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MarkCleggIconComputer Boffs Help15-10-2009 @ 18:53 
knock knock !! who's there ?? OLD SCHOOL SUGDEN
Member 212, 11439 posts
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Just caught my 7 year old on a computer game called ourWorld where you go around and chat to other people and stuff but also i think you can talk to other people privately and send gifts and stuff ...

How safe is this for a 7 year old ... Harmless or can fooooking freaks get in touch with her .. she didn`t even know the other charecters where actual people ..

s**t like this freaks me out

Thanks for any advice

WiganIcon...15-10-2009 @ 19:00 
a cynical old scrote
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Post Edited: 15.10.2009 @ 19:01 PM by Wigan
MarkClegg said:Just caught my 7 year old on a computer game called ourWorld where you go around and chat to other people and stuff but also i think you can talk to other people privately and send gifts and stuff ...

How safe is this for a 7 year old ... Harmless or can fooooking freaks get in touch with her .. she didn`t even know the other charecters where actual people ..

s**t like this freaks me out

Thanks for any advice


Just allowed my 9 year old daughter to go on Facebook, but with strict rules that I know her password and that she tells me about anyone that sends her any sort of message that she doesnt know.

I reckon she's ok as long as you keep a close eye on it. There are a lot of freaks out there. My girl has had a few random friend requests that could well have been freaks chancing their arm, but dont think it's fair to penalise the kid by not allowing her on the internet.
nathanIcon...15-10-2009 @ 20:49 
no longer sugdens strongest man
Member 455, 1336 posts
i have a lot of cases in my job where children get groomed a lot on f**king facebook.
th einterent is a trap for young children. be very careful what u allow ur child to go on in somethign so inocent can result in danger
TonyIcon...15-10-2009 @ 20:52 
Is partial to the odd bender.
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Post Edited: 15.10.2009 @ 20:53 PM by Tony
Too much scope for grooming. I'd block the site.

My daughter is 10 and constantly whines on about getting on facebook, no f**king chance!
MrSmallIcon...15-10-2009 @ 20:56 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
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MarkClegg said:Just caught my 7 year old on a computer game called ourWorld where you go around and chat to other people and stuff but also i think you can talk to other people privately and send gifts and stuff ...

How safe is this for a 7 year old ... Harmless or can fooooking freaks get in touch with her .. she didn`t even know the other charecters where actual people ..

s**t like this freaks me out

Thanks for any advice


I wouldn't encourage it Marko there's really no point, tell her to go outside and skip with her friends.
mozIcon...15-10-2009 @ 20:57 
Feasting on humble pie.
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Mark my daughter is also 7 and I have to agree with Tony. Just eliminate the danger completly and block it! She'll be miffed but she wont be groomed. Just think how you would feel if something happend Unhappy remember that when shes nagging you to let her on it
Beard_Of_IronIcon...15-10-2009 @ 20:58 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
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the truth is any weirdo can sign up on social networking sites. children should be strictly supervised.

fortunately most of these sites have built-in features to block certain users from contacting you, and usually have 'report' features where you can report potentially suspicious user activity to the administrators.

it's best if kids are limited to communicating only with people they know 'in real life' e.g. their schoolfriends, if they talk to 'strangers' then monitor those conversations closely.

most people are legitimate but there's always gonna be weirdos.
JoniIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:02 
left the country satisfied
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very different culture.

in finland my little sister got pretty unsupervised internet access ages ago. She was on MSN with me from when she was 6 and had own computer with internet in her own room from 9 or 10 onwards.

But of course she has been educated about possible dangers from the start.

Then again, in this country kids dont even walk to school on their own...
jamieaIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:04 
has perfected the anvil roll
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Post Edited: 15.10.2009 @ 21:07 PM by Boar
I`ve occasionally accidentally seen kids messages at work and its enough for me to decide theres no way my kids are having a computer in their bedroom as they get older the computers staying in the kitchen where everyone can see it.

Now shannons starting to use the computer more I`m seriously considering installing is what we use at work on laptops we loan out to students and seems to work really well aslong as being free.
drewIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:04 
I thought Joplin choked on a sandwich?
Member 616, 8404 posts
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Not that I don't agree with the cautious approach it just appals me this has to happen. Some people are horrible
RobboIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:07 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
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A definate no no IMO. Step daughter is 7 and she has been told no chance.

Not just due to 'grooming' but also because she needs to be interacting with kids and people face to face, not just sat on her arse staring at a computer screen. People are f**king addicted to facebook and it really gets on my tits
MrSmallIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:12 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
jamiea said:I`ve occasionally accidentally seen kids messages at work and its enough for me to decide theres no way my kids are having a computer in their bedroom as they get older the computers staying in the kitchen where everyone can see it.

The computer in a public place is a good plan.
MrSmallIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:12 
Gone and easily forgotten.......
Member 331, 22298 posts
SQ 185, BP 100, DL 230
515.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Robbo said:A definate no no IMO. Step daughter is 7 and she has been told no chance.

Not just due to 'grooming' but also because she needs to be interacting with kids and people face to face, not just sat on her arse staring at a computer screen. People are f**king addicted to facebook and it really gets on my tits

Big juicy 115kg mantits?
nathanIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:14 
no longer sugdens strongest man
Member 455, 1336 posts
Tony said:Too much scope for grooming. I'd block the site.

My daughter is 10 and constantly whines on about getting on facebook, no f**king chance!

totally agree tony didnt wanna sound liek an old fart but i will never let my daughter go on till she a lot older. ive had my eyes open with my job an can be overcatious sometimes but i dont care i dont want that s**t with my daughter.
what ever social group and no matter how much u supervise this country is full of paedophiles and they will network and groom anyone there clever f**kers.
people need to be very careful and vigalante when it comes to children and computers with msn and facebook and online bullying and pornography some children are not children any more and have missed there childhood and gonna stright into adulthood which is damaging and very scary what children know about and see and what they can say
Beard_Of_IronIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:17 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
Member 580, 2634 posts
SQ 210, BP 115, DL 266
591.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
nathan said:
some children are not children any more and have missed there childhood

I agree with this, the Internet exposes children to stuff they shouldn't know, and which they wouldn't know until they were a lot older if they didn't have so much access to so much information.


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