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Unit 20 1st timers comp 2010 - 3rd April

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Wayne_CowdreyIcon...02-04-2010 @ 22:12 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22367 posts
Good luck to everyone competing in this.
nico16Icon...03-04-2010 @ 18:21 
can front squat at least 10kg
Member 650, 135 posts
SQ 120, BP 80, DL 150
350.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
awsome comp today thanks to everyone involved with running the comp.
and good to meet all of you guys,also well done to Dundee nick for a solid performanceGrin
baldyIcon...03-04-2010 @ 18:29 
aka The Scorer
Member 1195, 861 posts
SQ 165, BP 110, DL 232.5
507.5 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Awesome comp, well done everyone. Thanks to Buzz and Nick for organising.
Thanks to Lee, Martin, Lee, Gary and Stephen for loading and refereeing.
buzzIcon...03-04-2010 @ 18:49 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Great day, and a top comp. Big thanks to all the competitors for giving it their all, and to the solid team of helpers and refs - Friday Lee, Sunday Lee, Garry, Martin, Mrs Nick, Mr Nick Snr, Stephen M, Stainless, any others who gave a hand. To Stephen and Youngy for the loan of kit. To my co-gym running mofo Fat Nick.

Performances from Ian, Fraz, Baldy, and Dundee Nick stood out for me, and also Danny on the loading, and the crazy poles. Who know how much they spent on getting here, and how far they travelled!

Will post full results soon.
youngyIcon...03-04-2010 @ 19:04 
crushed the generals chance of 6th place
Member 588, 5477 posts
SQ 200, BP 100, DL 200
500.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Quick thanks to everyone organising the comp. Buzz, nick etc. Refs Lee, stephen and Stainless? Loaders lee, garry, martin, stephen and all others. Thanks nicky for the tacky.

Was great to meet everyone today and it was an awesome comp. Will hopefully get my video up soon and will do a full write up tomorrow hopefully.

Was overall pleased with my performance today, got plenty to work on though.

Off out to get pished and working 9-6 tomorrow cant wait.
BoarIcon...03-04-2010 @ 19:06 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
well done all concerned sounds like another triumph !!
Nick79Icon...03-04-2010 @ 19:22 
will beat Buzz in the next comp
Member 358, 713 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 220
580.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 03.04.2010 @ 19:27 PM by Nick79
buzz said:Great day, and a top comp. Big thanks to all the competitors for giving it their all, and to the solid team of helpers and refs - Friday Lee, Sunday Lee, Garry, Martin, Mrs Nick, Mr Nick Snr, Stephen M, Stainless, any others who gave a hand. To Stephen and Youngy for the loan of kit. To my co-gym running mofo Fat Nick.

Performances from Ian, Fraz, Baldy, and Dundee Nick stood out for me, and also Danny on the loading, and the crazy poles. Who know how much they spent on getting here, and how far they travelled!

Will post full results soon.

I'd like to echo what my non sexy vegan bro has said. The only reason we are able to put comps on that run so smoothly is because we have an excellent team willing to help out when needed.

Thanks to everyone involved and well done to all the athletes who took part and gave it there all.

Stay tuned for novice comp announcement Grin
youngyIcon...03-04-2010 @ 19:26 
crushed the generals chance of 6th place
Member 588, 5477 posts
SQ 200, BP 100, DL 200
500.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 03.04.2010 @ 20:06 PM by youngy
Laptop finally kicked the bucket. Videos uploading event by event. Will appear here when done :

nickIcon...03-04-2010 @ 19:37 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
did anyone manage to get footage of me? loved the comp great atmosphere had some good events some not so good events but all a learning curveGrin
ITRGIcon...03-04-2010 @ 19:40 
PS ... i love you
Member 521, 2568 posts
SQ 200, BP 125, DL 265
590.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
baldy said:Awesome comp, well done everyone. Thanks to Buzz and Nick for organising.
Thanks to Lee, Martin, Lee, Gary and Stephen for loading and refereeing.

thanks to everyone was an amazing comp Grin Grin Grin
ITRGIcon...03-04-2010 @ 19:40 
PS ... i love you
Member 521, 2568 posts
SQ 200, BP 125, DL 265
590.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
baldy said:Awesome comp, well done everyone. Thanks to Buzz and Nick for organising.
Thanks to Lee, Martin, Lee, Gary and Stephen for loading and refereeing.

thanks to everyone was an amazing comp Grin Grin Grin
BoarIcon...03-04-2010 @ 19:46 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
f**king loving the face during that last fatefull press allan !!

top work on the axle, nice + quick continentals !! how many did ye get ?
youngyIcon...03-04-2010 @ 19:48 
crushed the generals chance of 6th place
Member 588, 5477 posts
SQ 200, BP 100, DL 200
500.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
lol thanks boar.

6. I will make a better video and writeup when I get the chance tomorrow.
nickIcon...03-04-2010 @ 20:42 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Want to say well done to maca for his 15 reps on deadlift that was awesome(even though 2 were dissalowed) Grin
macaIcon...03-04-2010 @ 20:54 
Member 1224, 652 posts
nick said:Want to say well done to maca for his 15 reps on deadlift that was awesome(even though 2 were dissalowed) Grin

haha! thanx bud. we checked the video i got 15 but two reps went missing some how

Confused we didnt check the vid till half n hour after the comp and to be honest it wouldnt have made any difference to the overall standings.
i was well impressed with you nick especially at such a young age! big things to come in the futureGrin

i fukd up the yoke medely big time!! any footage of me flying over the line head 1stGrin
ahh well 3rd place aint to shabby.
well done every body and good show baldy

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