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JNTIcon...10-04-2014 @ 10:13 
Member 4773, 192 posts
SQ 160, BP 116, DL 215
491.0 kgs @ 76kgs UnEq
94 is Friday, 105 and SHW Saturday.
SimeonIcon...12-04-2014 @ 18:56 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
pause squats beltless - 140x5

Bench - 110x4gash bench to neck 60x12,12,10
neutral pullups - 2x10, pulldowns

cable flyes
rear delts

SimeonIcon...14-04-2014 @ 21:21 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Squats belted - 185x4

TNG SLDL beltless 220x3 All I'm capable of by the looks of things. Time to move on...

bench - 105x6 to neck 65x14
cable rows - 8,8,8

BTN press - 40x10,10
Rear delt flyes


SimeonIcon...15-04-2014 @ 20:48 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Front squat beltless 140x2
Neutral Pullups - 5,5,5

Pause bench - 105x4
Dbell lunges - 12s x 2 lengths

Incline Dumbbell - 36s? x8,10 30s x20
Pendlay row - 80x10,10
Shrug - 80x10,10
SimeonIcon...28-04-2014 @ 20:18 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Paid 10 euros for the honour of trying out my uni gym. What a thoroughly unpleasant experience! Gym was PACKED full off bros, collars didn't even fit on bars so weights were sliding around, wasn't room to complete a set without fear of someone walking into your barbell, came back to find someone had chucked my gym bag on to the soaking wet, muddy changing room floor. Was just a crowded cesspit all round.

Think I had gotten complacent with how good the past few gyms I have trained at (including my current one) have been! Will stay where I am.
SimeonIcon...01-05-2014 @ 17:41 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
squat belted - 160x5

bench - 120x1F2 lololol :/

SLDL belted - 210x3


cable flyes
SimeonIcon...01-05-2014 @ 21:34 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Squat belted 170x1

Bench - 115x3

Cable rows

Dumbbell incline - 30sx10,17,10

rear delts

SimeonIcon...05-05-2014 @ 20:08 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Squat belted - 162.5x7 ~201

Belted sldl - 220x2F3 (just) ~230

Bench - 110x5 ~128

bench to neck




JNTIcon...07-05-2014 @ 13:01 
Member 4773, 192 posts
SQ 160, BP 116, DL 215
491.0 kgs @ 76kgs UnEq
Y u no snapchat?
SimeonIcon...09-05-2014 @ 09:58 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
squat - 175x3

bench - 117.5x3

other s**t
SimeonIcon...12-05-2014 @ 20:08 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
squat belted - 150x5x5

deadlift belted - 207.5x5x3

push press - 80x5x5

BTN split jerk - 90x3x3

pullups - 3x10

Incline flyes - 25s x3x10

SimeonIcon...15-05-2014 @ 01:17 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Muscle snatch 60x3x2

p clean/clean/p jerk/jerk - 90x3x1

bench 110x3

SimeonIcon...15-05-2014 @ 20:35 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Front Squats - 100x3x5

Snatch pulls - 70x4x5

BTN jerk - 80x3x2, 90x2x2, 100x2x2

Barbell row - 110x4x5
Shrugs - 110x4x10

Pause bench - 100x4x2

Neutral pullup 3x6
Incline dumbbell - 30s x12,12,11
SimeonIcon...19-05-2014 @ 19:47 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Squat belted - 160x5x3

Belt's getting a little loose..

Dead belted - 220x3x2

Push press - 90x5x3

bench to neck

Pullups 12,12,8 pulldowns

rear delts

SimeonIcon...23-05-2014 @ 13:58 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Paused frontie - 105x3x5

Jerk - 105x2F3
Lost balance on the third jerk. Would have carried on to do 3x3 but gym owner has a hissy fit whenever the weights are dropped Unhappy

snatch pull - 80x3x2

bench - 105x4x3
pullups - 4x10

bench to neck

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