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adillon10Icon...10-03-2016 @ 18:52 
Member 3863, 1275 posts
SQ 155, BP 110, DL 182
447.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
Cool Cool
GingyIcon...14-03-2016 @ 12:22 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq

Had a go at 16.3

10 snatches @ 34kg
3 Bar Muscle Ups

Did 6 full rounds and 10 snatches: 88 reps.

Not bad but another one that's not a strength!! This gets rid of my 3 main weaknesses though: CTB, TTB and muscle ups.

Next two weeks should be better...

then did front squat paused + normal
up to 120 1+1
130 1+1

GingyIcon...14-03-2016 @ 12:25 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Sunday morning

started another go at 16.3 but everything was still broken so called it quits after 3 rounds.

Did 14.3 instead
10 DL @ 60, 15 box jumps (24")
15 DL @ 80, 15 box jumps
20 DL @100, 15 box jumps
25 DL @120, 15 box jumps
30 DL @140, 15 box jumps etc.

Got to 12 DL at 140. Decent. Would have had me 327 in Europe 2 years ago, shame things have moved on a lot since then!!

Then did

Strict pull ups
2+10 kg
1+40kg failed second
15 at BW

Some other Body building stuff.
GingyIcon...14-03-2016 @ 12:25 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning:

5 rounds every 2:30:

250m row (sub 1:44 pace), 10 thrusters at 42.5

Surprisingly tough!!
GingyIcon...16-03-2016 @ 07:52 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Yesterday morning:

4 rounds of
1) 45 seconds ME box jumps 24"
rest 15s
2) 45 seconds ME HSPU
rest 15s

did 20,21,22,22 on the BJ
15,13,12,12 on the HSPU

Last night
Chest to bar pull ups
10,10,10 just getting back into these

Muscle up practice on the bar
some singles and doubles
much improved with no chicken wings!

Snatch, every 90s for 7 rounds, paused double (3s at the bottom and top)
60 2
70 2
75 2
80 2
85 2
90 2
95 1f2
100 f (caught this fine but couldn't sit and wait with it. Will improve!)

Back Squat
up to 120 2
152.5 5,5 good.

Some Aleknas and shoulder health stuff
GingyIcon...18-03-2016 @ 12:56 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 18.03.2016 @ 12:57 PM by Gingy
Wednesday Morning

Had a crack at Karen, got the pacing wrong and did just over 6 mins.

Was gunning for 5 but it became apparent that that is really very fast!

Had Thursday off

This morning:

6km row
started @ 1:59 pace
took 1s off the split every 500
Finished with average of 1:53.9 r18
got tough in the second half!

The next open wod is:

55 Deadlifts @ 102
55 Wall balls
55 Calorie Row

I have no excuse for not doing well in this one!!
GingyIcon...25-03-2016 @ 07:54 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
So, did 208 reps on 16.4 and came 202nd in UK. By far my best placing.

Puts me 393rd overall going into 16.5 which is:

21 thrusters (43kg)
21 bar facing burpees
18 thrusters
18 bfb

For time.

I've done this workout several times with a best score of 12:38 but only ever before 7AM by myself.

Hoping to push for sub 11:30 with a decent day and some support!

Last week's training has been ok.

Hit a nice 3 second paused 100kg snatch and a 91kg double

Back Squat 157.5kg x 5 which is as much as I've done in forever

Front squat 150 x 1 same.

Going to have a go at this one tomorrow and Monday by the looks of it with some heavy lifting on Sunday morning.

Then off to Amsterdam with the GF for a bit of R&R
GingyIcon...10-04-2016 @ 18:55 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Never really finished my write up of the open. Finished 350th in the UK! Standard is immense but still I need to improve a lot.

Took a week off afterwards and have trained this last week (except for randomly getting ill for two days).

This included:
a quick run
some barbell complexes
some bar muscle ups
Back squat 140 5x5
Some rowing and gymnasics yesterday

Then today did.

Muscle ups (ring) EMOM: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3 ish. Not the best but first time I've done these in a while. Aim for the end of the cycle is 8 unbroken.

