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jamieaIcon...28-08-2015 @ 21:06 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq

squats 60x8, 100x5 155x5 172x1 175x1 130x20
log 45x6 80x5 85x1 87x1 55x20

20 rep squats were the easiest of the week kind of zoned out at 12 then before I realised were at 19.

Haven't trained today as I`ve had to dad taxi my daughter all over plan for tomorrows.

bench, rows,chins, 1 hr insanity then the yorkshires events in the afternoon.
jamieaIcon...29-08-2015 @ 08:23 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Early morning session, up at 5:30 so got my weights session in

bench 60x8 60x6 95x5 105x1 110x1 75x20
rows 60x6 77x5 87x1 90x1 67x20
chins 10

really easy usually crap at morning sessions, love muscle memory tempted to adjust my maxes and recalculate as it was so easy, cup of coffee then off for a hours insanity now.
jamieaIcon...29-08-2015 @ 17:11 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
insanity wasnt as bad as expectd was something called a max out session which seemed to mean 10 minutes longer, less rest and timing when you had maxed out my time was fudged as i have no corodination so only worked half as hard as every one else.

did some events
trap bar deads to simulate car deadlift, worked upto bar + 190 for a handful of triples, stopped when my back felt a bit ropey, my bars not very big so cant fit anymore on but will go for 5`s with this weight next week then the comp the week after.

yoke a handful of 20m runs with 205kg, could feel pickup in my back but once it was up could run all day with with, probably faster than I can run without.

would have liked to do some sandbag and stones but felt a bit tender will do those tomorrow, would have liked to be a bit stronger but still have 2 weeks to recover.
jamieaIcon...04-09-2015 @ 20:55 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
not updated this week as I`m back at work but think ive trained everyday. in breif up until today nothing amazing think monday was 140x15 squats weds 140x20 log was a bit s**te.

jamieaIcon...04-09-2015 @ 20:55 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 04.09.2015 @ 20:59 PM by jamiea
not updated this week as I`m back at work but think ive trained everyday. in breif up until today nothing amazing think monday was 140x15 squats weds 140x20 log was a bit s**te.


squats 60x8, 100x5 165x5 182x1 185x1 150x17
log 45x6 85x4 90x1 92x1 60x16

maybe could have hit the 20 on squats but got next weekends comp in the back of my mind, hadn't thought log had progressed much but added about 5kg on all sets since last time I logged when copy and pasting. Theres a slim to nil chance of hitting the log next weekend. was tempted to follow tonights weights with events for a rest day but vomited clearing up dog s**t from the grass after squats so decided against it. nailing chocolate milk and snickers through the next week as weights dropped a kg even though I`ve been eating more.
jamieaIcon...16-12-2015 @ 18:35 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Going to try and keep this updated again ,training's been going on but rather un spectacular seem to spend too much time dad taxing the kids to their clubs that i dont have time to train. Started doing the texas method but tweaked it slightly as it fits in with 2 relatively short sessions in the week and a longer one at weekends but the last couple of weekends I`ve developed a social life so been slightly hung over

squats 155x3x3
strict press off pins 65x4x5 65x10 cos it was easy
wide grip chins 11 then 9
close grip chins 10
savage inspired fat gripz curls 40x2x8

only just moved to the presses off pins as I like them more than normal presses. have a few targets for xmas and more in my head for the end of march, which should set me up for some decent competitions if I find any next year.
jamieaIcon...16-12-2015 @ 18:35 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Going to try and keep this updated again ,training's been going on but rather un spectacular seem to spend too much time dad taxing the kids to their clubs that i dont have time to train. Started doing the texas method but tweaked it slightly as it fits in with 2 relatively short sessions in the week and a longer one at weekends but the last couple of weekends I`ve developed a social life so been slightly hung over

squats 155x3x3
strict press off pins 65x4x5 65x10 cos it was easy
wide grip chins 11 then 9
close grip chins 10
savage inspired fat gripz curls 40x2x8

only just moved to the presses off pins as I like them more than normal presses. have a few targets for xmas and more in my head for the end of march, which should set me up for some decent competitions if I find any next year.
jamieaIcon...19-12-2015 @ 07:36 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Intensity day
Squats 197x3 wanted 200 by Xmas but will be happy if I hit 197x5 for Xmas day head wasn't up for these today
Bench 123x5 pleased with way pressings going have cut back on the insanity classes which ate tricep heavy which is working
Power cleans 87x5x2 this weights fine but soon as I go to 90 I have problems
jamieaIcon...22-12-2015 @ 07:27 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Yesterday volume day although looking back theres f**k all

squats 182x3x5
press off pins 70x4x5 70x8
deadlifts worked upto 232 x 3 then back down again

hopefully hit recovery day today, then intensity day christmas eve jobs a good un
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...22-12-2015 @ 07:38 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22366 posts
jamiea said:
press off pins

Inspired by me? Wink

Great exercise.
jamieaIcon...22-12-2015 @ 07:51 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
No mate ian ducketts true grit body building book I bought at the only body building competition I ever won in 98
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...22-12-2015 @ 09:18 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
Is Ian Duckett still knocking about? That's a name I haven't heard for a long time. If I recall correctly he used to train with a Heavy Duty-variant.
jamieaIcon...22-12-2015 @ 10:51 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
From his Facebook seems to be writing a book and bouncing back and forth between getting in shape for photo shoots and powerlifting
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...22-12-2015 @ 12:26 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts

I often forget about the Facebooks...
jamieaIcon...22-12-2015 @ 16:12 
has perfected the anvil roll
Member 353, 3292 posts
SQ 230, BP 160, DL 275
665.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Recovery session

Front squats just Cos I never do them 100x3x4
Bench 215x4x5 215x4
Wide grip chins bw 11 8
Close grip chins 9 did these facing the other way in the rack forgot there was a huge effing beam that side and slammed my head into it, swooped sides and started again.

Insanity tonight supposed to be cutting back on the conditioning to get my weights back up but my eight year old loves it and owns everyone so going.

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