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EDCLARKEIcon...08-05-2009 @ 21:40 
not particularly well educated
Member 85, 11010 posts
SQ 170, BP 130, DL 260
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Duncan said:
mikeyp said:
Cuddles said:
Kieran, that wasnt his point. He was saying that GBPF IS tested, whereas you said that it wasnt.

Of course there are going to be lifters who get passed drug tests, just like there are cyclists, sprinters, shot putters etc. But GBPF does test.

I read an article a while ago about the Dwain Chambers / Conte collaboration and it would seem that anyone 'in the know' could quite easily beat the testers. How do these cheaters sleep at night. I have no problem with lifters who want to use PEDs and respect their decision to do so, it's impressive to see those top performances, but anyone with any conscience and sense of fair play wouldn't take drugs and lift in a tested federation and thus deprive clean lifters of titles and records.

Isn't that kinda contradicting. You have no problem with steroids in lifting but in athletics steroids suddenly becomes "cheating"?

I think your missing Mike's point ,he is saying he has a problem with people taking ped's and competing in sports where they are banned ,which just happens to include athletics .
DuncanIcon...08-05-2009 @ 22:00 
deadlift 300kg conventional ? never gonna happen
Member 414, 1127 posts
SQ 275, BP 187.5, DL 317.5
780.0 kgs @ 115kgs Eq
ah right.

My badEmbarassed
JohnPowerIcon...08-05-2009 @ 23:47 
power by name , power by nature !
Member 439, 217 posts
I think Pork Pie hit the nail on the head in his post.
A bit surprised that b staff has not heard of phil,dean or clive before,I mean
Clive is from the Birmingham area and has squated a european record at the british championships that were held in Birmingham.
LukeCIcon...09-05-2009 @ 03:53 
The one in the guns and roses teeshirt.
Member 171, 2462 posts
SQ 272.5, BP 140, DL 245
657.5 kgs @ 80.2kgs Eq
There are few powerlifters who come close to Andy Bolton. The fact the nobody has come close to deadlifting 1000lbs, testted/equipped, or not, suggests he is dominant at the sport.

Coan is truely a legend of the sport at various weight levels so maybe you could argue he is better than Bolton but for me it is between the two for best of all time.
CuddlesIcon...09-05-2009 @ 11:55 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
I cant even come close to thinking that Andy Bolton is the best powerlifter of all time. Best deadlifter? hell yes, but best powerlifter? not a chance.
BoarIcon...09-05-2009 @ 12:10 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
just watched it - the guy presenting wasnt really interested in changing his body , more just getting his telly prog made , but thats TV !!

the look on kierans face after he got off the bench after not finishing the 180 bench !! Grin

any feedback from friends / family kieran ?

ive put it on a disc mate
mikeypIcon...09-05-2009 @ 13:13 
bollocks to global warming
Member 475, 1735 posts
SQ 200, BP 125, DL 235
560.0 kgs @ 115kgs UnEq
Duncan said:
mikeyp said:
Cuddles said:
Kieran, that wasnt his point. He was saying that GBPF IS tested, whereas you said that it wasnt.

Of course there are going to be lifters who get passed drug tests, just like there are cyclists, sprinters, shot putters etc. But GBPF does test.

I read an article a while ago about the Dwain Chambers / Conte collaboration and it would seem that anyone 'in the know' could quite easily beat the testers. How do these cheaters sleep at night. I have no problem with lifters who want to use PEDs and respect their decision to do so, it's impressive to see those top performances, but anyone with any conscience and sense of fair play wouldn't take drugs and lift in a tested federation and thus deprive clean lifters of titles and records.

Isn't that kinda contradicting. You have no problem with steroids in lifting but in athletics steroids suddenly becomes "cheating"?

