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Unit 20 1st timers comp 2010 - 3rd April

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nickIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:43 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Pompy said:What's your carbohydrate of choice mine is bagel and banana. Not together lol

jam donughts, sunny delight, lucozade

not really, bread and potatoes mainly just cause their cheap
buzzIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:43 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Baldy is just nailing Dbol (vegan) for carbs, crumbles them on his cereal in the morning Happy
nico16Icon...30-03-2010 @ 21:48 
can front squat at least 10kg
Member 650, 135 posts
SQ 120, BP 80, DL 150
350.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
so is it duckwalk for 30m then buzz
martinbIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:50 
Grass fed
Member 1147, 7710 posts
SQ 220, BP 185, DL 272.5
677.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
you vegans should be on the armaranth, quinoa and millet! Or no wait, maybe a meatless pie roll!!
drewIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:50 
I thought Joplin choked on a sandwich?
Member 616, 8404 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 220
530.0 kgs @ 78.8kgs UnEq
Rhumour has it the yoke/duck medley might be back

But asi say. They may just be vickie rhumours. Just started by me just then
buzzIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:50 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
No, yoke is back in Happy Going to arrange to get the yoke there hopefully, as Houdini Ian has offered to give someone a lift so Mr Mullan can get it in the car.

Think we'll still have deadlift last though.
nickIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:52 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
buzz said:No, yoke is back in Happy Going to arrange to get the yoke there hopefully, as Houdini Ian has offered to give someone a lift so Mr Mullan can get it in the car.

Think we'll still have deadlift last though.

put axle last deadlift firstGrin
baldyIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:52 
aka The Scorer
Member 1195, 861 posts
SQ 165, BP 110, DL 232.5
507.5 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
martinb said:you vegans should be on the armaranth, quinoa and millet! Or no wait, maybe a meatless pie roll!!

WTF is armaranth do you need to inject it?
drewIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:52 
I thought Joplin choked on a sandwich?
Member 616, 8404 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 220
530.0 kgs @ 78.8kgs UnEq
martinb said:you vegans should be on the armaranth, quinoa and millet! Or no wait, maybe a meatless pie roll!!

You ever had a normal person pie bap. Think that may have to go in our next dinner date
nico16Icon...30-03-2010 @ 21:53 
can front squat at least 10kg
Member 650, 135 posts
SQ 120, BP 80, DL 150
350.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
sweet Grin
martinbIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:54 
Grass fed
Member 1147, 7710 posts
SQ 220, BP 185, DL 272.5
677.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
baldy said:
WTF is armaranth do you need to inject it?

you don't need to.....
PompyIcon...30-03-2010 @ 21:58 
My opinions have run their course
Member 694, 3112 posts
Baldy will need more than dbol cornflakes to beat me
drewIcon...30-03-2010 @ 22:02 
I thought Joplin choked on a sandwich?
Member 616, 8404 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 220
530.0 kgs @ 78.8kgs UnEq
Pompy said:Baldy will need more than dbol cornflakes to beat me

Deca milk

and that's me pretty much out of names for such substances. Test toast and that's it
nickIcon...30-03-2010 @ 22:02 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 30.03.2010 @ 22:04 PM by nick
so is the comp going:
axle head to head
hold head to head
stones one at a time
medely head to head
deadlift head to head?

playing with my grippers just now so i can pick up the farmers Grin
baldyIcon...30-03-2010 @ 22:09 
aka The Scorer
Member 1195, 861 posts
SQ 165, BP 110, DL 232.5
507.5 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
nick said:so is the comp going:

playing with my grippers just now so i can pick up the farmers Grin

If you don't have the strength already then you are not going to get it in the next 5 days.

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