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» Wiegieboard gets his grunt on. (Go to post)17-11-2009 @ 00:09 
Toby said:How are you doing man? Havent heard from you in a while and log hasnt been updated. Still fighting off that flu?

Hi Toby.

Yea I've been resting. Whatever it was it hit me hard. My skin went all f**ked up and I had a big rash all over my body but I'm back to training squats tomorrow. I'm looking forward to my re-introduction to society.
» Toby's training log (Go to post)12-11-2009 @ 21:00 
Toby said:
I wont be going for a new PB before the 9th now, as there are only 3 weeks left to train.

That reminds me. I'm gonna have to phase the belt in as of this coming Tuesday :/
» SuperSteel101's Training Log (Go to post)12-11-2009 @ 20:59 
I still look much like a well cooked pizza, but the pain in my skin and insides isn't as bad. I'm really wanting to get back to it this Tuesday coming. I'm itching like f**k to squat.
» Toby's training log (Go to post)11-11-2009 @ 22:06 
Did you work your new bench technique today? I'm sure you'll get a new pb soon enough!
» SuperSteel101's Training Log (Go to post)11-11-2009 @ 22:03 
SuperSteel101 said:

5 x 10 100 kgs

Thats some oldschool stuff right there! Awesome!

Glad you're on the mend.
» Hats in the gym (Go to post)10-11-2009 @ 17:12 
A sweatband is wise when you're balding. Your forehead gets bigger and bigger and the sweat pours more and more.
» Looking for strength @ 40 Plus (Go to post)09-11-2009 @ 18:36 
those 5x5s are always tough mothers, especially without the belt. Good luck beating that personal best soon enough.
» Wiegieboard gets his grunt on. (Go to post)09-11-2009 @ 18:31 
I'm just gonna spend the next while in bed doing the wise thing. How are you healing up yourself dude?
» 5'4" and proud of it! (Go to post)09-11-2009 @ 15:25 
That's a beast of a session. 2pbs! Well done!
» Wiegieboard gets his grunt on. (Go to post)09-11-2009 @ 14:31 
Yeasterday, I thought I was getting over this flu thing that's been bothering me for the past week or so. Then at about 8pm I started getting a sore throat, by 10pm it had swollen up and I had aches and pains. I decided to go for a shower, but my skin was so sensitive that I couldn't stand under the waterjet.
I went to bed soon after where I shivered and shook all night.
I was supposed to get up for college as to hand in my final assessment for the block but found that when I stood up, I promptly fell over, so I went back to bed. Around 13:30, my goodies arrived from I stumbled down the stairs and signed for my package.

I couldn't really make breakfast because I didn't have the energy and felt s**t, so I ended up mixing some whey, powdered oats, creatine, vitamin c powder and strawberry nesquik in my shaker.Not the heartiest of breakfasts to tell the truth. I still feel like s**t and am pissed at the possibility of missing yet another squat and bench session tomorrow.
In an hour or two I'm gonna take a couple of ZMA and sleep until tomorrow.
» Wiegieboard gets his grunt on. (Go to post)08-11-2009 @ 09:53 
Toby said:
Surely grip would help more in deadlift, unless you have trouble holding on to the bar in bench for some reason.

The grip would be great for when I'm working those 8s in the future. Especially if I start lifting more weight than my baby cousin haha.
For some reason in the bench when I grip the bar as tight as I can, it feels more stable. Hopefully it'll benefit both well.
» Is this girl is stronger than you...? (Go to post)07-11-2009 @ 21:22 
I tried this today and failed miserably.
I managed the 10s and aaaaalmost got the 15s. 3 of the other lads managed the 15s but we all bombed out on the 20s. That takes some serious grip.
» Wiegieboard gets his grunt on. (Go to post)07-11-2009 @ 21:20 
It was seriously f**king tough dude. I'm gonna work at it though and try a little grip work twice a week. Who knows, it might even up my benchpress a little bit in the long run haha.
» my training to hopeful record breaking (Go to post)07-11-2009 @ 21:14 
That's some good lifting there. Well done man.
» Toby's training log (Go to post)07-11-2009 @ 21:11 
It was pretty good dude. My account of the day is posted up on Wiegie gets his grunt on.

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