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» Thought of a good event for Arnold's (Go to post)29-05-2018 @ 09:33 
Mikeneto said:How do you know it is multiply?

Its orange. The only squat suit I know that colour is the Metal multi-ply suit. Forget its name. Thought WSM was single ply only?
» Smelling salts (Go to post)25-04-2017 @ 11:49 
For all of my years competing I always purchased the classic smelling salts in the little bottle with cotton wool in the neck of the bottle from Boots. Now Boots don't sell them anymore and I can't find anywhere else which does.

So what smelling salts/ammonia do people use? I liked the ones I used to use because they were strong enough to give an effect without blowing my head off.
» No chance of using the back door… (Go to post)31-08-2016 @ 17:25 
luki said:
In the interim its like watching some to long married couple row where one partner threatens to leave and the other says fine. Then the first hovers around acting awkward.

Perhaps the best thing I have read on Brexit all day.

I get perpetually sick of people saying "Remain said everything would go wrong when we left the EU, nothing has changed so Leave were right about it all being Project Fear". Given that we haven't left the EU or even properly begun to leave then this is utter nonsense.

Two main issues are that nobody with any power/influence expected Leave to win. So there was no Leave plan. The other big issue is now we have voted to Leave we have realised that it will be large undertaking to review every single relevant law and trade agreement. The government have also realised that they have no trained negotiators and set about hiring them.

If you think that the British government will negotiate well then have a think about PFI and how well that has worked out.
» Rio 2016 Weightlifting (Go to post)17-08-2016 @ 12:15 
ChrisMcCarthy said:Can't help but think the IWF should beef up their Security...although stopping a 170kg Lifter and his 140-odd kg Coach can't be easy, needing to get the Police involved isn't good.

I would have thought they'd have stopped the Comp too, as it must have been at least distracting for Aleksanyan.

What on earth happened?
» Rio 2016 Weightlifting (Go to post)15-08-2016 @ 13:13 
ChrisMcCarthy said:
This is a good point, and one that should be explored further.
I'm currently re-watching last night's Women's SHW's...China has, off the top of my head, at least six women in the 300kg plus range, which (in the absence of Kashirina) would have given them at least a fighting shot at a Gold, and quite a few more who could have contested 286 for the Bronze.
I know the IOC / IWF are raising the 4 competitor limit for the Games to 6 (parity with the men, although the extra category stretches this out a bit) but I do feel that the World's Top "X" should be given entry regardless of nationality - maybe if less money was wasted on dope testing the IOC would be less concerned with overall competitor numbers and we could actually get better and more exciting competitions?

I see the points being made here but I seem to recall that something crazy like 150 Kenyans posted the qualifying time for the mens marathon for London, compared to something like 2 Brits. Both Brits raced but nowhere near 150 Kenyans did!
» Gyms in Liverpool (Go to post)31-05-2016 @ 12:37 
Power and fitness is a decent gym for the power lifts, got a power rack and a deadlift platform and decent barbells/weights.
» Tom pulls 400kg (Go to post)01-02-2016 @ 12:55 
Having seen some of Tom's recent videos he is clearly very much on form with his deadlift, even if he is having issues which are stopping him squatting much IIRC.

400kg is an incredible weight to be lifted by anyone, nevermind someone of Tom's size and sans dl suit. Plenty of WSM competitors can't pull 400kg!
» ABPU Vs BPU (Go to post)06-01-2016 @ 18:46 
The BPU and ABPU are two parts of the same fed - ABPU is tested, BPU isn't. Both have raw,raw with knee wraps, singly ply and multiply divisions.
» Bonica Lough US Female Powerlifter (Go to post)23-12-2015 @ 13:24 
Ridiculous strength. USAPL conditions as well.
» Various kit for sale (Go to post)22-12-2015 @ 17:23 
n3ver3nder said:
As far as I know all Metal's equipped gear is being removed from the approved list in 2016, just keeping their singlets, belt and wrist wraps approved, as they didn't want to pay the full approval fee for all 4 years.

Damn. Well that's me out, sorry Robbo.
» Various kit for sale (Go to post)21-12-2015 @ 14:13 
How much for just the metal silver knee wraps? I fancy having some IPF approved knee wraps.
» 370kg / 816lb deadlift PB @100kg bw (Go to post)10-10-2015 @ 09:49 
Saw this on instagram. Freakin' beastly!
» British Weightlifting - Powerhouse Games (Go to post)03-09-2015 @ 19:14 
Ah cool. Sounds like an interesting event.

I am interested in Grid. Will be interesting to see if that really takes off. Could be a real earner for some lifters. Could see some real beasts (like Klokov) going into it. I can see Ilya Ilin do the same after Rio, especially since I am guessing he will be too old for Tokyo?
» British Weightlifting - Powerhouse Games (Go to post)03-09-2015 @ 12:50 
Interesting, hope it works out. How is a snatch ladder defined? Is there some cash money up for grabs for the winners?
» Sugden Barbell Nine Years Old (Go to post)26-08-2015 @ 20:00 
Nearly old enough for high school Grin

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