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JCIcon...28-05-2010 @ 15:23 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Some very strong lifting in here mate
JamesIcon...28-05-2010 @ 15:56 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
shane - should be down all day it think it opens 11-3? correct me if im wrong

boar - not sure mate only played with the ifsa log twice thats as high as i went but i think theres more there. wanted to find out today but the sensible side of me said leave it there.

cheers jc
BoarIcon...28-05-2010 @ 16:09 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
yea , it opens at 10 but i'll be there about 11-11.15 ..sat 5th june !should be a good run thru... macca said he should be able to make it .... shane n kenny, check your diaries ..or is it diarys .... or filofax

and james ,as its called the 4 log 'challenge' so your getting an extra 10k on each log...
JamesIcon...28-05-2010 @ 16:13 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
ha ha it will be interesting to see if i get them at that weight, still need to do them in a quick time i think there will be a few people get all 4
BoarIcon...28-05-2010 @ 16:17 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
funnily enough thats the 4 weights i would use if it were a 'last man standing' max log !!

100 final warm up

110 first lift

115 second

120 third !!

all in 75 seconds tho ! i hope for 3 quite fast and nab a 'top of the rest' spot , not sure if many will get all 4 get f**ked pretty quick and 120 will be max or near max for most lads
JamesIcon...28-05-2010 @ 16:22 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
i think with the adrenaline on comp day and how easy you were moving the log the other day you will get all 4, should be interesting on the 5th. i'll need this anyway after i get beasted in the deadlift!
BushingmanIcon...28-05-2010 @ 16:37 
Member 674, 320 posts
SQ 185, BP 112.5, DL 230
527.5 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Fooking hell James some good figures there mate. Think Mr Frampton might be right.
shanejerIcon...28-05-2010 @ 17:07 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Same with me boar, looking to get a really fast one motion on the 100 then push press 110, quick double dip on the 115 then mabye a PB come comp day on the 120??? WHO KNOWS
JamesIcon...31-05-2010 @ 19:04 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
first time training 16" deadlifts, very awkward to get use to.

warmed up with jumps from a bench

16" deadlifts!

70 x 3
110 x 3
150 x 3
190 x 1
230 x 1


260 x 4
260 x 4
270 x 3
240 x 5

some light work on lower traps and stretching to finish off
TobyCutlerIcon...31-05-2010 @ 19:05 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Very strong deads mate!!
JamesIcon...31-05-2010 @ 19:24 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
cheers toby.

won't be able to put my next session on here as im going to cornwall for the rest of the week. but im training legs on wednesday (hopefully) and then at o.s.g. with boar and co on the saturday.

i should have it on here on sunday
EDCLARKEIcon...31-05-2010 @ 21:49 
not particularly well educated
Member 85, 11010 posts
SQ 170, BP 130, DL 260
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
very strong stuff James.
BoarIcon...31-05-2010 @ 22:03 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
16" deads = wierd ! you seem to have taken well to them James !!

see you sat .....ill be there ready for a mental session at 11 - 11.15
JamesIcon...04-06-2010 @ 16:51 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
did some squats on wednesday but my back was still beat up from mondays back session so couldn't do what i wanted.


60 x 3
100 x 3
140 x 3
180 x 3
200 x 4
200 picked it out of the rack and my back said if you go down im not helping you back up so i left it there

did some tricep work on the cable crossover but it was pretty much a waist of time.
training at o.s.g. tomorrow so hopefully i should be good for that
BoarIcon...04-06-2010 @ 16:56 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
good man james probably got tropical weather in cornwall this week , see you in the morning....gym is on the 4th floor ... you can park in the little carpark at the front or along the street outside - 'brook st E'

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