Snatch (in less than 15 mins)
up to 94kg lovely
100 F
100 Decent
104 F something to build on.

up to 110
121 decent
130 Failed jerk, strong clean

+15kg 5,5,5,5,5

Pull Ups
+15kg 5,5,5,5,5

Alt EMOM 18 Double unders and toes to bar
Dubs went 30,30,30,40,40,40,50,50,50
T2B went 10,10,10,11,11,11,12,12,12

Good hard work this session was.

Intention is to put a chunk of work into my longer fitness and to be able to run without it snapping me up!

Major Gymnastics weaknesses include:
Muscle ups (of all types)
Chest to bar
Toes to bar
Strict HSPU

Main 3 things to push are:
Gymnastics: Improve efficiency on all the above
Cardio stuff: Ability to maintain pace over longer pieces, supplement with extra running.
WL: Build my back squat up to PB territory
GingyIcon...11-04-2016 @ 07:30 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning, still full of the illz so took it easy breathing wise...

Strict HSPU

Lots of pistol practice. These suck. Ended in 3x5 with 10kg plate single leg squat off a 20" box. Particularly tough first thing in the morning I think.

Then 3x45" on 45" off weighted plank (press up position) + 10kg
GingyIcon...12-04-2016 @ 07:35 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Last night after school:

EMOM 8 Complex of PC + PC + PP + PJ (touch and go on all reps)
100 decent lifting for me this is!

Home, nice to have enough weight in school nowadays!

This morning:
10 Press ups
200m run
10 KB swings 24kg
200m run
12 press ups
200m run
12 KB swings 24kg

Got the sets of 20 done and 13 extra press ups.

103 press up
90 kb swings at 24kg
over 1.5 miles of running
Not a bad lot of work for 18 minutes.
GingyIcon...13-04-2016 @ 07:48 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Last night:

Was meant to be at the gym but meetings ran late.
Headed into the school sports hall and did my snatch work there!
Snatch + Hang Snatch EMOM
70 1+1
80 1+1
90 1+1
95 1+1 PB missed this a couple of times last week
100 1 + F hang snatch
80 1+1
85 1+1
90 1 + F hang snatch
90 1+1

Then headed home and went for a chilled out run with the GF. We have a route and it took 13 minutes ish.

This morning:
Alternating EMOM 16
First 8 minutes were 4 rounds of
15 wall balls
5 PC @60
Second 8 minutes were 4 rounds of
20 wall balls
7 PC @60

macrothIcon...13-04-2016 @ 08:48 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Well done on the Open. The standard is high, and getting higher.

What do you feel is holding you back on the pistols? As a decent weightlifter I would have thought you had all the leg strength and flexibility needed.
GingyIcon...13-04-2016 @ 13:03 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
macroth said:Well done on the Open. The standard is high, and getting higher.

What do you feel is holding you back on the pistols? As a decent weightlifter I would have thought you had all the leg strength and flexibility needed.

Cheers mate, hopefully I can improve faster than the pace does but only time will tell!

I have a flat foot and, as a result, a very dysfunctional right hip. I really struggle to balance on that foot alone and it just takes a lot of concentration at the moment!

I'll do something every week it will improve! Or I'll avoid it forever and always have the same problem....
macrothIcon...13-04-2016 @ 13:16 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Gingy said:
I'll do something every week it will improve! Or I'll avoid it forever and always have the same problem....

Lol, that hits a bit close to home. Grin
GingyIcon...14-04-2016 @ 09:50 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Last night:

Bar muscle ups:
couple of warm ups then:
2 every minute

When I'm fresh these pop really high now and I barely need to bend my arms. When I'm tired, however, I chicken wing the hell out of it!
In part, I think this is because I have a very wide grip meaning that I can still get over by chicken winging even when I don't pull very high.
Going to give a closer grip a shot so that I have to kip high to make sure I finish them.

Back Squat
up to 125 3
145 5,5,5,5 decent, legs were tired from morning wall balls.

Plank on rings
45 on, 45 off
45 on, 45 off
30 on, 30 off
30 on

found these very hard, something to work on!

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