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SimeonIcon...18-03-2011 @ 13:48 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 22.04.2011 @ 15:30 PM by Simeon

Box squat - 1x4x82.5, 1x4x100, 2x3x115, 6x3x122.5

Bench press - 1x6x57.5, 1x5x70, 2x4x80, 2x3x85, 2x2x92.5, 1x4x85, 1x5x80, 1x6x70, 1x7x57.5

Incline dumbbell bench - 2x10x52, 3x10x48

Dips with bands - 1x5x20, 1x5x15, 3x5xBW

Squat - 1x3x90. 1x3x107.5, 4x2x122.5

Seated GM - 5x5x50
CalisIcon...23-03-2011 @ 08:33 
Member 1911, 6 posts
Looking good so far man. How are you finding the volume? I always thought this programme didn't look that hard on paper as the weights are generally quite light, but I assume the sheer volume makes up for that.

Thinking of giving sheiko a shot myself so I'm very interested to see how you get on with this.
SimeonIcon...23-03-2011 @ 13:45 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
it's hard work, and the last sets definitely feel heavier than they are. It is manageable though
SimeonIcon...23-03-2011 @ 13:51 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

Halting deadlift - 1x4x100, 2x4x120, 2x4x140, 4x4x150

Bench press - 1x6x57.5, 1x5x70, 2x4x80, 2x3x85, 2x2x92.5, 2x3x85, 1x4x80, 1x5x75, 1x6x70, 1x7x62.5, 1x8x57.5

Lunges - 1x5x90, 4x5x60

Incline situp - 1x10x15, 2x10x10, 1x5x10

Chest machine - 5x10

First time at Pleasance, hurt my biceps somehow so I missed out 18 inchers and used a machine instead of doing flyes.
andydanjoshIcon...23-03-2011 @ 15:04 
^^ thats me that is !! ^^ (the hair is a wig)
Member 776, 8709 posts
SQ 140, BP 127.5, DL 180
447.5 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 24.03.2011 @ 18:21 PM by andydanjosh
nice looking sessions good work .

SimeonIcon...25-03-2011 @ 20:20 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Bench press - 1x5x57.5, 1x4x70, 2x3x80, 2x2x102.5, 3x2x92.5

Box squat - 1x5x82.5, 2x3x100, 2x5x115, 5x4x122.5

Bench press - 1x6x57.5, 1x6x70, 2x6x75, 1x5x75

Incline flyes - 5x10x32
Hammer curls - 5x20x16

GM - 5x5x80

Wondered why the bar speed was so slow for my final sets of bench press when I realised I had misloaded the bar to 10kg to high, ha. Brought it back down for the last 3 sets which were much faster.

Also added in supersets of hammer curls for the sake of my elbows between flyes which really seemed to work - they're not sore at all at the mo.
SimeonIcon...29-03-2011 @ 01:10 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

Box squat - 1x5x82.5, 1x4x107.5 2x3x135 3x2x140

Bench - 1x5x57.5, 1x4x70, 2x3x80, 5x3x92.5

Incline flyes - 5x10x36
Hammer curls - 5x20x16

Dips with bands, 3x10xBW

Box squat - 1x5x82.5, 1x4x100 2x3x115 4x2x132.5

Missed good mornings at the end as the gym was closing. Oh well, hate them anyway...
SimeonIcon...30-03-2011 @ 16:54 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

Benchpress - 1x5x57.5, 1x4x70, 2x3x80, 2x3x92.5, 3x2x97.5

Sumo deadlift - 1x4x100, 1x4x120, 2x3x140, 2x3x160, 3x2x170

Elbows out extensions - 5x20x28
Hammer curls - 5x20x20

lunges - 60x5x5

Missed out the second lot of benching and flyes as my left shoulder felt absolutely fooked. Upper body in general feels pretty battered - definitely gonna reducing the volume of benching next cycle, can't handle this much. Lower body seems fine though
SimeonIcon...02-04-2011 @ 19:11 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

Missed this last session due to travelling. Not to bothered as I felt like I needed a break anyway. Deloading then testing 1RMs next week.
SimeonIcon...04-04-2011 @ 12:24 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
gonna deload this week before trying out maxes on Friday. I'll then be starting a new four week cycle, using a modified version of the sheiko programme I just did. I've replaced some of the benching with pressing and added in some back work.

