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JamesIcon...11-06-2010 @ 18:18 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 11.06.2010 @ 19:07 PM by James
had a little play around with new equipment today, not sure you can call it a training session

started with the log but couldn't get my footing on the bobbly grass so did a few on 100kg but they were closer to strict presses than push presses.

we set up the yoke to 54 inches, to put stones over!

80 x 1
80 x 1
120 x 1
135 x 1
135 x 1

80 strict press overhead

as i said more a play around. bit disappointed i couldn't do more with the log so close to comp but oh well.
BoarIcon...11-06-2010 @ 18:21 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
oh ..thats a worry ..log down to 100 .... at this rate it will be 80 next weekend ... 180 more like !!

LOL, do you get to keep the kit at your gaff or do all you southerners have a 'lock up' of some sort ??
JamesIcon...11-06-2010 @ 18:26 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
its at my house which isn't to far from the gym. 3 of us went in on it, oli who you met being one of them. need to take the log to the gym coz i can't train on the grass with it, hope it gets better on solid ground.

not many people i know round here that train strongman, anyone wants to visit they're more than welcome!
shanejerIcon...11-06-2010 @ 18:53 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
I hope you're slow on the yoke because the only way i can touch you is cos i'm a nippy little s**t!!!!!! Grin
JamesIcon...11-06-2010 @ 19:06 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq

i wouldn't worry to much mate im no speed demon. if im in the top 6 after the farmers frame medley i think i'll finish top 4 but its a very open comp, and we haven't give the midland boys much praise, who knows what they'll come up with.
shanejerIcon...11-06-2010 @ 19:16 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Oh s**t!! i only did a quick scan read and thought you said you did yoke then stones not put stones over the yoke Happy
JamesIcon...11-06-2010 @ 19:19 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
nah, never moved with a yoke before i think i'll leave the moving events to you mate.
BushingmanIcon...11-06-2010 @ 21:07 
Member 674, 320 posts
SQ 185, BP 112.5, DL 230
527.5 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
James said:its at my house which isn't to far from the gym. 3 of us went in on it, oli who you met being one of them. need to take the log to the gym coz i can't train on the grass with it, hope it gets better on solid ground.

not many people i know round here that train strongman, anyone wants to visit they're more than welcome!

Might take you up on that offer next time i'm up. 135 to 54" is some good going mate.
JamesIcon...11-06-2010 @ 21:12 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
great stuff matt just give me a heads up and we can sort out a proper events day, last one was quality! thats the lowest height we could set our yoke to. just wanted the confidence of getting it over a few times.
JamesIcon...13-06-2010 @ 19:08 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
had a play around with more of my new toys. the last session before next weeks comp!

just farmers and sled drag, but i learnt some valuable last minute lessons, heres how it went

farmers 60kg - 20m

farmers 100kg- 20m sled drag 200kg - 20m

farmers 120kg - 20m sled drag 220kg - 20m

farmers 80kg - 25m sled drag 220kg - 20m

sled drag 260kg - 10m

short but effective, i was blowing out of my arse for most of it. after the final i will be working on conditioning a lot more.

Im ready!!!!!
shanejerIcon...13-06-2010 @ 19:12 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 13.06.2010 @ 19:12 PM by shanejer
Awsome James, rest up and come in niggle and ache free.

Bring food to, the que for the food at SA was HUGE last time!!!
oliIcon...13-06-2010 @ 19:14 
the big O
Member 1370, 570 posts
SQ 192.5, BP 140, DL 250
582.5 kgs @ 88kgs UnEq
Good session today mate. Looking quick and strong. You'll definatley do well come comp day
MattFIcon...13-06-2010 @ 19:15 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Farmer's are now a strength, shaping up perfectly, now just rest, ice and stretch.
BoarIcon...13-06-2010 @ 19:18 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
Im still in agreement with rob frampton ... best of luck james

personally, im not looking forward to the first event, what appears to be a good time can easily get eclipsed ... i just hope GAZ isnt too generous when he makes the barells ... better 95 than 105 !
JamesIcon...13-06-2010 @ 19:29 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
cheers johnny

i agree i think it will wipe us all out if they are to much heavier than the ones we used a few weeks ago. im just glad to be taking part, and in a way glad its so tight between pretty much all of us should be a good advert for 90's comps in the future. best of luck to you mate!!!

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