I have a problem with athletes who take PEDs and compete for titles, money, fame etc alongside athletes who are competing clean and using only their natural god given ability, (and legal nutritional supplements) when these drugs are banned by those particular sports. My point is also that when competing in a GBPF Powerlifting Comp (or any other tested Fed) the titles and records should all be won buy lifters who are training by natural means and using their own natural ability, skills / technique etc. PEDs clearly do work and it seems a real shame that records could be put out of reach by lifters who are clever enough to beat the testers.
bhamstaffIcon...09-05-2009 @ 16:37 
the best deadlifter, just smaller numbers
Member 469, 1131 posts
SQ 280, BP 200, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 116kgs UnEq
Boar said:
just watched it - the guy presenting wasnt really interested in changing his body , more just getting his telly prog made , but thats TV !!

the look on kierans face after he got off the bench after not finishing the 180 bench !! Grin

any feedback from friends / family kieran ?

ive put it on a disc mate

cheers mate, appreciate it. had alot of negative and posiive feedback to be honest. alot was cut about points i was trying to make like nutrition, hard training,time off it etc which has annoyed me and made me look a little stupid on tv. but its obvious the producers of the show had their minds made up what they wanted out of me before they even interviewed me. it was never going to look good as its a show for the general public. i was honest and explained best i could what i do over the 3 hour interview, but all it takes is 2 minutes of footage to change the way i was percieved and support their side of things. i was hoping i could have given the powerlifters and strongman that do use steroids a better picture but obviously didnt come across that way. i wasnt in my best shape, only weighing 16.5 stone in it and only had a week on gear after 10 weeks off. rob frampton has made some wierd comments on here, not sure what hes talking about. seem negative to me, but dont understand why he is so concerned with unconstructively critising me and my training. we all start somewhere and a true champion wouldnt talk like that.
martinIcon...09-05-2009 @ 17:05 
Why not just not get fat in the first place?
Member 132, 1406 posts
SQ 331, BP 200, DL 320
851.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Martin1956 said:
I think you've got to bear in mind that most documentary makers set out with a predetermined objective/message to put across, and they tend to find people and situations which, with skillful editing, support their standpoint.

If any one of us on here was interviewed for two hours, there'd probably be a few minutes worth that we wish we could do again. If the programme makers then use those few minutes worth they can totally distort the situation to suit their own agenda. Plus they got Kieron to do bodybuilding poses, and he's a strongman, not a bodybuilder!

Apparently it happened with Mike Read on 'I'm A Celebrity...' a couple of years ago. He was by all accounts the life and soul of the group, organised all the entertainment, etc., etc., but they didn't show any footage of him and he was voted off first!

'Normal' people tend to be quite jealous/envious of guys with gym bodies and their inferiority manifests itself through ridicule. Programme makers are no different, so you've got to understand that's where where they're coming from.

Until you get someone who empathises with the whole gym culture to make a film about it, like the Pumping Iron guys did in the 70s, programmes like this will inevitably be s**te, totally unrepresentative of our culture, and completely misleading to joe public who knows no better and gets his information from tv documentaries.

Good point. Sadly mate you were never going to come across in a good way no matter what you did. It wouldn't have #fit in' with the aim of the program.

It was a complete joke IMO - the so called journalist didn't even look into any of the real methods of obtaining a good physique like eating well, training hard, dedication and commitment. He needs to stick to his beer and curry and sitting on the sofa. His wife was tasty though - he could exercise with her more often to get rid of his breasts.

It just shows how sad and pathetic most men are today.
dr_hazbunIcon...09-05-2009 @ 17:18 
tabbouleh and fattoush salads were very refreshing
Member 267, 8548 posts
SQ 220, BP 165, DL 250
635.0 kgs @ 90kgs Eq
Amusing programme. Purposely edited to make serious gym goers sound like bumbling idiots. Sad really.

Kieran, why did they make you throw bodybuilding poses? You're not a bodybuilder, you don't even look like a bodybuilder...I'm sure it was a laugh doing it though!
bhamstaffIcon...09-05-2009 @ 21:44 
the best deadlifter, just smaller numbers
Member 469, 1131 posts
SQ 280, BP 200, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 116kgs UnEq
dr_hazbun said:
Amusing programme. Purposely edited to make serious gym goers sound like bumbling idiots. Sad really.

Kieran, why did they make you throw bodybuilding poses? You're not a bodybuilder, you don't even look like a bodybuilder...I'm sure it was a laugh doing it though!

yeah it was a laugh making it, that was the main reason for doing it and seeing me on tv. the lad who i was training with is a bodybuilder and he was posing and i sort of joined in when they asked me to, then they didnt even show much of him and he looks alot better.
MrSmallIcon...09-05-2009 @ 23:32 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
any chance of this being on Youtube, boar?
BoarIcon...10-05-2009 @ 17:12 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
if anyone missed this - i have a copy on MPEG, i cant imagine channel4 being over bothered ... i left the adverts in Grin


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