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Flash A-ah

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FlashIcon...01-11-2015 @ 15:37 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Sunday 1/11


70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
170kg x1
190kg x5, x5, x5

Log - every rep clean and press

45kg x3, x3
65kg x3, x3
85kg x3
95kg x3
105kg x1 on the minute every minute for 10 minutes.

Strict log

65kg x3
85kg x3
95kg x1
100kg x1
105kg x1


70kg x3, x3
120kg x3
170kg x3
200kg x1 on the minute every minute for 15 mins

Gunz and abz x20 mins.

Good enough. In a bit of a funk currently, also need to find time to train events, but that's proving difficult at the moment.

FlashIcon...02-11-2015 @ 21:54 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Monday 2/11


70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
170kg x1
190kg x5, x5, x5

Snatch grip deadlift - beltless blah blah

70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
170kg x3, x3, x3

Strict press

60kg x5, x5
70kg x5, x5
80kg x1
87.5kg x5, x4, x3

Abz x10 mins


FlashIcon...03-11-2015 @ 22:56 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Tuesday 3/11

1 x overhead squat +2 snatch balance



40kg x3, x3
50kg x3, x3
60kg x3
70kg x3
75kg x3
80kg x3
80kg xf - lol
80kg x1
85kg x1
90kg x1
92.5kg x1

Hip clean

60kg x3, x3
70kg x3, x3
80kg x3, x3
90kg x1, x1, x1


70kg x3, x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
150kg x3
170kg x1
195kg x5, x5, x5

Abz x10 mins.

Blasted, rest tomorrow, thank god!

FlashIcon...07-11-2015 @ 19:59 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Saturday 7/11

Power snatch

40kg x3, x3, x3
60kg x3, x3, x3
70kg x2, x2
75kg x2
80kg x1
85kg x1
85kg x1

Clean and jerk



60kg x3, x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
170kg x1
195kg x5, x5, x5

s**te today, but had good crack with Shane and Gerard, so f**k it.

fctilidieIcon...07-11-2015 @ 21:24 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
Strong looking sessions matey. When's your next comp?
FlashIcon...08-11-2015 @ 17:52 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
fctilidie said:Strong looking sessions matey. When's your next comp?

It's ok Paul, a bit hit and miss sometimes but hey ho.

Next comp is November 22nd in Newcastle. Arnold's u80 qualifier.

Hope your well matey
FlashIcon...08-11-2015 @ 17:53 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Sunday 8/11


70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x3
150kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x5, x5, x5 PB for sets.


45kg x3, x3 - all reps one motion
65kg x3, x3 - all reps one motion
85kg x3 - all reps one motion
95kg x1 - one motion
100kg x4 - all one motion in 28 seconds
100kg x5 - all push press in 38 seconds

Strict pin press

60kg x3, x3
80kg x3
90kg x1
100kg x3
102.5kg x3
105kg x3


70kg x6
120kg x6
170kg x6
240kg x6, x6, x6

Neutral seated DB press - 3x10
DB lateral raises - 3x10
Rear delt cable pulls - 3x10
Face pulls - 3x10
Wide upright row - 3x10

Abz x10 mins

Happy with that. Squats felt so much better today, actually had time to warm up properly today which helped. Heavy triple and double in the week, then look for a big single next Sunday. Gainz

FlashIcon...09-11-2015 @ 20:42 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Monday 9/11

3 second Paused Squat - beltless

60kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x3, x3, x3
130kg x3, x3

Just some active recovery for squats. Good form and speed on these.


60kg x3, x3
100kg x3
140kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x10, x10, x10

That was AIDS. Got through all sets, but wanted to jack it on all the way through.


60kg x6, x6
100kg x6, x6
120kg x6, x6
100kg x6, x6
60kg x6, x6

BTN snatch grip push press

70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3
100kg x3
110kg x3
120kg x3

Abz x10 mins

Decent hit out again. Weightlifting tomorrow, may attempt my heavy triple squat or may save for later in the week. Will see how bad I feel after the deadlifts.

FlashIcon...10-11-2015 @ 22:32 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Tuesday 10/11

Overhead squat

40kg x3, x3, x3
50kg x3, x3
60kg x3
65kg x3
70kg x3

Snatch balance

40kg x3
50kg x3
60kg x3
70kg x3
80kg x1
85kg x1
90kg x1

Hip snatch

40kg x3, x3, x3
50kg x3, x3
60kg x3

Really concentrated on hitting full depth with every exercise. Felt good in the end. Progress here for sure.

Full clean and squat jerk - 3 second pause on jerk dip

40kg x3, x3, x3
60kg x3, x3
80kg x3, x3
90kg x2
95kg x2
100kg x2


70kg x3, x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
150kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x1
220kg x1

Not ideal tonight, did the whole session in an hour and a half including stretching, and squats in 20 mins. Wanted a triple on 220, but wasn't happening. Far to rushed, but the single in itself was good which is a positive. Wandering whether to leave squats now until I test on Sunday so I can hit something massive. Hmm!

FlashIcon...12-11-2015 @ 23:09 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Thursday 12/11


70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x3
150kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x1
230kg x1 PB Yey

120kg x3, x3, x3 - paused and beltless

Power snatch

40kg x3, x3, x3
50kg x3, x3
60kg x3
70kg x1
72.5kg x1
75kg x1
77.5kg x1
80kg x1

Full clean and push press

70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3
100kg x1 clean and 3 press
110kg x1 clean and 3 press

Done. Good session, really happy with my squat. Still want to beat it if possible on Sunday. It's on my Instagram if anyone's interested. @flashdan87 give us a follow Happy

RodgerIcon...13-11-2015 @ 13:15 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Nice work. There's 5kg more there mate
WILLSANIcon...13-11-2015 @ 16:08 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
big squat! well done mate.

do you dehydrate for u80 comps? if so, what is the max amount you would loose without it knackering you?
FlashIcon...14-11-2015 @ 14:59 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Rodger said:Nice work. There's 5kg more there mate

Cheers dodge, we shall see. May stick wraps in and try get 10kg Happy

Hope you well as always mate.
FlashIcon...14-11-2015 @ 15:04 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
WILLSAN said:big squat! well done mate.

do you dehydrate for u80 comps? if so, what is the max amount you would loose without it knackering you?

Cheers Will, want 240 on Sunday then I will step back from the heavy squats as its been tough on my body and limited what else I can train. Will focus around another lift I think.

I do dehydrate yeah. Will usually walk round about 83.5, maybe 84, depending on whether the show is 24 hour weigh in or on the day. I was 85 the day before England's strongest u80 this year and to loose 5kg and compete on the day was tough, probably too much. Luckily I was that amped I won the first three events, but then faded very quickly, had it not been for the first three event wins I would of been f**ked.

I would say, to operate, train and walk round at 84 is idea for u80 comps. The dehydration isn't hard once you get the hang of it. Just got to get the dehydration and rehydration spot on. Be good to do some u80 shows with you mate.
FlashIcon...14-11-2015 @ 15:04 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 14.11.2015 @ 15:23 PM by Flash
WILLSAN said:big squat! well done mate.

do you dehydrate for u80 comps? if so, what is the max amount you would loose without it knackering you?

double peno

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