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Peeling the Banana

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thosebananasIconPeeling the Banana09-05-2012 @ 09:34 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.06.2012 @ 08:27 AM by thosebananas
My season came to an effective end on Monday with a poor performance in Ulsters Strongest Man coming 11th.

It is now time to focus on getting fitter/faster/leaner for the rest of the year with the view to enter a powerlifting comp in December and lift in the 120s.

Current stats
Height: 6ft
Weight: 155 kilos
Squat: 225kilos (belt)
Bench: 130kilos
Deadlift: 300kilos (belt)

I would like to lift as a 120 in december and hit raw:
Squat: 250
Bench: 150
Deadlift: 310

Plan is to run 'Westside for Fat bas***ds' from monday for 4 weeks then use Defrancos Westside template for athletes from then on or until I'm under 120 then focus more on powerlifting. Would like to be down to 140 after WS4FB.

Diet will be low carb 2500 calories.
Diet at the moment until now has been 4000 calories with moderate carbs.

Let's go.
martinbIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:38 
Grass fed
Member 1147, 7710 posts
SQ 220, BP 185, DL 272.5
677.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Good luck to you big lad
thosebananasIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:41 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 09.05.2012 @ 12:15 PM by thosebananas
Max effort upper

Bar x10
60kg x5
80kg x5
100kg x3
110kg x3
115kg x3
120kg x3

Superset 1
DB bench / Tbar Row
4x10 1min rest

Superset 2
Tricep BTN extension / seated dumbell cleans
5x12 1 min rest.

Superset 3
Seated lateral raise / seated rear delt raise
4x15 1 min rest

Superset 4
Tricep rope / low pulley curls
3x20 1 min rest.

Hard hard hard but good. Took less time that normal workout but a lot more work.
ThingIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:41 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
good luck dude
thosebananasIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:43 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
martinb said:Good luck to you big lad

Cheers pal. Also should have noted the target of winning ulsters strongest man at under 130 next year. Maybe play some rugby but in general be fitter/ healthier and sexier if possible.
thosebananasIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:45 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Thing said:good luck dude

Cheers, I'm still gonna beat you to 170x5 fs. Wink
PeteHodgsonIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:46 
Has little understanding of the sugden
Member 677, 11338 posts
SQ 165, BP 125, DL 220
510.0 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Good luck with your goals Scott. That session looks good, a lot done there, how long did it take?
thosebananasIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:47 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 09.05.2012 @ 09:49 AM by thosebananas
PeteHodgson said:Good luck with your goals Scott. That session looks good, a lot done there, how long did it take?


1 hour 30 mins with warm up/foam roll as well.

The general template is 3xMe days, 2x RE days then after the main movement, its 4 supersets with a min rest. 3 supersets on lower body days. Mon-fri with ss cardio on either sat or sun and stretching over the weekend.
JackRevansIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:48 
'There was also a sausage in my mouth.'
Member 2477, 16481 posts
SQ 190, BP 130, DL 235
555.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
merley out of interest, why are you doing one thing for 4 weeks and then doing something else?
thosebananasIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:50 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
JackRevans said:merley out of interest, why are you doing one thing for 4 weeks and then doing something else?

The 4 weeks is like a 'jump start' and also a prep cycle for the bigger/better routine of WS4SB3. I wouldn't be fit enough for it yet and would prob fall over and die after 2 weeks of it. Drop to 140 and get used to higher intensity work then its defrancos template.
ThingIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:56 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
thosebananas said:
Cheers, I'm still gonna beat you to 170x5 fs. Wink

we'll see remember the only thing thats holding me back is the pain i get in my spine and if tomorrows procedure works your f**ked Wink
JackRevansIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:56 
'There was also a sausage in my mouth.'
Member 2477, 16481 posts
SQ 190, BP 130, DL 235
555.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
ah i see. well good luck Happy
macrothIcon...09-05-2012 @ 09:58 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Nice goals, good luck! Have you done something similar before (lose 2-3kg/month, maintain/increase lifts), are you going back to a previous weight or level, or is this an entirely new direction for your training?
thosebananasIcon...09-05-2012 @ 10:04 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
macroth said:Nice goals, good luck! Have you done something similar before (lose 2-3kg/month, maintain/increase lifts), are you going back to a previous weight or level, or is this an entirely new direction for your training?

I have dropped 15 kilos and maintained increased lifts on a keto diet over about 8 weeks before. This is slightly different.

I was 135 in december, in an attempt to get stronger as fast as possible I have ended up as 152 about 14-16 weeks later. I'd say its 70:30 fat:muscle. I was still fat before so have plenty to loose.

I felt best when I was 115 about 2 years ago and was pulling 275. So it can and will work. Happy
thosebananasIcon...09-05-2012 @ 10:06 
Trophy Hunter
Member 743, 3329 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 300
660.0 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
Thing said:
we'll see remember the only thing thats holding me back is the pain i get in my spine and if tomorrows procedure works your f**ked Wink

Haha, bring it on! Happy

Good luck with the procedure!


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