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Unit 20 1st timers comp 2010 - 3rd April

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nickIcon...03-04-2010 @ 21:01 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
maca said:
haha! thanx bud. we checked the video i got 15 but two reps went missing some how
Confused we didnt check the vid till half n hour after the comp and to be honest it wouldnt have made any difference to the overall standings.
i was well impressed with you nick especially at such a young age! big things to come in the futureGrin
i fukd up the yoke medely big time!! any footage of me flying over the line head 1stGrin
ahh well 3rd place aint to shabby.
well done every body and good show baldy

ye the guy was telling me about the rules for deadlift and me being the dumb person i am got a no lift for the first one lolUnhappy got a couple disaolwd on axle aswell but its my fault for being a t**t and throwing them from 8ft in the air. your medly probly wasnt as bad as my loading lol overall was a fun dayGrin
fatter_tomorrowIcon...03-04-2010 @ 21:19 
thinner after lockdown
Member 594, 4166 posts
SQ 100, BP 80, DL 100
280.0 kgs @ 120kgs Eq
well done to nick, i seem to recall saying he would win in the past pages lol good job mate!
PompyIcon...03-04-2010 @ 21:33 
My opinions have run their course
Member 694, 3112 posts
Well done lads. Just got home after long drive starting to ache now. Have watched the videos and on reflection I am pleased with how I did today it was pretty much the best I can do. Apart from my dismal grip event. But I never even started out right on that so lesson learnt. Will write up properly tomorrow but thanks Brian and nick for organising and to all the refs and loaders. Well done young nick definitely one to watch. highlight for me was ian he excelled himself on the day. Baldy too hitting pbs.
stephenIcon...03-04-2010 @ 22:01 
knows some really strong guys
Member 323, 1436 posts
SQ 305, BP 200, DL 285
790.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Great competition and well done to everyone, some really gutsy performances! Too many to mention. Have to say well done to my two training partners Nicky and Big Nik, the youngest and the oldest competing you both done yourselves (is that a word?)proud and can hold your heads high. Cool
First time reffing for me so hope I never made too many mistakes. Roll-Eyes
nickIcon...03-04-2010 @ 22:45 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Pompy said:Well done lads. Just got home after long drive starting to ache now. Have watched the videos and on reflection I am pleased with how I did today it was pretty much the best I can do. Apart from my dismal grip event. But I never even started out right on that so lesson learnt. Will write up properly tomorrow but thanks Brian and nick for organising and to all the refs and loaders. Well done young nick definitely one to watch. highlight for me was ian he excelled himself on the day. Baldy too hitting pbs.

your loading was mega fast pompy shatterd your old pb!Grin I think I'm the only one not celebrating tonight lol quiet night in Grin I know im going to be very sore tomorow my legs are still dead Unhappy no doubt il start training again on monday lol
JohnnydybatorIcon...03-04-2010 @ 23:26 
Member 1206, 41 posts
18 th!


Hi, Nice to meet You Happy
The Scotish People is very very nice Wink

I' m very, very X (infinite Happy) Happy,

I think I can say You, the more, but i must (like train muscle) train my english.....

Once Again, Nice to meet You, all Happy
stainlessIcon...04-04-2010 @ 11:15 
Big fan of TWI
Member 761, 425 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 260
645.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
well done all the guys,lots of effort put in,and well run show by the unit crew.
baldyIcon...04-04-2010 @ 11:31 
aka The Scorer
Member 1195, 861 posts
SQ 165, BP 110, DL 232.5
507.5 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Johnnydybator said:
Once Again, Nice to meet You, all Happy

