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Drug free and disillusionment

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DrakenIcon...16-06-2017 @ 16:15 
I'm daft.
Member 6148, 93 posts
AMH_Power said:
I get this, I do. But it's intentionally cheating; that's the difference. Drugs are what they are, and are a part of some sports. But until there is an absolute zero tolerance view on it in drug free sport, it won't be drug free.
Average joe will risk a ban, but not prison. Fraud is fraud. Or, in its place a lawfully enforceable fine. If I can be made to pay for a parking ticket as part of a contract I never signed, I'm sure these cheating low lifes can be made to pay if they do sign on competition entry.

Do you want strongman/PL to be drug free?

Do you really wanna se 360 kg deadlifts instead of 460? 170 kg logs instead of 220 kg?

I don't. I want them to lift as much as possible.
DrakenIcon...16-06-2017 @ 16:17 
I'm daft.
Member 6148, 93 posts
Post Edited: 16.06.2017 @ 16:18 PM by Draken
jedi said:Just to throw something in to this from a slightly different angle: I'm surely not the only one here who is lifetime drug-free but lifts in a tested fed?
What do you mean, "but"? One should think that EVERY lifetime drug-free athlete lifts in a tested fed. Why would they compete against the PED-people in the non-tested feds?
AMH_PowerIcon...16-06-2017 @ 16:26 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Draken said:
Do you want strongman/PL to be drug free?
Do you really wanna se 360 kg deadlifts instead of 460? 170 kg logs instead of 220 kg?
I don't. I want them to lift as much as possible.

As before, my issue is with cheats.
If someone wants to put s**t in their body and unemploy their testicles that's their choice.
Taking them in tested federations is a complete different story.
DrakenIcon...16-06-2017 @ 16:28 
I'm daft.
Member 6148, 93 posts
Boar said:I was thinking, should I just go 'on' full time and enjoy training harder ,training more frequently ... recovering faster , being more muscular... more confidence

or stay natural and slowly grind out the sessions , be more tired and carry more body fat but still get stronger

I chose the latter

I guess that people who are 'on' full time just want to believe staying on for life is not risky as that's the path they have to go down due to the choices they make in their 20's+30's (nothing aimed at vinny directly)

who needs more risk that is already out there ? and who would take a TRT dose anyways ? I don't know what it is but I'm guessing it would be the same as having a 1mm/250mg jab of sust every 3 weeks ?

a couple of years ago I had a blood test and the doc said my test levels were normal

**please note, I'm not TRT expert and I would think under the guidance of a doctor/clinic it would be fairly safe , but not without risk
250 mg e3w seems very Little, at least compared to that gelly thingy people use.

Alot of jelly-people use 50 mg eod, which equals 350 mg ew, BUT I'm not sure of the bioavailability of testosterone taken via that ROA.

350 mg high class testosterone per week is actually a fairly good starter's cycle ...
AdamTIcon...16-06-2017 @ 16:34 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5208 posts
AMH_Power said:
As before, my issue is with cheats.
If someone wants to put s**t in their body and unemploy their testicles that's their choice.
Taking them in tested federations is a complete different story.

I agree.

Nothing against gear, most of my favourite lifters most likely use. As long as they stick to untested, then that's cool.
AMH_PowerIcon...16-06-2017 @ 16:44 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
rian1987 said:
Prison? Are you taking the piss? Imagine what itd cost the tax payer to pass a law like that? All for a minority sport..

You can't make powerlifting out to be tiny to justify your argument in the same breath suggesting it would cost silly amounts to the tax payer. Are YOU taking the piss?

Fraud is fraud. If you don't agree with definition take it up with the courts or Oxford dictionary and ask them if they are taking the piss.

I've read some of you previous posts, not sure if you are a pro troll or just a full on belter.
AMH_PowerIcon...16-06-2017 @ 16:45 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
AdamT said:
I agree.
Nothing against gear, most of my favourite lifters most likely use. As long as they stick to untested, then that's cool.

absolutely. Strongman would be boring without some of the titans that PEDs have influenced.
yiannisIcon...16-06-2017 @ 16:50 
Member 4532, 484 posts
SQ 260, BP 175, DL 270
705.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
AMH_Power said:
You can't make powerlifting out to be tiny to justify your argument in the same breath suggesting it would cost silly amounts to the tax payer. Are YOU taking the piss?
Fraud is fraud. If you don't agree with definition take it up with the courts or Oxford dictionary and ask them if they are taking the piss.
I've read some of you previous posts, not sure if you are a pro troll or just a full on belter.

Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
93hopkinsonrIcon...16-06-2017 @ 20:20 
Mr.Potato deadlift
Member 2675, 4767 posts
SQ 300, BP 202.5, DL 300
802.5 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
AMH_Power said:
You can't make powerlifting out to be tiny to justify your argument in the same breath suggesting it would cost silly amounts to the tax payer. Are YOU taking the piss?
Fraud is fraud. If you don't agree with definition take it up with the courts or Oxford dictionary and ask them if they are taking the piss.
I've read some of you previous posts, not sure if you are a pro troll or just a full on belter.

Well said
rian1987Icon...16-06-2017 @ 23:37 
not stating facts.
Member 3100, 502 posts
AMH_Power said:
You can't make powerlifting out to be tiny to justify your argument in the same breath suggesting it would cost silly amounts to the tax payer. Are YOU taking the piss?
Fraud is fraud. If you don't agree with definition take it up with the courts or Oxford dictionary and ask them if they are taking the piss.
I've read some of you previous posts, not sure if you are a pro troll or just a full on belter.

There are much worse things going on in society.. So every pro athlete that fails a test should be in prison? Come on stop talking bo***cks.. in tiny sports like powerlifting there's hardly any personal gain so it's hardly fraud is it.. and 235 bench natural? Don't make me laugh.. you're about as natural as ed hall
EvisIcon...16-06-2017 @ 23:47 
Member 2202, 346 posts
SQ 282.5, BP 220, DL 320.5
823.0 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
rian1987 said:
There are much worse things going on in society.. So every pro athlete that fails a test should be in prison? Come on stop talking bo***cks.. in tiny sports like powerlifting there's hardly any personal gain so it's hardly fraud is it.. and 235 bench natural? Don't make me laugh.. you're about as natural as ed hall

With pro sports its even worse. You are basically stealing money from someone else.

While I realise its controversial, I am with AMH here.
rian1987Icon...16-06-2017 @ 23:54 
not stating facts.
Member 3100, 502 posts
Evis said:
With pro sports its even worse. You are basically stealing money from someone else.
While I realise its controversial, I am with AMH here.

The prisons are too full.. It's not really a criminal offence.. It's ridiculous really.. where would it end? A boxer seriously injures an opponent do they go to prison? Someone handballs on purpose to score a go, do they go to prison?
umpalumpalifterIcon...16-06-2017 @ 23:55 
Member 5836, 366 posts
SQ 220, BP 137.5, DL 235
592.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Evis said:
With pro sports its even worse. You are basically stealing money from someone else.
While I realise its controversial, I am with AMH here.

It makes sense, like stealing the higher the value the more likely it is to go to court - i.e kid stealing sweets (i.e powerlifting) gets slap on the wrist where as cheating at professional sports would be more like bank robbery with potential jail time.

Rian you come across as a genuinely offensive petty individual
AMH_PowerIcon...17-06-2017 @ 05:13 
we ride at dawn
Member 4363, 1442 posts
SQ 310, BP 250, DL 320
880.0 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
rian1987 said:
There are much worse things going on in society.. So every pro athlete that fails a test should be in prison? Come on stop talking bo***cks.. in tiny sports like powerlifting there's hardly any personal gain so it's hardly fraud is it.. and 235 bench natural? Don't make me laugh.. you're about as natural as ed hall

You really think my views would be so strong if I was a f**king cheat myself? What a first class throbber you are.
My integrity will never be in question, and those that know me will agree. I've had over 100 drug tests in the last 12 years as part of lifting and career.

You are basically calling me a cheat on a public forum and you don't know me or anything about me. It's the biggest insult you can make to me; I commit my life to it. Just because you can't leave the status of pussy without drugs doesn't mean I can't.
FatpeteIcon...17-06-2017 @ 07:34 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18378 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
AMH_Power said:
I've had over 100 drug tests in the last 12 years as part of lifting and career.

Really? That's roughly once a month. What do you do for a living ?


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