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GingyIcon...02-02-2016 @ 07:46 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning. Sometimes it's a bit grim training by yourself before 7am with no music (speaker broke).

15 Thrusters (42.5)
15 Bar facing burpees

9:07, super slow. Felt awful
GingyIcon...03-02-2016 @ 07:41 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Last night

Chest to Bar
7 reps each time
All felt much improved. Big use of the hips every rep.

Snatch TNG
up to 87 1F2
93 F,F
93 3 PB frustrating at first but this was a good set.

up to 87 2
93 3 PB

Back Squat
up to 120 2
132.5 8,8,8


This morning

Alt EMOM 20
20 24" box jumps

good graft. Did 15 HSPU in the last set which is a PB, feel I could do 25-30 fresh nowadays!
GingyIcon...04-02-2016 @ 09:29 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning, short session, didn't have much time

Wall balls + Double unders
10 WB
20 DU
20 WB
40 DU
30 WB
60 DU
20 WB
40 DU
10 WB
20 DU

time 6:43

Not too hard, good active recovery more than anything.
macrothIcon...04-02-2016 @ 15:32 
no longer the Swiss Deadlift record holder
Member 3517, 3368 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 122.5, DL 255
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
We should start a "2016 Open" thread at some point. But only if there are at least a few other Sudgeners to fill the huge gap between you and I!
GingyIcon...05-02-2016 @ 08:35 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
I get the impression it's just going to be the two of us!

This morning

Alternating EMOM 10
12 power snatch 42.5 (all must be unbroken)
6 30" Box over burpees

This was hard but good.
GingyIcon...06-02-2016 @ 08:26 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Last night

Chest to bar
9,9,9,9,9 good, improving.

Hang snatch
Up to 85 2
91 3 PB

PCPJ tng between clean and jerk
Up to 100 2
108 3 PB

Front squat
Up to 100
125 2,2,2,2

Was pooped so calling it quits then got roped into doing the class wod

10 power clean 60
20 press ups
30 air squats
40 mountain climbers
50 double unders

I got 3 full rounds and 65. Would do significantly more if I was fresh.
GingyIcon...07-02-2016 @ 12:17 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Yesterday, did nowt!

This morning

Chest to bar pullups
a few sets of 10 ish. Knackered back and biceps, felt a bit crap!

Bit hanging from last night, nearly went home, glad I didn't.

Power snatch (TnG)
up to 80 2
86 3 PB

up to 100
110 2
118 3 PB triples are hard.

Deadlift (no belt, mixed grip)
up to 160
180 2
188 3 decent.

Toes to bar
6 reps every 20s.
got 5 full sets and hit 3 in the sixth. Improving. Still not good though!

GingyIcon...09-02-2016 @ 07:49 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq

wanted to repeat 13.2 so did

15 box jumps
10 deadlift 52.5
total reps 246... crap. Only 5 reps more than October!

Then realised I'd done it in reverse and it should have been 5 STOH/10 deadlift/15 box jump.

I think this would have made a difference.

PLUS! Training by myself, no music, long day etc. will do this again next week and want 270+

This morning:
bottled it on a 6k row and stopped after 2k.

Head's just battered at the moment. Overtrained last Friday, drank all weekend and lost any routine for sleep.

GingyIcon...11-02-2016 @ 07:46 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Had another rest yesterday.

This morning:

Alternating EMOM 18
30 double unders
20 KB swings @24kg

really chilled
GingyIcon...19-02-2016 @ 22:00 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Done tons of training but have been lazy logging it...

Highlights include:

3km row
1:41.8 pace
10:11 ish. r26? I think.
Decent. Progress keeps coming slowly on the rower! Sub 6:20 2km this year!!!!

Hang Snatch
100 x 2 PB

100 x 2 PB
105 x 1 PB

Back Squat
165 x 3 PB

Chest to bar pullups
22 Unbroken PB

Did a ton of pistols and bar muscle ups today

Also the BOB qualifier wod 2 again in 6:20 when fatigued which is 40 seconds faster than last time! Didn't give it the full beans but shows some improvement at least!

CF open starts on Thursday.

Bring it on.
SparrowIcon...20-02-2016 @ 07:37 
always lookIng for the extra UT2 work.
Member 9, 18279 posts
SQ 210, BP 167.5, DL 260
637.5 kgs @ 103kgs UnEq
You are READY!!

Keep us updated on your road through the open please mate - looking forward to see how you get on.
GingyIcon...22-02-2016 @ 21:00 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Cheers mate! Will do Happy

This morning:
Every 3 mins for 15 mins
21 wall balls
15 24" box jump overs
9 ab roll outs

Good sweaty but of movement

This evening

For time
Buy in: 100 double unders

Power snatch 42.5
Bar over burpees

9:01 slow and measured tbh. Sort of @8.5

Missed having the school sports hall for met cons!
GingyIcon...23-02-2016 @ 07:31 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
This morning:

21/15/9 of
HSPU and calories on the rower

5:26 with a load of faff resetting the screen each round.

Did all the HSPU unbroken. Both the 21 and the 15 were PBs so happy with this. Could do 30-35 fresh I'm sure. Hopefully they come up in the open!
GingyIcon...24-02-2016 @ 07:48 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Had a presentation last night so couldn't get to the gym. Will go tonight instead.

This morning:

Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes:
15 thrusters @42.5
15 bar facing burpees

Time for each round was approx. 1:40 which is a decent pace. Been a while since I've done thrusters but quite enjoyed them!
GingyIcon...25-02-2016 @ 08:19 
concept 2 guru
Member 1235, 4675 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 220
547.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Last night

Chest to bar PU
30 for time
Did 10,8,3,4,5 Not terrible but should structure it differently

up to 70 2
90 2
95 2
101 F,F,F close every time. Need more of this, pushing it more than sitting at 90 and feeling happy!

PC + J
up to 100
105 2 + 2
110 2 + 2
120 1 + 1 Strong enough

Back Squat
up to 120
137.5 5,5,5,5,5 good.

Toes to bar


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