Congratulations on your 200kg deadlift pb and you pulled a double!
nitemairsIcon...04-04-2010 @ 11:41 
Member 673, 529 posts
SQ 200, BP 110, DL 230
540.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
A lot of ballsy effort put in by all & good close comp to watch. Beard of the day award must go to baldy! It was a belter & worth a new award all by its self. Well done all :-D
macaIcon...04-04-2010 @ 12:18 
Member 1224, 652 posts
feeling sore today my legs are totally fukd from my disasterous performance in the yoke/duckwalkUnhappy

back in training tonight for the scottish single lift championships 3wks today, bench and deadlift no legs involved Grin

brian left my tacky no biggie if its gone will be training big bench n deads for the nxt few weeks anywayHappy

still cant believe i lost to a 17yr oldEek well done young nick.
nickIcon...04-04-2010 @ 18:08 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Pompy did you get any footage of your axle press? is there any of me on it by any chance lol?
PompyIcon...04-04-2010 @ 19:52 
My opinions have run their course
Member 694, 3112 posts
nick said:Pompy did you get any footage of your axle press? is there any of me on it by any chance lol?

i did nick but unfortunately it is all me in it lol. i didnt want my family watching me getting hammered. besides all my videos are pretty crap anyway lol
got good video of your deadlift and i think of your yoke too will try and post them this week
nickIcon...04-04-2010 @ 20:01 
finally got a tagline
Member 1190, 2812 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 350
850.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Pompy said:
i did nick but unfortunately it is all me in it lol. i didnt want my family watching me getting hammered. besides all my videos are pretty crap anyway lol
got good video of your deadlift and i think of your yoke too will try and post them this week

cool man, i think one of my friends got a DL vid too but he said hel be a couple of days, will be good to see it from diferent angles lol :P
buzzIcon...04-04-2010 @ 21:02 
Go ! go ! team strengthshop !!!
Member 18, 5295 posts
SQ 185, BP 130, DL 230
545.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Maca - what tacky? Grin Aye, it's there. When you back at the unit? Still planning to train there a bit even though you're focussing on PL for a bit?
PompyIcon...04-04-2010 @ 21:05 
My opinions have run their course
Member 694, 3112 posts
Okay now I've finally got a minute to sit down here are my thoughts (start to end)!

Got there early at about half ten, most people turned up around 11. Quick walk through then started warming up. I managed to pull number one from the bag so was up first in the axle against young Nick (the eventual winner). I matched my PB with 7 reps, just couldn't manage to clean it again. Happy with that. Highlights on this one were Baldy (good PB with 4 or 5 I believe), and some dodgy cleans all round!

Quick note about the reffing. I think it is all too easy to criticize especially when you haven't been there, but overall it seemed very fair to me and I think that was the general consensus. They gave a little leeway since we were first timers but were also quick to clamp down on dodgy lockouts etc. Loaders were also seamless so thank you.

Second event grip, previous PB only 28 seconds which I matched. I never really had it right in my right hand so I feel disappointed because I could have done better and thus was last in this event.

Loading, I was first up again and knocked 12 seconds off my previous PB, setting a good time of 26 seconds. Fastest was in about 15 seconds from Danny, I believe. Very pleased with that one.

Quick break for everyone to clean up then into medley. Yoke 220kg 12m then duck walk 12m 160kg. I just planned on doing it without any drops which I did. Although I was up against a very good polish guy in this event who beat me by about 4-5 seconds. Again happy with this one. Best effort in this was the other Polish guy (johnnydebaytor) who soldiered through it very well.

Deadlift to finish, felt fresh still. PB was 9 and I managed 8 which I was very pleased with. Highlights was watching Nick smash 13? out maybe more, and seeing Ian pull out 8 reps which was a massive PB for him. I finished joint 12th overall but if I had not bombed the grip I'm sure I would have been in the top half.

Big thanks to Brian and the whole crew for organising on the day, and for the training and tips throughout my build up.

Lessons learned for me are not to let nerves/adrenaline get in the way of setting yourself for a lift (grip!). I really enjoyed it though and everyone seemed to have a smile on their face at the end. I think it was fitting for Nick to win as he has the most potential out of anyone (IMO, especially given his age). Bit gutted to get beaten by my mate Ian on the day but he deserved it he truly had a blinder! There was a fairly packed crowd and even people peering through the windows lol, one old bloke even gave me a wink before the grip started so maybe it was his paedo ways that put me off who knows!

Think I'll probably drop a few kg and do the u90s next year, definately got the bug though.

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