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Weird addictions

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RSPIcon...24-03-2014 @ 23:38 
RIP sumotwat ...sadly missed
Member 2875, 1788 posts
SQ 200, BP 132.5, DL 235
567.5 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
minibig1 said:Asda white chocolate pancakes George forman'd n maple syrup'd

These are so nice!
simon_knowlesIcon...24-03-2014 @ 23:58 
Member 2785, 205 posts
SQ 300, BP 170, DL 335
805.0 kgs @ 168kgs UnEq
at one point for me it was snickers, i was doing a 4 pack every day on the way to the gym.

ill go through weird phases of eating a shed load of the same thing, buy loads ready for it then go off it. got stock piles of all kinds of stuff in the cupboard.
JamieGIcon...25-03-2014 @ 00:03 
Tom's CNS is better than steroids
Member 2886, 2973 posts
SQ 190, BP 122.5, DL 210
522.5 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Princes curry mackerel and Nutella!

(Not together)
RyanHIcon...25-03-2014 @ 00:40 
Big fish in a small pond
Member 1150, 2101 posts
milsyIcon...25-03-2014 @ 08:41 
Ne n coner a fuickex .ay ouse part we .be
Member 1425, 4647 posts
SQ 340, BP 227.5, DL 335
902.5 kgs @ 125kgs UnEq
JamieG said:Princes curry mackerel and Nutella!

(Not together)

The Mexican version is so much better I ate 4 Tins yesterday
ThingIcon...25-03-2014 @ 08:46 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
Saasermaet - its like lorne sausage but better
FazcIcon...25-03-2014 @ 08:47 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
RSP said:
minibig1 said:Asda white chocolate pancakes George forman'd n maple syrup'd

These are so nice!

Haha yeah they are!
samue1sonIcon...25-03-2014 @ 15:10 
Member 4416, 1372 posts
SQ 210, BP 175, DL 240
625.0 kgs @ 122kgs UnEq
Peanut butter. Damn, since my body said "you need to eat every 5 minutes" and I discovered peanut butter to throw in my shakes, I found myself just spooning the hell out of the tub into my fat sticky mouth. Nothing weird about that per se but I'll have it before and after my Sunday dinner or fish - I just don't care. I need the nut butter.
IMPERIUMIcon...25-03-2014 @ 18:43 
Member 4049, 134 posts
JackRevansIcon...25-03-2014 @ 18:46 
'There was also a sausage in my mouth.'
Member 2477, 16481 posts
SQ 190, BP 130, DL 235
555.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
samue1son said:Peanut butter. Damn, since my body said "you need to eat every 5 minutes" and I discovered peanut butter to throw in my shakes, I found myself just spooning the hell out of the tub into my fat sticky mouth. Nothing weird about that per se but I'll have it before and after my Sunday dinner or fish - I just don't care. I need the nut butter.

at one point today I found myself particularly hungry and was delighted to find a tub of this stuff in the fridge, its alright I suppose
BigSamIcon...25-03-2014 @ 18:51 
HORRIBLE MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Member 621, 4744 posts
SQ 340, BP 220, DL 335
895.0 kgs @ 106kgs Eq
I'm addicted to haribo
deleted2_20210523Icon...25-03-2014 @ 19:25 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
dannyboy73Icon...25-03-2014 @ 20:00 
Mask it or Casket !!
Member 4600, 8167 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 255
657.5 kgs @ 90.5kgs UnEq
Have you tried the liqurice ones? there the bo***cks
BigSam said:I'm addicted to haribo

dannyboy73Icon...25-03-2014 @ 20:03 
Mask it or Casket !!
Member 4600, 8167 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 255
657.5 kgs @ 90.5kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 25.03.2014 @ 20:41 PM by dannyboy73
Well, not so much an addiction as gulity pleasure, You see, I love great music: I like a bit of Glitter.
Wayne_CowdreyIcon...25-03-2014 @ 20:21 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22334 posts
Thread starting.


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