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doc77Icon...15-10-2009 @ 21:22 
enjoys the odd fag
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my missus leaves my son to it on youtube to watch ben 10 etc even this needs monitoring as some of the vids have home made voiceovers which are full of expletives and stuff - he is only 4 and I go mad at her for this, they even get thru the content filters
JoniIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:25 
left the country satisfied
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my point was, if you just ban this block that deny others, how will you teach that kid to use the internet safely and well?

Its like banning and blocking any access to traffic (which is of course much more dangerous place than internet will ever be!), but then one day your child wonders into the road and wouldnt know what to do.

because no f**king way you can make sure they dont get online anywhere, ever.
nathanIcon...15-10-2009 @ 21:29 
no longer sugdens strongest man
Member 455, 1336 posts
i just dont see the need for my child to use the compouter when she gets to use one at school for the rigth reasons. when a child is older to make right desicions and choices then thats fine but unitl then the schoiol can educate my daughter about computers thats what there there for.
staplegun16Icon...15-10-2009 @ 22:25 
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nathan said:
some children are not children any more and have missed there childhood and gonna stright into adulthood

i totally agree with this, not just the internet but this generation of kids coming up now cant live without mobile phones.
took my 5 year nephew down the park the otherday and there was a bunch of little girls each of them on a mobile each of them texting. whilst pushing my nephew on the swings i could hear them talking, swapping boys numbers and saying who they were texting, all boys. when i was that age i wasnt interested in girls or dating, i just wanted to have fun with my mates.. and i think thats what it should still be like. kids are in too much of a hurry to grow up these days.
little_aIcon...16-10-2009 @ 07:46 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
nathan said:i just dont see the need for my child to use the compouter when she gets to use one at school for the rigth reasons. when a child is older to make right desicions and choices then thats fine but unitl then the schoiol can educate my daughter about computers thats what there there for.

You could argue that it may help with spelling, grammer and basic English???
PorkPieIcon...16-10-2009 @ 08:29 
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little_a said:
You could argue that it may help with spelling, grammer and basic English???

...and grammar as well.

I'm with the Flying Finn on this - leave the kids use the bloody thing, tell them about the dangers, educate, educate, educate. You cannot isolate your kids from the world, and by doing so, you do irreparable damage to their development.

The way my mind works is not dissimilar to a seven year olds'. The way I see it, banning the little darlings is only going to spice up the challenge of getting on line elsewhere.

Nothing harmful in You tube either surely?

CuddlesIcon...16-10-2009 @ 08:51 
Member 2, 12511 posts
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Agree with Joni and Porkpie here. We need to educate our children about hte dangers rather than shelter them from it. It should be an open topic of conversation.

As soon as anything is serious enough to ban in the eyes of a parent it becomes fun enough to want to do in the eyes of a child.

The fastest way to make a child determined to do something is to tell them that they cant.
little_aIcon...16-10-2009 @ 09:03 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
PorkPie said:
...and grammar as well.

It's a Northern thingWink
little_aIcon...16-10-2009 @ 09:06 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14379 posts
Cuddles said:The fastest way to make a child determined to do something is to tell them that they cant.

A child? You mean I'm expected to grow out of this?
mozIcon...16-10-2009 @ 09:29 
Feasting on humble pie.
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Joni said:my point was, if you just ban this block that deny others, how will you teach that kid to use the internet safely and well? Its like banning and blocking any access to traffic (which is of course much more dangerous place than internet will ever be!), but then one day your child wonders into the road and wouldnt know what to do. because no f**king way you can make sure they dont get online anywhere, ever.

this begs me to ask you guys on here, how many of you had internet as a child? Non? I didnt get on the net until I was an adult (last week lol)
CuddlesIcon...16-10-2009 @ 09:32 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
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Ive had the internet since I was 9 and im now 26.
CuddlesIcon...16-10-2009 @ 09:32 
Member 2, 12511 posts
SQ 190, BP 150, DL 280
620.0 kgs @ 99kgs UnEq
Most of the weirdos didnt though.
Beard_Of_IronIcon...16-10-2009 @ 09:41 
Head of Department, Ministry of Beards
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Post Edited: 16.10.2009 @ 09:42 AM by Beard_Of_Iron
Jonibol, PorkPie, Cuddles - education is all well and good but can you compare teaching a child to, for example, look both ways before crossing a road or to not accept sweets from a stranger - both of which are 'real', tangible things, to judging whether or not 10 year old 'Jimmy' in a chat room who likes puppies and football isn't really some 45 year old weirdo in his basement using his nephew's pictures so he can talk to young girls?

Adults get taken in regularly on these social networking/chat sites, you get fat middle aged women using their daughter's pictures and info to get men to talk to them, let alone kids. And no I'm not speaking from experience!!
MarkCleggIcon...16-10-2009 @ 09:46 
knock knock !! who's there ?? OLD SCHOOL SUGDEN
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Well i`m gonna let her go on it if she wants to - i had a look through it and it is for kids and you can disable the chat feature so she can`t talk to anyone else ..

BUT went and bought her a new game for her DS instead .. She`s a Double Winner

But don`t get me started about Facebook ..

"Did you see what she put as her Status"

I do NOT do the Facebook .
JoniIcon...16-10-2009 @ 10:10 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Beard_Of_Iron said:
Adults get taken in regularly on these social networking/chat sites, you get fat middle aged women using their daughter's pictures and info to get men to talk to them, let alone kids. And no I'm not speaking from experience!!

you clearly dont know how internet works. Its mostly fat middle aged men who use pictures found from the internet to pose as young women to play with easily excited guys.


Moz - times are a bit different now. When i was a kid, internet was just between military bases in US Happy I have been online since 92, but was 18 already then.


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