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FlashIcon...01-06-2016 @ 20:57 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Currently in a hotel gym doing machine workouts bra, so thought I would write up from Midlands u90 at the weekend.

Monday 30/5

Midlands Strongest Man u90kg

Build up went ok considering all issues, just had no deadlift sessions at all, so had no idea how my back would hold up at the comp.

Got there nice and early and weighed in at 88.1kg in t-shirt and joggers, all the Gainz. Had no idea about how good anyone else was and knew max deadlift was first, so was really nervous, to the point where I couldn't eat or drink anything. First time I've get like that for about 2 years.

Event 1 - max deadlift

220 was the opener, the increments of 20 up to 270, then 10s. Everyone had to lift the opener, then could jump in and out. Decided I would just lift till my back felt s**t.

Hit 220, 240, 260 then a very easy 270 and then hit the best 280 I've ever hit, so was made up. I then got called for 290 after about 2 mins rest, had a bash, got it to the knee, but no good. Could have carried on pulling, but felt it would be counterproductive for my back, so settled for 280. Was good enough for 3rd, so was made up and all nerves gone.

280kg - 3rd place

Event 2 - 100kg axel, one clean then reps from the chest

Anything but a win here and I would of been pissed off. Pressing has become a strength and wanted to capitalise on an event where I could use my pressing strength and fitness. Clean felt featherweight and then basically strict pressed the first 5. Hit 10 and then triceps went. Cleaned it up and jerked another just inside the buzzer for a nice set of 11. Good enough for the win.

11 reps - 1st place

Event 3 - 260kg yoke x12m into 110kg farmers x12m into 120kg duck walk x12m

Another good event for me, so was optimistic. Absolutely belted through yoke and farmers, just slowed slightly with the duck because midget legs. Finished in 23 seconds, but was beaten by a long legged mcdaddy by 2 seconds. Was pleased with 2nd mind.

23 seconds - 2nd place

.5 points of the lead at the break, happy days. Needed it though as I had 2 stinking events to follow.

Event 4 - car Herculeas hold

Won't even write about this. Was first out, didn't get full tension on right hand, brakes off, popped out of hand. PAR!

1.4 seconds - 10th place, LOAL

Event 5 - tyre toss

Nervous about this. 2 years ago, no one got all 6 tyres, I was out last and watched everyone get all 6. f**k! So got fired up and came out and blasted first 4 over before you could blink, missed the 5th and had to do it again, same with the double tyre (6th one), but got them all in just under 50 seconds. Comp rescued and just about guaranteed podium.

All 6 tyres in 49 seconds - 3rd place

Event 6 - 180kg squat for reps

Looking forward to this. Had big numbers in my head. Unracked, felt light, hit 7 reps in 25 seconds, then on 8th lost balance and folded over a bit, was still coming up, but spotters caught me and bought me up, which ended my lift. Shouted no no when they grabbed me as I knew I wasn't failing, but I suppose they were doing their job. Got offered the chance to go again, but was clear in third anyway, and could of only come second, so not much point.

7 reps - 7th place

Overall - 3rd place and qualification for England's for third year in a row.

Happy enough and now feel ready to bring my best to England's. No hard feelings to the spotters, will just have to do 10+ reps on 200 at England's.

On we go.

FlashIcon...03-06-2016 @ 19:56 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Friday 3/6


60kg x6, x6
100kg x6
120kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x5 - plenty more in the tank
160kg x6, x6 - these sets paused

BTN jerk

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x1
145kg x1
150kg x1 PB

Strict press

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3, x3, x3

Standing Strict pin press

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x1
105kg x3
107.5kg x1 - borrised
100kg x3


60kg x10
100kg x10
140kg x10
180kg x10
220kg x10
250kg x10, x10, x10

Raises finisher - 6kg x1 set
Hanging leg raises - 3x10 superset
Hanging knee raises - 3x10
Plank - 3x30 seconds

Decent hit out that. Strength going up well, got to push them squats on now.

fctilidieIcon...03-06-2016 @ 19:59 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
Monster lifting matey. Always inspires me to start lifting heavy again when reading this log, but I stay sensible Wink
FlashIcon...04-06-2016 @ 12:43 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
fctilidie said:Monster lifting matey. Always inspires me to start lifting heavy again when reading this log, but I stay sensible Wink

Cheers Paul, everything has clicked into place once again. Feeling really good about this year. It's all about staying sensible I'm afraid matey, longevity is key.

Saturday 4/6


60kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x1
140kg x1
160kg x1
180kg x1
200kg x1 - CNS said no more

Log push press - 1 clean

45kg x3
65kg x3
85kg x3
105kg x3
115kg x3 PB


60kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x5
180kg x5

NG bench press

60kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
170kg x3 PB

Standing ab crunch - 45kg 3x10 superset
Seated ab crunch - 45kg 3x10
Woodchop - 35kg 3x20
Plank - 3x30 seconds

Only had time for one work set on each exercise today, all felt good though, really pleased with log and bench.

