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WiegieboardIcon...20-02-2011 @ 22:04 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
strong dumbell work today bro. I wish I could pick those things up!!
voldomonkeyIcon...22-02-2011 @ 21:38 
Member 1465, 320 posts
SQ 207.5, BP 137.5, DL 222.5
567.5 kgs @ 82.2kgs UnEq
Good session today Grin


5@160 raw, 1@175 (step) 3@187.5, 3@190, walkout and 1/4 with 210 then 227.5 - pb with the 187.5 and again with the 190 and even got the 190 on film thanks to Wiege - video to follow.



I felt strong tonight and very happy with the way things are moving along. Props to Martin and Wiege on their squats tonight - looking good guys!

This is all.
RicoIcon...22-02-2011 @ 22:00 
Sugdens very own David Dimbleby
Member 1403, 3716 posts
SQ 220, BP 115, DL 260
595.0 kgs @ 97kgs UnEq
Good sessions here!

Are you lifting in the Scottish unequipped on Saturday?
voldomonkeyIcon...22-02-2011 @ 22:13 
Member 1465, 320 posts
SQ 207.5, BP 137.5, DL 222.5
567.5 kgs @ 82.2kgs UnEq
Rico said:Good sessions here!

Are you lifting in the Scottish unequipped on Saturday?

Thanks Rico. No - I've a competition on the 19th of March, so another couple of weeks training for me yet. I'm aiming for pb doubles on squat by then as well. Are you lifting on Saturday?
likesadeadkfIcon...22-02-2011 @ 22:49 
Member 1384, 483 posts
SQ 210, BP 140, DL 275
625.0 kgs @ 97kgs UnEq
190 for a triples awesome squatting Brian. Trainings looking good going into the districts!
RicoIcon...22-02-2011 @ 23:11 
Sugdens very own David Dimbleby
Member 1403, 3716 posts
SQ 220, BP 115, DL 260
595.0 kgs @ 97kgs UnEq
voldomonkey said:
Thanks Rico. No - I've a competition on the 19th of March, so another couple of weeks training for me yet. I'm aiming for pb doubles on squat by then as well. Are you lifting on Saturday?

Oh right, is that the Scottish Powerlifting one? I was going to lift there (full power as im only deadlifting on Saturday) but its my mates 21st and I promised i would go to that.

Bit nervous!
WiegieboardIcondirty little bitch.22-02-2011 @ 23:39 
as crimson as my last victims underclothing.....
Member 899, 11368 posts
SQ 180, BP 132.5, DL 190
502.5 kgs @ 118kgs UnEq
182.5kg for 3 on 15th feb?

190kg for 3 on 22nd feb

Good training today bro. You are a winnarrr.Big PB coming up
Good banter afterwards too!
voldomonkeyIcon...23-02-2011 @ 00:36 
Member 1465, 320 posts
SQ 207.5, BP 137.5, DL 222.5
567.5 kgs @ 82.2kgs UnEq
"190 for 3 like a dirty little b**ch" LMAO! Cheers for that bro. Yeah, was a good night all round, training and after. Happy Good to sit and shoot the s**t...
Ross_HarkinsIcon...23-02-2011 @ 01:35 
Cleverer than YOU
Member 1228, 1046 posts
nice skwattin as always Brian, looking real good for a biggee come the comp!
voldomonkeyIcon...23-02-2011 @ 09:25 
Member 1465, 320 posts
SQ 207.5, BP 137.5, DL 222.5
567.5 kgs @ 82.2kgs UnEq
Ross_Harkins said:nice skwattin as always Brian, looking real good for a biggee come the comp!

Cheers bud. Why does everyone give me an I in my name?? Remember, as Awec says, it's Bryan with a Y. Wink

My legs are feeling it a bit today - part of hams and part of quads are feeling worked. Not tight or sore, just aware that they did something yesterday.
RicoIcon...27-02-2011 @ 17:21 
Sugdens very own David Dimbleby
Member 1403, 3716 posts
SQ 220, BP 115, DL 260
595.0 kgs @ 97kgs UnEq
Nice squats there bud!
voldomonkeyIcon...27-02-2011 @ 23:27 
Member 1465, 320 posts
SQ 207.5, BP 137.5, DL 222.5
567.5 kgs @ 82.2kgs UnEq
Rico said:Nice squats there bud!

Cheers. Looking forward to the comp now so I can put the weights back down a little bit again. Lol.
voldomonkeyIcon...27-02-2011 @ 23:33 
Member 1465, 320 posts
SQ 207.5, BP 137.5, DL 222.5
567.5 kgs @ 82.2kgs UnEq
Pretty much the same session today as last Sunday.


2@190 sumo + 1@200 conv


1x10@70, 1x8@80, 1x8@90, 3x8@100


10@22, 8@26, 8@30, 4@34





My head wasn't in it today so I cut things back a little bit. That and also I don't want my main training day to feel like crap on Tuesday. Lol
good4gainsIcon...28-02-2011 @ 00:43 
good with physics, not so with grammar
Member 900, 2544 posts
SQ 300, BP 220, DL 350
870.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Some top work on the vids!
voldomonkeyIcon...28-02-2011 @ 22:05 
Member 1465, 320 posts
SQ 207.5, BP 137.5, DL 222.5
567.5 kgs @ 82.2kgs UnEq
good4gains said:Some top work on the vids!

Thanks again Happy


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