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Drug free and disillusionment

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KevC86Icon...07-06-2017 @ 12:41 
Member 5141, 4422 posts
SQ 300, BP 180, DL 350
830.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
AdamT said:
You lost friendships over it? FFS you didn't kill anyone.

Id assume those were lifters he was friends with. And i think thats fair enough as he was lying to them.
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...07-06-2017 @ 12:45 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
IainKendrick said:
Your being a cnut when you cheat. However that doesn't make you guilty of mugging old dears. However no matter who much of a stand up guy you are you still did a c**ty thing.
Life Happy

s**t - you mean Life isn't Simple? Happy
milsyIcon...07-06-2017 @ 12:47 
Ne n coner a fuickex .ay ouse part we .be
Member 1425, 4647 posts
SQ 340, BP 227.5, DL 335
902.5 kgs @ 125kgs UnEq
Funky_monkey said:Milsy - no intention on competing again? Even if it is untested.

I would like to get on the platform again. Just prove to myself that I can leave the ego and just be there to make up the numbers whilst still having fun.

In reality it's unlikely I will have time. I got married earlier in the year and now I want to start a family. My career is really starting to take off and add to I recently bought another property so spend most of my time working on that.
milsyIcon...07-06-2017 @ 13:42 
Ne n coner a fuickex .ay ouse part we .be
Member 1425, 4647 posts
SQ 340, BP 227.5, DL 335
902.5 kgs @ 125kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 07.06.2017 @ 13:50 PM by milsy
KevC86 said:
Id assume those were lifters he was friends with. And i think thats fair enough as he was lying to them.

I have explained what went on to most of my lifting friends and we are still friends

It is more based around the wada association rules
sprange67Icon...07-06-2017 @ 14:03 
Member 1858, 170 posts
SQ 285, BP 157.5, DL 302.5
745.0 kgs @ 98.9kgs UnEq
Hi Milsy, sorry if I’m being an arse asking but I’m interested in (I assume as I don’t know) that you lifted in a tested fed and got busted. Was it to be the best, awesome… as your totals are bloody good even in a tested fed? Bugger off is a totally valid answer
DrDIcon...07-06-2017 @ 14:41 
Member 4287, 2614 posts
SQ 300, BP 310, DL 250
860.0 kgs @ 120kgs Eq
DrDIcon...07-06-2017 @ 15:17 
Member 4287, 2614 posts
SQ 300, BP 310, DL 250
860.0 kgs @ 120kgs Eq
I said:#IStandByMillsy

Glad I got a new tagline from it Grin Grin
KevC86Icon...07-06-2017 @ 16:10 
Member 5141, 4422 posts
SQ 300, BP 180, DL 350
830.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
milsy said:
I have explained what went on to most of my lifting friends and we are still friends
It is more based around the wada association rules

Theyre evidently more open minded than me. Fair enough.

I think its much easier for people to forgive friends. As has been said, we've all done something c**tish at one time or another, whether thats cheating on a partner, cheating in a sport, driving after a few drinks.
In principle i think most would agree those are c**ty things to do, but would any of us really end a friendship over 1 of them?
AMH_PowerIcon...07-06-2017 @ 19:20 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
I have strong views on this.

Competitions aren't free to enter, it costs. There is also a physical reward for winning...
So my view is, if you enter a competition knowingly taking a banned substance you should go to prison for fraud.

"In law, fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain".

Taking steroids is absolutely unfair gain in a drug tested competition.

There are untested feds for people wishing to embark on this journey, it's inexcusable.
KevC86Icon...07-06-2017 @ 19:30 
Member 5141, 4422 posts
SQ 300, BP 180, DL 350
830.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
AMH_Power said:I have strong views on this.

Competitions aren't free to enter, it costs. There is also a physical reward for winning...
So my view is, if you enter a competition knowingly taking a banned substance you should go to prison for fraud.

"In law, fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain".

Taking steroids is absolutely unfair gain in a drug tested competition.

There are untested feds for people wishing to embark on this journey, it's inexcusable.

If we had the prison capacity id agree with all the above
AMH_PowerIcon...07-06-2017 @ 19:43 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
KevC86 said:
If we had the prison capacity id agree with all the above

Fair one mate. It really does a special sort of dickhead to be willing to stand on a podium number one spot, and look down to the man at number 2 knowing full well his own success can be attributed to cheating.
AdamTIcon...07-06-2017 @ 19:46 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
Do people play the guess time with detection times? Surely tests are more sensitive these days.

I doubt its as simple as cutting the dbol out a month before comp?

Don't think I agree with prison, but banned for life and a hefty fine would suffice.
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...07-06-2017 @ 20:00 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
AMH_Power said:
Fair one mate. It really does a special sort of dickhead to be willing to stand on a podium number one spot, and look down to the man at number 2 knowing full well his own success can be attributed to cheating.

Hence my contentions above. Roll-Eyes
AdamTIcon...07-06-2017 @ 20:21 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
milsy said:
In all honesty I would agree
I was in a very different place leading up to what happens both mentally and physically not just in powerlifting but other aspects of life. I did the pay the price and unfortunately I will always be associated with this no matter what I do in the future
I still lurk on here and train now and again. I soon realised Losing friendships and letting people down hurt far more than the ban itself

You won't always be associated with it. You made a mistake and you have acknowledged that.

Was it a s**t thing you did? Yeah of course. But all men/women make mistakes.

If it remains the worst thing you ever do, then that means you aren't a bad guy. Plenty have done worse.

For your own sake I hope you can do at least one comp and remember to just enjoy it. Don't finish with that as your last comp.

You can't change what you did, but you shouldn't beat yourself up.
matthewvcIcon...07-06-2017 @ 20:27 
Member 5704, 3349 posts
SQ 280, BP 210, DL 320
810.0 kgs @ 96.3kgs UnEq
prison for taking PEDs in a sport hardly anyone outside of it cares about and will this custodial extend to other forms of cheating?
being found using 3m wraps instead of 2.5m? double ply briefs instead on single ply? stuffing s**t under bench shirt a la dave hoff and so on?

the prison population is high enough and filled with enough people who shouldn't be there as it is
without criminalising more based on taking an arbitrary and forever changing set of substances WADA deem as 'bad'.
BDPFA has a lifetime ban in place for cheaters which is surely enough.

(note: i come from the polar opposite of opinion about drugs having used and enjoyed all manner of class-A (mainly psychedelics) and want minimal legislation not even more around anything people choose to put in their body)


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