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» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)29-10-2015 @ 19:52 
PaulSavage said:
Whats the bet?

140kg log at any bodyweight before 2016
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)29-10-2015 @ 19:01 
Sparrow said:
Maybe you've left it too late this year then.
Perhaps I can give you the chance to win your money back next year with another bet (if you want)?

I knew there was a reason I keep coming back here. I'll be quids in soon.
» Sugden Weekly Snatch Thread ! (Go to post)30-07-2015 @ 11:05 
umpalumpalifter said:not finishing my pulls (but better) and not pulling myself under enough but think thats still shoulder mobility

Looking good pal!

You just seem to be leaning back too soon in the lift. Try to stay over the bar more as it comes past your knees (ie. chest ahead of the bar). So keep your hips back a touch longer and extend!
» Weightlifting participation (Go to post)06-07-2015 @ 11:01 
I only quickly skimmed the article so not sure if it was mentioned but I was listening to a podcast a while ago with Ashley Metcalfe and he was mentioning how these numbers were calculated. If I recall correctly, those numbers include people who attend classes at their local leisure centre with funny names to people who are competing in weightlifting and everything in between. Again, I don't know if these things have always been included in the figures rather than recently moving the goal posts to make it look more favourable in terms of participation.

I think the popularity is obviously growing and Crossfit is undoubtedly helping. Not sure by how much BWL memberships, clubs, coaches etc. are increasing but it would be interesting to see.
» Myprotein latest news, new product releases and money saving offers! (Go to post)18-06-2015 @ 17:40 
LeedsMiniPower said:
So two gift vouchers which were paid for at full price cannot be used together? explain that to me please? If I place an order for £35 and pay with a debit card i pay for one lot of postage, if somebody buy's a £25 and £10 voucher using a debit card and i use them i have to place two orders and pay for extra postage.
Explain to me how or why that is fair? Are you saying your not a fair company?
And when i placed the second order because you wouldn't allow me to use both vouchers on the first order you charge me extra because i didn't go over the threshold.
Do you not see my issue?
No gesture has been made to sort this either which reinforces my opinion of My Protein.

Maybe I am just looking at this in an overly simplistic manner but all it would take is for someone to cancel both vouchers and reissue a new one for the value of £35 (The two vouchers combined). Problem solved?
» Foam Rollers (Go to post)02-06-2015 @ 10:32 
jwp said:Sometimes helps, but they're all overpriced overhyped toss - a 2 litre pop bottle full of water works just as well in most cases, and a cut down pool noodle does the rest.

Unless you're a multi million dollar athlete on the cusp of major acute muscle injury, of course.

Conversely my rumble roller was £60 and it is worth every penny.
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)12-05-2015 @ 22:58 
PaulSavage said:
Yep, new bet is excepted.
Edit - lol just read how you put it, doesnt seem i have much to gain haha i'm looking at like saving myself £100 an if i can't log 140 then i feel paying £200 out is more than justified.

Recently I was listening to a podcast talking about a psychological phenomena whereby most people would rather not lose say £100 of their own money after putting it up rather than having the chance of winning it.
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)12-05-2015 @ 22:56 
PaulSavage said:
Yep, new bet is excepted.

Good stuff. I actually also think you can do the challenge and hope you do Grin
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)12-05-2015 @ 22:43 
PaulSavage said:
Were you the other person that was in on the bet? To be honest i cant remember who it was but there were a couple people that seemed to think they were in on the bet but actually werent as they had not understood it right. Was only two that had. If you claim to be i will have to check back through the log before we can confirm the new bet.

Yeah it was me.

So you will either win nothing or lose £100
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)12-05-2015 @ 15:07 
Sparrow said:
150kg log at ANY BW. You nail it, you owe me nothing. You don't and you owe me £100.
I'm willing to lower it to 140kg though to give you a chance if you want in?

I'll also go with that Happy
» Paul Savage training log (Go to post)07-05-2015 @ 11:31 
PaulSavage said:My body is telling me i should keep eating a s**t ton, it's like a bullet train right now, i'm waking up starving 2 times each night having to eat more meals despite being off the 'supplements' so i'm going to listen and not change anything. No junk but will keep eating as much clean food as i can and see what happens, not sure if i'll keep gaining weight or not. Going to stick to the same training for longer too, already doing the hacks and keeping dumbbell presses going so may as well keep doing good mornings and romanians till i change up the others. I would like to do reps at 140kg good mornings and 230kg romanians.

When are you paying out on the 130kg log u90kg bet?
» Sugden Weekly Snatch Thread ! (Go to post)25-04-2015 @ 17:10 
Sparrow said:Three PBs in one session!

Brilliant! nothing better than those types of session.
» Instagram lifters (Go to post)02-04-2015 @ 12:53 
ATG has a solid list
» Phil's training Log (Go to post)01-03-2015 @ 22:40 
PhillippeHalter said:
That's interesting... The overall results could be 15.0 plus 15.1 as an added total
Reps plus weight in kilos
I didn't know about people being disqualified... Where did you read that?
» cage too narrow for new squat stance, what to do? (Go to post)19-02-2015 @ 19:45 
Post Edited: 19.02.2015 @ 19:47 PM by youngy
Simeon said:
Do you use the pull up bar much? If not, it would be very easy to make 3 new, slightly longer crossbeams out of 2" RHS steel, or whatever it is.

You would then be at risk of making the rack too tight to get the bar in and out.

You could also make a platform to stand on out of plywood with 2x4s screwed underneath to lift it over the bottom of the rack. Would need to be well supported though to make sure its safe.

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