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Paul_DIconExtreme Male Beauty07-05-2009 @ 21:39 
Hey mate, my name is Paul Dudley
Member 632, 3628 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 282.5
637.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Just a reminder that this show is on C4 in 20ish mins (10pm). I remembered that Bhamstaff (Kieran) was going to be featured so thought i'd give it a watch.

BigSamIcon...07-05-2009 @ 22:01 
HORRIBLE MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Member 621, 4744 posts
SQ 340, BP 220, DL 335
895.0 kgs @ 106kgs Eq
Whens That on paul?
Paul_DIcon...07-05-2009 @ 22:14 
Hey mate, my name is Paul Dudley
Member 632, 3628 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 282.5
637.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Now mate
BigSamIcon...07-05-2009 @ 22:15 
HORRIBLE MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Member 621, 4744 posts
SQ 340, BP 220, DL 335
895.0 kgs @ 106kgs Eq
yeaaa i gots it on lol haha sorry 4 the daft question i was writing it as i tryed lookin for my remote haha
bren35Icon...07-05-2009 @ 22:38 
finds stuff written here disrespectful
Member 520, 139 posts
SQ 270, BP 200, DL 300
770.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
Paul_DIcon...07-05-2009 @ 22:41 
Hey mate, my name is Paul Dudley
Member 632, 3628 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 282.5
637.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
Bren: ?

bren35Icon...07-05-2009 @ 22:44 
finds stuff written here disrespectful
Member 520, 139 posts
SQ 270, BP 200, DL 300
770.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
RobIcon...07-05-2009 @ 22:51 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Oops forgot about this ... and the bloody FreeView plus didn't record The Apprentice last night when it was supposed to Angry
shawnIcon...07-05-2009 @ 22:55 
aka. the skinny scouser
Member 228, 1443 posts
SQ 140, BP 140, DL 260
540.0 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
c4 + 1 or 4 on demand
Paul_DIcon...07-05-2009 @ 22:55 
Hey mate, my name is Paul Dudley
Member 632, 3628 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 282.5
637.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
I'm sure it'll be on 4od Rob, no worries. It's not too fantastic either to be honest. Kieran has done his part now and it's now focusing on a wideboy from doncaster thats undergone surgery.

paul_richardsIcon...08-05-2009 @ 00:17 
I personally prefer the stiffest possible.
Member 158, 3110 posts
SQ 170, BP 107.5, DL 222.5
500.0 kgs @ 67.4kgs UnEq
just watched it on sky+. Not sure how the yellow chest expander exercise actually help his chest, as it looks like a lat exercise to me.
bhamstaffIcon...08-05-2009 @ 00:30 
the best deadlifter, just smaller numbers
Member 469, 1131 posts
SQ 280, BP 200, DL 320
800.0 kgs @ 116kgs UnEq
the expander does nothing
PorkPieIcon...08-05-2009 @ 07:47 
Do hugs, not drugs.
Member 136, 712 posts
SQ 380, BP 242.5, DL 330
952.5 kgs @ 110kgs Eq
Post Edited: 08.05.2009 @ 08:03 AM by PorkPie
I watched it up to Keiran's bit.

s**t, low value, unintelligent television - as to be expected. Obviously the programme maker sought to marginalise and offer scorn on steroid taking throwing the usual health scare stories into the mix - wank stain.

I thought Keiran came across alright to be honest. Oviously looked a bit of a t**t doing the bodybuilding poses in the gym and the fact that he couldn't press out 180kgs on the bench was a sad moment for me in an evening of television lows.

Keiran was straight, honest and up front about using the gear and I think that took the wind out of the sails of the journalist a bit - althought the bit where Keiran said "All top bodybuilders, strongmen and powerlifters use gear" was a bit of a dozy remark and doesn't reflect well on the dozens of clean athletes in those sports - but its hard to get everything right when you're being questioned and asked to defend your actions on film.
ThingIcon...08-05-2009 @ 08:02 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
PorkPie said:
I watched it up to Keiran's bit.

s**t low value unintelligent television - as to be expected. Obviously the programme maker sought to marginalise and offer scorn on steroid taking throwing the usual health scare stories into the mix - wank stain.

I thought Keiran came across alright to be honest. Oviously looked a bit of a t**t doing the bodybuilding poses in the gym and the fact that he couldn't press out 180kgs on the bench was a sad moment for me in an evening of television lows.

Keiran was straight honest and up front about using the gear and I think that took the wind out of the sails of the journalist a bit - althought the bit where Keiran said "All top bodybuilders, strongmen and powerlifters use gear" was a bit of an dozy and doesn't reflect well on the dozens of clean athletes in those sports - but its hard to get everything right when you're being questioned and asked to defend your actions on film.

yeah was a wee bit miffed at that but hay ho. and Kieran you really need to sort out the bench press. as Pork Pie has said it was a sad moment Tongue
MattGriffIcon...08-05-2009 @ 08:42 
Member 194, 3976 posts
good job I am ok at deadlifts Wink


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