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GingyIcon...15-11-2015 @ 16:50 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq

up to 100
125 2 decent
112.5 2,2,2
100 3,3,3

Up to 100
122.5 1F2 something wrong with my shoulder stability
110 1F2, 2 Called it quits here.
Don't quite know what to do about these yet...

135 10,10,10 alternating grips. Easy squeezy

Butterfly pull ups
9,11,22 actually going fast with these today.
3 Chest to bar together, progress actually!

10 burpees
10 20" box jump step downs
206 reps. Could/Should have gone faster but was chasing some other scores and paced it. I do too much pacing. Need to just go for it a bit!
GingyIcon...16-11-2015 @ 07:35 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning:

Woke up very sore from the 106 burpees yesterday and lacking any motivation.

Convinced myself to bang out 6k @ 1:55.7 pace rate 18.

Decent bit of UT2? I guess.
WiganIcon...16-11-2015 @ 08:17 
a cynical old scrote
Member 68, 6911 posts
SQ 255, BP 132.5, DL 250
637.5 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Loads and loads of graft going on. You're still managing decent poundages on the WL stuff as well, pretty impressive.

Has putting all the crossfit stuff in altered your body weight/physique much? Have you had to change your diet or supplements to cater for the different focus?
GingyIcon...16-11-2015 @ 12:09 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Thanks Wigan. I seem to be creeping them up again so can't complain Happy I can even see a time when I actually hit PBs coming soon enough!

Not much has changed in truth. The only difference is I have to eat a lot more. In particular carb stuff which I'd all but removed from my diet. I've stayed about 85kg but must have doubled my calories since starting to do something every day.
GingyIcon...16-11-2015 @ 17:58 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Quick erg again tonight, wanted to do something tough.

1km time trial
3:06.8 r30? I think the rates right

Only aimed for sub 3:10 and just felt decent so went for it a bit. Couple of seconds away from an all time PB, awesome.
GingyIcon...17-11-2015 @ 07:12 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning.

Forgot to bring a timer so only had the analogue clock to go off.

24 wall balls
approx 10-11 mins
All unbroken but with enough rest (10s?) to let the shoulders recover between each.
GingyIcon...17-11-2015 @ 21:37 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This eve

Power clean + split jerk bith touch and go
Up to 80 2+2
100 3+3
105 3+3 tough
112.5 3 just tng power cleans.
30 single power clean split jerks at 72.5: 3:54 ow, split jerks like this suck. Just kept a steady pace

Front squat
Up to 100
135 3, wanted 4 but was a bit blown
130 2

Rings dips 10,10,10

Toes to bar 10,10,10
GingyIcon...18-11-2015 @ 07:29 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning:

100 Double unders
40 kb swings (24kg american style
5 wall walks
40 kb swings
100 Double unders

Done in around 10:30 but could go a lot faster. Did 65 unbroken double unders in the first set for a new PB but made a big mess of the second set.

The shoulder pump from KB swings is mental.
GingyIcon...19-11-2015 @ 07:52 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning:

Repeat of the WOD from Sunday
10 min AMRAP
10 burpees
10 20" box jump step downs

10 rounds + 16 reps.

Really wanted 11 rounds but couldn't quite muster it.
216 reps.

Improvement of 10 from Sunday and a lot better, particularly considering I was by myself and had been fast asleep an hour before hand!
GingyIcon...20-11-2015 @ 07:46 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning:

Had a crack at open wod 15.5
I've been avoiding this because it would give me quite an honest view of where I'm up to!

For time
27 cal row
27 thrusters (42.5)
21 cal row
21 thrusters
15 cal row
15 thrusters
9 cal row
9 thrusters

the round of 21 sucked but stayed unbroken. Other than that not terrible.

Time: 7:48

First thing in the morning, bent bar that doesn't spin, metal plates so I couldn't drop them, no one else in the gym, full week of training etc.

Still! This puts me ~100th in the country for this wod from this year. About 400th in Europe.

To get top 50 overall I need about 100th in every wod I think. This one plays into my strengths a fair old bit but still a step in the right direction!
macrothIcon...20-11-2015 @ 09:28 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Nice! There's a deep field in CrossFit now, and a top 100 score is a good step towards Regionals (you basically need to average top 120 over the 5 workouts).
GingyIcon...20-11-2015 @ 09:40 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Cheers Macroth,

It was only approx top 100 in UK. I'd need top 120 in Europe to get to regionals, like you say.

2016: no chance of that
2017: One can dream...
macrothIcon...20-11-2015 @ 09:51 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Ah, missed that. Roll-Eyes

In that case 2016 can be the year you qualify for "throwndowns" in the UK and Europe. Happy
GingyIcon...20-11-2015 @ 11:30 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
macroth said:
In that case 2016 can be the year you qualify for "throwndowns" in the UK and Europe. Happy

This is the plan! Got my name down for a few qualifiers already....
GingyIcon...20-11-2015 @ 20:27 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq

Touch and go snatch
Up to 70
90 2
95 2
100 2 sweet
90 2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1 EMOM

Back squat
Up to 140
152.5 3
152.5 1,1,1

Legs trashed from this morning!

Muscle ups

Toes to bar

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