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Drug free and disillusionment

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FAT_SAMIcon...06-06-2017 @ 10:58 
more like 'FAT TROLL'
Member 984, 6331 posts
SQ 420, BP 260, DL 335
1015.0 kgs @ 165kgs UnEq
I might like to add that I know several decent lifters that don't use PEDs that choose to compete untested purely because they enjoy the environment of the meets - generally a little more exciting that the 'sports hall' feel of GBPF/BDFPA drug tested meets.
matthewvcIcon...06-06-2017 @ 11:00 
Member 5704, 3349 posts
SQ 280, BP 210, DL 320
810.0 kgs @ 96.3kgs UnEq
AdamT said:
I like the post and agree. Get the total you're capable of and let others worry about themselves. If someone enters tested while on? It sucks balls and is awful. However good/bad the testing is, nobody can do nothing about it.
I would like to think most test lifters are drugfree.

the majority of lifters in GPC/BPU aren't either, they lift there for all sorts of reasons, proximity of meets, friends made/loyalty, equipment and judging rules. with any pursuit the higher up the echelons you go, the more serious it gets, and the more competitors are looking for an edge with anything be it training, nutrition or drugs.
AdamTIcon...06-06-2017 @ 11:27 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
I think everything should be untested. And instead of a free t-shirt, we all receive free oxys before we lift!
FAT_SAMIcon...06-06-2017 @ 12:09 
more like 'FAT TROLL'
Member 984, 6331 posts
SQ 420, BP 260, DL 335
1015.0 kgs @ 165kgs UnEq
AdamT said:I think everything should be untested. And instead of a free t-shirt, we all receive free oxys before we lift!

On jam tarts?
matthewvcIcon...06-06-2017 @ 12:11 
Member 5704, 3349 posts
SQ 280, BP 210, DL 320
810.0 kgs @ 96.3kgs UnEq
AdamT said:I think everything should be untested. And instead of a free t-shirt, we all receive free oxys before we lift!

free t-shirt with this printed on it:
AdamTIcon...06-06-2017 @ 12:22 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
matthewvc said:
free t-shirt with this printed on it:

Sam wants that shirt, XXXXL
AdamTIcon...06-06-2017 @ 12:23 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
I have stated before, if I ever run an untested comp, I will use chalk bowls for crushed Halo and other goodies. There would be some nosebleeds then!!
sprange67Icon...06-06-2017 @ 13:15 
Member 1858, 170 posts
SQ 285, BP 157.5, DL 302.5
745.0 kgs @ 98.9kgs UnEq
Some interesting reading, I think it’s a case of oh f**k it and get on with it! The point about you lift for your own PB’s is sort of right but its good to chase someone else’s total in a comp, as that gets my better lifts. So if they’re on or not, I think ignore and do your best
AdamTIcon...06-06-2017 @ 13:23 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
sprange67 said:Some interesting reading, I think it’s a case of oh f**k it and get on with it! The point about you lift for your own PB’s is sort of right but its good to chase someone else’s total in a comp, as that gets my better lifts. So if they’re on or not, I think ignore and do your best

You're correct. But if you were to hit an awesome total and someone cheated to beat you by a few kg? Well that would leave a very sour taste.
sprange67Icon...06-06-2017 @ 13:46 
Member 1858, 170 posts
SQ 285, BP 157.5, DL 302.5
745.0 kgs @ 98.9kgs UnEq
I think I'm just not going to have to think about it, or I'll just give up!!!
BimIcon...06-06-2017 @ 14:01 
Member 3359, 3677 posts
SQ 250, BP 210, DL 295
755.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
matthewvc said:you can't use your own numbers and drug free status as barometer of how clean others are.
over 600 at 93kg is a pretty decent total under IPF rules, there's certainly plenty in the untested feds
not hitting those numbers (at 90) and on all sort of PEDs.

I know it's not a great way to judge things, but without being omniscient I have no other yardstick to use. I know people take PEDs in tested feds, I just don't think it's anywhere near the 'most lifters' mark Chris said.

matthewvc said:
i forgot to add -- that test result file posted shows the big problem that would nip a lot of usage in the bud: OOC testing.
lifters can do effective PED cycles, ensuring they come off and avoid well known long term detectable metabolites (deca etc)
pretty much all the benefits from the drugs are still there (minus the comp day aggression an untested lifter has with various banned substances on the day)

They have started doing OOC testing in BP (old GBPF), I'm not sure how many but I've seen it mentioned a few times recently.
DrDIcon...06-06-2017 @ 15:04 
Member 4287, 2614 posts
SQ 300, BP 310, DL 250
860.0 kgs @ 120kgs Eq
The funniest thing is beating someone and then them failing a drugs test Grin Grin Grin
RodgerIcon...06-06-2017 @ 17:08 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
What I've always wondered :-
If people who have either competed untested (presumably actually using) OR failed a drugs test, and say been banned is there anything to say they shouldn't compete in a tested comp at some time. Should it be presumed you've never used if competing in tested?
BoarIcon...06-06-2017 @ 17:23 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
Post Edited: 06.06.2017 @ 17:24 PM by Boar
that would mean a lifetime ban for using PED's or just competing in an untested federation ..... possibly a tad harsh

I think its a 4 year ban ? and anyone who has previously lifted in an untested fed (such as myself) well ..... I guess you just godda trust in the lord jesus christ
scruffmcbuffIcon...06-06-2017 @ 17:39 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
Boar said:that would mean a lifetime ban for using PED's or just competing in an untested federation ..... possibly a tad harsh

I think its a 4 year ban ? and anyone who has previously lifted in an untested fed (such as myself) well ..... I guess you just godda trust in the lord jesus christ

I raised this question before on a thread and loads of people got all gay about it. So screw you all. Im not bitter im just pumped up on halo.


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