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Adam_FIcon...07-01-2013 @ 12:30 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
haha then it counts!

well squat was there or thereabouts, perhaps a tad easier would have been nice.

bench was gash - it was tougher than in my comp from Nov! I was hoping to get bench is s**te.

as for the deadlift - I was drained by that point and shouldnt have pulled to be fair, nicer tech would have been nice - and +5kg!

i always perform much, much better on the day so fingers crossed...only a couple more weeks of training to go!
Adam_FIconquick update07-01-2013 @ 21:03 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq

more detail to follow tomorrow..
Adam_FIconthe morning after the night before.08-01-2013 @ 07:44 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
So yesterday was a looooooong day - I had a governors meeting after work, which didnt finish til after any hopes of getting a decent session in were long shot.

Just got the main bits done - if I get chance, I will add the JM presses to Fridays session.

Anyway, to the actual work - I will list out everything including warm up sets:

Squats w/belt[x2 @9]:
70(x2), 100, 120 x2
*add belt*
150kg @7.5
170kg @8
180kg @8.5
185kg @9
175kg @8.5/9

Bench (touch and go) [x2 @9]:
70(x2), 90x2
110kg @7.5
125kg @8
130kg @8.5
132.5kg @9
125kg @8/8.5

And that was that, got some more important things on at the minute - mainly work for my MSc, so that needs to take priority for a couple of weeks!

Luckily I am down to a peaking phase for the 3rd Feb..only 3 sessions a week - and I will keep the GPP stuff to the basics - 1/2 per week max.
FazcIcon...08-01-2013 @ 07:50 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
Good work.

Yeah, surprised about your Bench. By all rights you should have a good Bench, you got stumpy arms and a big chest!
Adam_FIcon...08-01-2013 @ 07:55 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Fazc said:Good work.

Yeah, surprised about your Bench. By all rights you should have a good Bench, you got stumpy arms and a big chest!

Ha! I will take that as a compliment! I might take Iain's idea - and yours I think, and try the a 'loosish' belt and see if that makes any difference!

Probably give it a solid run after the comp
FazcIcon...08-01-2013 @ 07:56 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
It is a compliment!

The only thing that ever worked for me was just a hell of a lot of Benching done 3-4 or more times a week. Everything else just lead to maintenance.
Adam_FIconFinally...progress..09-01-2013 @ 19:54 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 09.01.2013 @ 19:54 PM by Adam_F
Well I was rested..and made sure I had plenty of food before training - and I think it paid off, felt pretty good in the gym and numbers reflect that. I trained with 3 others today though, so didnt get everything in!

Deadlift w/belt[x2 @9]:
220kg @8
230kg @8.5
235kg @8.5/9
220kg @8.5

Comp bench[x2 @9]:
115kg @7.5/8
125kg @8
130kg @8.5
132.5kg @9

Inc db[x7 @9]:
40kg @8
50kg @9
40kg @9

Pow! Couple of PBs! I have a sneaky feel that I could have ground out 240 for a double tonight, it would have been more than @9 so glad with my choice. My training partner also felt 135 was on the cards, but I doubt that.

Anyway its a massive confidence boost - was really doubting myself after the tough work from Friday...will add the SSBs to Friday and drop the JMs from Monday altogether.

Only minor point was the bar rolled in my hands and shredded it @ the 230, so straps on im afraid. With the bench, I decided to try the belt to see if it made a difference, seemed to help massively...
Adam_FIconTFIF Bitches11-01-2013 @ 19:17 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Another long week at work - 300+ miles drive yesterday, audit on one of my a day going through archives...needless to say I am tired!! and now onto uni work all weekend...damn I need a holiday already haha

Pin squat[x4 @9]:
140kg @7.5/8
150kg @9.5
155kg @9
145kg @8.5

1 board press[x4 @9]:
120kg @8
130kg @8.5
135kg @9/9.5
127.5kg @8.5/9

Snatch SLDL[x7 @9]:
120kg @7.5
140kg @8
160kg @9.5

Got the work in and thats that really, thing moved pretty well - happy with the bench, I was spent by the SLDL work though. Recovery work needed this weekend.

Vid just loading up.
FazcIcon...11-01-2013 @ 19:19 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
f**k 300+ miles!
OxmanIcon...11-01-2013 @ 19:19 
Likes tight rubber
Member 2981, 11067 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 192.5, DL 330
765.0 kgs @ 92.9kgs UnEq
Some quality lifting in here mate, impressive stuff!
Adam_FIcon...11-01-2013 @ 19:25 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Adam_FIcon...11-01-2013 @ 19:27 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Oxman said:Some quality lifting in here mate, impressive stuff!

Ha - some days I think I am getting there, then others I get my ass kicked! I have a comp in 3 weeks or so...the proof will be on the platform!

Fazc said:f**k 300+ miles!

Tell me about it! Trip to Leeds via Cannock - all for a s**tty business presentation. I swear I spent 90% of the day sat down haha
RicoIcon...11-01-2013 @ 19:31 
Sugdens very own David Dimbleby
Member 1403, 3716 posts
SQ 220, BP 115, DL 260
595.0 kgs @ 97kgs UnEq
Some good lifting in here mate, whats all this @ stuff about?
Adam_FIcon...11-01-2013 @ 19:34 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Thanks Rico

Here is one I prepared earlier Grin

JohnGym said:Adam, I don't understand your annotations.

What does [x4@9 mean]?

lol you aren't the only one, so dont worry

the example above is [reps / RPE scale] - in that case, 4 reps at an RPE of 9 (tough final rep, one more in the tank).

basically, that is the aim for the top set of the day - so however much it takes to get there, I then do a drop off set where I take a certain % off the top set and keep working until I hit that same RPE to try and get the volume in.

Make sense?
Adam_FIcon...11-01-2013 @ 20:26 
conventional all the way !
Member 1980, 1201 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 137.5, DL 255
610.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
jesus christ, my upper back and lats are already sore from the deadlifts tonight! Eek


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