I've also decided to use RTS (reactive training systems by Mike Tuscherer) style fatigue stops and RPEs to regulate my volume instead of counting out sets and using percentages. Partly because it's easier than working it all out, and partly because I think it could be more effective - I've used RTS before and I liked it.

So yeah it's not really gonna be Sheiko anymore, but still based on it, this is what it'll look like:
SimeonIcon...04-04-2011 @ 12:27 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
The Program

Bench- x3 @8, 5% Fatigue
Squat- x5 @8, 5% Fatigue
Military Press- x6 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Squat Accessory- x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Lats x10 @7-8, 5 sets


Deadlift- x3 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench Assistance- x4 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (triceps) - x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Deadlift Assistance- x3 @8, 5% Fatigue
Deadlift Accessory- x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Abs- x10 @8, 5 sets

Bench- x5 @9, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Squats- x3 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (triceps) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Squat Accessory - x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Lats x10 @7-8, 5 sets


Squat- x2 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench- x2 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Bench Accessory (triceps) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Squat (Assistance?) - x3 @8, 5% Fatigue
Squat Accessory- x5 @7-8, 5 sets

Deadlift Assistance- x4 @8, 5% Fatigue
Military Press- x4 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Deadlift- x3 @8, 5% Fatigue
Deadlift Accessory - x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Lats x10 @7-8, 5 sets

Squat- x3 @8, 7% Fatigue
Bench- x4 @8, 7% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Bench Accessory (triceps) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Squat (Assistance) - x2 @7, 3% Fatigue
Squat Accessory - x6 @7-8, 5 sets


Squat- x3 @9, 7% Fatigue
Bench- x3 @9, 7% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Bench Accessory (Triceps) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Squat (Accessory) - x5 @8, 5%
Squat Assistance- x5 @7-8, 5 sets

Deadlift Assistance - x4 @9, 5% Fatigue
Military Press - x4 @9, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest)- x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Deadlift Assistance - x4 @9, 5% Fatigue
Deadlift Accessory- x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Lats x10 @7-8, 5 sets

Bench- x2 @8, 5% Fatigue
Squat- x4 @9, 7% Fatigue
Bench Assistance - x6 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest)- x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Squat Accessory - x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Abs x10 @7-8, 5 sets


Squat- x2 @9, 5% Fatigue
Bench- x3 @9, 7% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest)- x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Bench Accessory (Triceps) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets - x8 @7-8, 5 sets
Squat- x2 @8, 3% Fatigue
Squat Accessory- x5 @7-8, 5 sets

Bench- x2 @9, 5% Fatigue
Deadlift- x2 @9, 5% Fatigue
Bench Assistance- x4 @8, 5% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest)- x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Deadlift Accessory- x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Lats x10 @7-8, 5 sets

Squat- x3 @9, 7% Fatigue
Military Press- x5 @8, 7% Fatigue
Bench Accessory (chest)- x10 @7-8, 5 sets
Bench Accessory (Triceps) - x10 @7-8, 5 sets - x7 @7-8, 5 sets
Squat Assistance- x5 @7-8, 5 sets
Abs- x10 @7-8, 3 sets
MrSmallIcon...04-04-2011 @ 12:30 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
What is this 5% fatigue s**t?
SimeonIcon...04-04-2011 @ 12:33 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

sounds really complicated at first, but when you get used to using these techniques it really takes a lot of guess work out of training. Not for everyone though
SimeonIcon...06-04-2011 @ 15:08 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq

Squat - 20x5x3, 40x5x1, 60x5x1, 80x5x1, 100x2x5

Bench - 20x6x1, 40x6x1, 60x5x1, 70x5x1, 70x2x5

Elbows out extensions - 36x15x5
Hammer curls - 24x15x5

Deadlift - 60x3x1, 100x3x1, 130x3x2

Gonna test my maxes on Friday before starting a new cycle, shooting for 185/120/210
SimeonIcon...08-04-2011 @ 13:52 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Strained my back so no test day for me. f**k.

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