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SimeonIcon...15-01-2014 @ 14:09 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Motorbiker said:
Still a PB though. Congrats.
Did you grab a video?


Couldn't be arsed, didn't think a 2.5kg pb was worth it Grin
SimeonIcon...16-01-2014 @ 09:41 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Pause bench - all kinds of singles and double with 110 and 120
Bench is f**king stupid. Can't wait to start weightlifting.

Calf machine viking press (strict) - 8,8,8,7
Saw this in Hixxy's log so thought i'd try it for fun, what an awesome idea!


AndyCoupeIcon...16-01-2014 @ 09:47 
His levers get the bar up.
Member 2919, 8635 posts
SQ 195, BP 127.5, DL 225
547.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Nice benching and well done in the powerlifting comp.

Are you starting with the olympic lifting?
SimeonIcon...16-01-2014 @ 10:17 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
AndyCoupe said:Nice benching and well done in the powerlifting comp.

Are you starting with the olympic lifting?

Cheers mate.

Yup, I'm moving to holland in three weeks to do a masters and as soon as I've found a place where I can do WL I'm gonna have a crack at it. There appears to be a crossfit gym on my uni campus so that might be a good place to start!
AndyCoupeIcon...16-01-2014 @ 10:19 
His levers get the bar up.
Member 2919, 8635 posts
SQ 195, BP 127.5, DL 225
547.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Great stuff!
JNTIcon...16-01-2014 @ 10:31 
Member 4773, 192 posts
SQ 160, BP 116, DL 215
491.0 kgs @ 76kgs UnEq
Congrats on the PB, must've misheard Martin!
SimeonIcon...16-01-2014 @ 10:44 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
JNT said:Congrats on the PB, must've misheard Martin!

lol yea... 222, that'll be the day!
SimeonIcon...20-01-2014 @ 09:57 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Something a bit different today...

Dumbbell incline 30s x8x8
30-60s rest each set

BTN strict press - 30(lol) x8x8
Face pulls - 12x6
Had to stay very light and superset in facepulls to prevent my shoulders from falling off. Lets call this prehab.

Bench dips - BW x8x8
far too easy but i couldn't be arsed doing anything about it today. Will add weight and to and improve mobility with this going forward.
SimeonIcon...21-01-2014 @ 09:15 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Squat 180x1, 190x1, 205x1 PB
Pretty meh

Deadlift - 220x1,1
f**k it cba anymore. Gonna train bodybuilding for a while
MotorbikerIcon...21-01-2014 @ 10:18 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
Bodybiuilding? What is life?

Next you'll get be cutting down to 80kg and getting stage ready...
SimeonIcon...21-01-2014 @ 10:53 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Motorbiker said:Bodybiuilding? What is life?

Next you'll get be cutting down to 80kg and getting stage ready...

by bodybuilding I just mean training in that style - high reps lighter weight etc.
I'm not gonna start posing and s**t! Roll-Eyes
SimeonIcon...22-01-2014 @ 10:05 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Pullups - BWx3x8 Pulldowns - 5x8

Low pulley rows - 8x8

Biceps - 8x8

Abs - 6x8
SimeonIcon...23-01-2014 @ 14:21 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Biceps DOMS today. First time in about 3 years I reckon Grin
SimeonIcon...24-01-2014 @ 09:15 
tight in the hole
Member 2057, 3121 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
Front squat practice up to 100 or so

Hack squat - 7x8

Not sure how I managed to get so little done..
MotorbikerIcon...24-01-2014 @ 11:51 
Member 4115, 1247 posts
SQ 195, BP 140, DL 220
555.0 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
Simeon said:Front squat practice up to 100 or so

Hack squat - 7x8

Not sure how I managed to get so little done..

Guessing the 7 sets of hack squats took a long time.

And getting back into front squats can be technical and time consuming?

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