conan likes to listen to music
Member 1155, 3461 posts
SQ 150, BP 110, DL 210
470.0 kgs @ 88.8kgs UnEq
180 would be mental.
british_beefIcon...26-01-2013 @ 22:10 
Member 1031, 1149 posts
SQ 140, BP 120, DL 240
500.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
cheers for the help today mate,
think everyone was struggling (exc mike) yet you still make it look effortless

looking forward to next saturday already
EDCLARKEIcon...27-01-2013 @ 10:27 
not particularly well educated
Member 85, 11010 posts
SQ 170, BP 130, DL 260
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
180 push press at 90k would be absolutely ridiculous , but i think you may actually be able to do it.(injuries permitting)
ThingIcon...27-01-2013 @ 11:18 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
Training is looking immense
LewisgIcon...27-01-2013 @ 15:06 
Leeeeeewwissssss !!!
Member 1011, 1803 posts
SQ 250, BP 170, DL 312.5
732.5 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
James said:Cheers guys!

I needed the volume as I haven't done much overhead in a while. they felt very easy. Hoping for about 180 push press by June if my shoulder gets better soon.

Jesus Christ
JamesIcon...30-01-2013 @ 21:57 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Training 30.1.2013


70 x 4
110 x 4
140 x 3
170 x 3
200 x 2
220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5

Hamstring still in the back of my mind which is making squatting slower/harder. Hopefully once confidence is back the weights should go up quicker, but for the next 4 weeks the increments will be small.

Yesterday my brother was doing some deadlifts so thought I'd see what I could do double overhand (hook grip)......

190 x 1
200 x 1
220 x 1
250 x 1

Surprised myself, and happy both thumbs are still in tact.
JamesIcon...02-02-2013 @ 18:08 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Training 2.2.2013

Push press

50 x 5
80 x 4
100 x 3
110 x 6
110 x 6
110 x 6
110 x 6

All easy but shoulder still hurting

Doh raw deadlift (hook grip)

160 x 1
200 x 1
240 x 1
260 x 1
270 x 1
280 x 1
290 x 1
300 x f

Bit of fun having a duel with James Connolly. Videos of the 280 and 290 to follow
vausieIcon...02-02-2013 @ 18:17 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
Whats ur best DOH dead mate no hook grip
JamesIcon...02-02-2013 @ 18:34 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
I have no idea mate I've never tried it
James26Icon...02-02-2013 @ 20:29 
Member 2298, 1768 posts
SQ 255, BP 200, DL 320
775.0 kgs @ 127kgs UnEq
280kg hook grip;

290kg hook grip;

JamesIcon...02-02-2013 @ 21:15 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Cheers mate!
JamesIcon...04-02-2013 @ 13:44 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Training 4.2.2013


50 x 5
90 x 4
120 x 4
160 x 8
160 x 8
160 x 8

Very sore from the weekend but wanted to put a bit of blood through my glute/hamstring

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