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GingyIcon...12-01-2016 @ 20:52 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq

Bit of a mare this evening.

Snatches- Crap

Clusters - Crap

Decided against squats, knew it'd be a disaster.

Chest to bar pull ups - crap

Ring muscle ups - 6 with no warm up... PB. These feel easier after all the core/pull up work I've been doing. Only saving grace of the session!


Bit more rest required.
GingyIcon...13-01-2016 @ 21:13 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Morning off..


9 dead
6 power clean
3 shoulder to overhead
20 soluble unders
Start at 40 and add 10 each round.

Got through 90kg and 9 deads into 100kg

Total 237 reps.

Decent, not world beating but solid
GingyIcon...18-01-2016 @ 13:02 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning

3x1000m 3 min rest


kept the whole thing just under 1:40 pace. Had to sprint at the end of the third.

Seriously horrible session. Leg pump for days and I'm still swimming in lactic!
SparrowIcon...18-01-2016 @ 18:37 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Looks GRIM!

I you had to pick your 'favourite' 3-4 rowing sessions, what would they be - for improving 2k and 500m times. I sort of want to start again but want to make sure I'm on the right track...

GingyIcon...19-01-2016 @ 07:42 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Hello mate.

First and foremost, getting efficient on the rower is priority number 1 so I really like 30 minutes at rate 20. The low rate makes you have to pull properly to get any sort of good split.

Along side that, specifically for sharpening up your 2k:

4x500m with 1min rest. Total time should be approx. 10 seconds under 2k time.

2x1000m with 3 min rest. Total time should be approx. 5 seconds under 2k time

I've never really done much specific 500m training but something like:

6x30s on 30s off. Go flat out on all 6, don't try to pace it. WARNING, this is not for the faint hearted.

10 x 1min on 1 min off. Set an average pace and try to beat it next time you try the session.

This morning!


7 thruster 42.5kg
7 bar facing burpees

Exactly 10 rounds. Not bad, it's a start!
SparrowIcon...19-01-2016 @ 22:45 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
Cheers for your input, Gingy!

Some of those sessions look horrid - but I do like the idea of 'short and sweet' so will give them a go.

Just to clarify - when you say '2k time', does that mean best ever 2k time, current 2k time, or my goal 2k time, just so I know what to aim for.

Thanks again.
GingyIcon...21-01-2016 @ 11:17 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
It'll be +5 or +10 of whatever you're capable of on that day.

e.g. if you do 4x500m with 1min rest and total 6:40, you would have been good for a 6:50 that day for 2km.

Obvs. just a rule of thumb Happy
SparrowIcon...21-01-2016 @ 23:15 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq

Thanks for your help mate.

Almost looking forward to starting now!
GingyIcon...25-01-2016 @ 07:47 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
I'm not being very good at recording training at the moment!

Was ill for the most part of last week so everything has been a bit disjointed.

Lifting wise:
snatch 3x2 @ 87 (tng)
cluster 3x2 @87
Back squat 4x10 @120

Hang Snatch 3x2 @85
PCPJ 3x2 @100
Front squat 6x2 @125

Did a wod Thursday night which made me realise how crap I am at toes to bar...

Rowed in a race (Quintin head) on Saturday. Great fun!

Chilled yesterday.

This morning, cold almost totally gone:
Thrusters 42.5
Bar facing burpees
5 min rest
Thrusters 42.5
Bar facing burpees

GingyIcon...25-01-2016 @ 19:53 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq

For time
10 thrusters 50kg
20 cal row
30 double unders
40 power snatch at 42.5
30 double unders
20 cal row
10 thrusters

Had no chalk so grip was going and had to change the weight after thrusters and snatches.
Time was 7:57 but I know I could go a minute faster with chalk and no weight change faff!

Did everything unbroken but the snatches as 4x10
GingyIcon...26-01-2016 @ 07:34 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning

3 30" Box jumps

12 rounds and 7 HSPU
127 reps including 91 HSPU in 10 mins.

I'm getting better at these now!
GingyIcon...27-01-2016 @ 07:39 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Last night:

CTB pull ups
7,7,7,7,7 EMOM. bit poo tbh... 2 forward, 1 back and all that

Snatch (all tng)
70 2
80 2
90 2,2
90 3 decent. Break my left arm and stay back...

Cluster (all tng)
70 2
80 2
90 2,2
90 3 default triple PB I'm sure

Back Squat
120 2
140 6,6,6,6 tough today but got them done.

5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 Practicing keeping straighter legs.

This morning:
50 wall balls
100 double unders

3 rounds and 1 wall ball:
451 reps.

GingyIcon...29-01-2016 @ 09:07 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Last night, had very little time

Chest to bar
accumulated about 60 reps in 10 mins. Finished on a decent set of 10.

High hang snatch
up to 80 2
88 3 Default PB

PCPJ (no pause between the PC and PJ)
up to 100
104 3 Default PB

Toes to bar + ring muscle up
3 + 1
3 + 1
3 + 1
3 + 1
3 + 1
6 + 2
6 + 2
6 + 2
6 + 2
in about 10 mins

Home, I'll front squat Sunday

This morning:
6k r18
Nothing too taxing, just a solid row.
slimsimIcon...29-01-2016 @ 10:18 
My asshole is not watertight.
Member 2926, 6051 posts
SQ 217.5, BP 107.5, DL 225
550.0 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
Amongst all this Crossfit schizzle there's still some very nice weightlifing numbers being thrown around 98x2 snatch and 132 c&j in very nice!
GingyIcon...01-02-2016 @ 18:30 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Cheers Si!

Was just a comp at the weekend in London and 30 people all cleaned 140 at least so bei strong is a requirement!

Had Saturday off


Chest to bar pull-ups,5.5,5,5,5,10,5

Power snatch tng
80 2
82.5 2,3

up to 100
110 2
115 3 PB

Up to 175 2
180 2 easy enough

Little wod
30 double unders
8 toes to bar
2 muscle ups
Barely made 5 rounds, can't do MU when I'm pooped....


6x500m avg 1:38.1 pace, did the last in 1:35.2 pace.

Next time I do these I'm going for sub 1:37.

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