FlashIcon...05-06-2016 @ 12:30 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Sunday 5/6

Speed squat

60kg x3, x3
100kg x3 - on the minute every minute for 10 minutes

Power snatch

40kg x3, x3
50kg x3
60kg x3, x3, x3
70kg x3
77.5kg x3

Power clean

60kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3
100kg x1
105kg x1
112.5kg x1

Squat jumps - 40kg x3 on the min every min for 6 mins

NG incline bench

60kg x6
80kg x6
100kg x6
115kg x6
100kg x6, x6

Box jumps - 100cm 5x5
Depth jumps - 60cm to 20cm 5x5
Slam ball push press - 6kg 5x5 superset
Slam ball slams - 6kg 5x5
Weighted plank - 25kg 3x30 seconds

Good speed day, all good feels.

samue1sonIcon...05-06-2016 @ 23:53 
Member 4416, 1372 posts
SQ 210, BP 175, DL 240
625.0 kgs @ 122kgs UnEq
You're a stud
FlashIcon...06-06-2016 @ 19:15 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
samue1son said:You're a stud


Cheers mate, if only my missus thought so!

Monday 6/6


60kg x5, x5
100kg x5, x5
140kg x3
180kg x3
200kg x1
220kg x5, x5, x5 - these sets are the most pleasing out of anything I have done this year. No paid and nice and fast. Really pleased. Deadlift is the only thing I wanted to do a bit of volume on.

Front squat

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
167.5kg x3

Log jerks

45kg x3
65kg x3
85kg x3
105kg x3
110kg x1
120kg x1

V sit ups - 3x20 superset
Plate twists - 25kg 3x20 superset
Jackknifes- 3x20

Volume and assistance cut right down in prep for England's u90 on the 25th. Don't want to be overreaching.

FlashIcon...09-06-2016 @ 21:33 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 09.06.2016 @ 21:56 PM by Flash
Thursday 9/6


60kg x6, x6
100kg x6, x6
120kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x6 PB
170kg x6, x6 - these sets paused

BTN jerk

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
130kg x3
140kg x3 PB

Strict log - 1 clean

45kg x3
65kg x3
85kg x3
95kg x3
100kg x3
105kg x3

Standing strict pin press

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x1
102.5kg x3, x3, x3


60kg x10
100kg x10
140kg x10
180kg x10
220kg x10
250kg x10, x10, x10

Raises finisher - 6kg x2 sets
Hanging leg raises - 3x10 superset
Hanging knee raises - 3x10
Plank - 3x30 seconds

Everything on track, some nice rep PBs today too.

FlashIcon...10-06-2016 @ 19:24 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Friday 10/6


60kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x1
140kg x1
160kg x1
180kg x1
200kg x1
210kg x1
220kg x1- solid enough


60kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x5
190kg x5, x5, x5

Narrow Grip bench press

60kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x1
180kg x1
190kg x1 PB - boom!

Standing ab crunch - 47.5kg 3x10 superset
Seated ab crunch - 47.5kg 3x10
Woodchop - 37.5kg 3x10
Plank - 3x30 seconds

Happy with that, pressing is so strong at the minute, wish everything else would catch up.

Training down the iron pit tomorrow, hopeful of a big log and some strong frame carry and stones in prep for England's.

If anyone cares, I post most of my vids to my Instagram, it's @flashdan87 if you wanna take a look.

BoarIcon...10-06-2016 @ 19:27 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
I care !

have a great time at the pit.

I cannot condone headphones over a headband, nomatter how hench you are.
FlashIcon...10-06-2016 @ 22:14 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Boar said:I care !

have a great time at the pit.

I cannot condone headphones over a headband, nomatter how hench you are.

Thanks for the follow mighty Boar, I will follow back in a second.

I always have a great time down the Pit, the General is the man, and Mark and Kyle are awesome. Would be lovely to see a Boar comeback down there. Liam did it the other week and was superb.

The headband is now a part of me, it's become me. Surely you have seen worse on the cycling scene, those fools will wear anything?
FlashIcon...11-06-2016 @ 17:35 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Saturday 11/6

Log - 1 clean

60kg x10, x10
80kg x3, x3
100kg x3
110kg x1
115kg x1
120kg x1
130kg x1
135kg x1 PB
120kg x3 - this set push press
110kg x5 - push press again
100kg x8 - push press

Decent logging that, coming just in time for max log at England's!

Frame carry - 30m course, drop turn @15m


Stones to 6ft

90kg about 6 times, just practice for England's.

Couldn't be arsed tackying up, lol.

fctilidieIcon...11-06-2016 @ 19:01 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
Awesome log PB.
BoarIcon...11-06-2016 @ 19:18 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
I now realise that I love the headband/headphones combo ......

and the log PB is the icing on my cake !!
jones105Icon....11-06-2016 @ 21:57 
most definatley not an idiot
Member 2731, 3707 posts
SQ 280, BP 152.5, DL 280
712.5 kgs @ 86.5kgs UnEq
Solid lifting bud..well done on that log pb

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