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Flash A-ah

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FlashIcon...17-12-2011 @ 14:17 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
jamspastic said:Some great training going on in here mate!

Cheers J-Spaz, same with you mate. You doing BSM U80kg again this year?

Saturday 17/12

Events at the Cauldron HTC.

Awesome day today with the boys, and Vic. Good crowd turned up for a good comp. Cheers for the session Bish, Skip, Jedward Ian Hamster, Pikey Dan, Andy Tracksuit, Mark Gregory, Mark's mate (sorry forgot name), Vic and of course last but not least the master JT. Everyone put in some great work and made it a very competative session.

Event 1 - 17" Deadlift

60kg x6 (2sets)
110kg x3
160kg x1
200kg x1
240kg x1
260kg x1
280kg x1 PB - Horrible height to pull from for me, just cant get my legs into it at all. Still a PB so happy days.
300kg xf - Worried the bar a bit Happy

Event 2 - Stone lift, no tacky

80kg x4 (2 to each shoulder)(2sets)
80kg x2 (load to 45")
105kg to 45" x1
105kg to 45" x4 in 75 seconds

Event 3 - MAX Doomsday Dumbell

34kg x3 strict (2sets)
44kg x1 (2sets)
44kg x3
54kg x1 - Default PB
59kg xff - First time on this very awkward dumbell to press. To be fair I liked it though. Hopefully get a fairly big number in the coming weeks.

Event 4 - Farmers walk

70kg each hand x20m (2sets)
110kg x20m PB
120kg x20m PB - So so happy with this. Previous PB was 100 for 20m. Shows that some serious training on this helps. My grip felt really good, so couldnt be happier.

Event 5 - 15kg Axe Hold for time

40 Seconds - BOOM

Event 6 - Strict Log

47kg x3
67kg x2
77kg x1
87kg x1
92kg x1 - Absolute grinder, took an eternity to press. Lower back was shot and was pretty tired but happy to grind it out.

Overall a quality session and a great way to end my last events session of the year. Cheers boys and see you down the Cauldron in 2012.
jtIcon...17-12-2011 @ 16:03 
old age traveller
Member 332, 7913 posts
nice all round session today

train your weakness and reap the rewards well done!
WILLSANIcon...17-12-2011 @ 16:24 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 17.12.2011 @ 16:24 PM by WILLSAN
great session mate. farmers in particular!
pikey_danIcon...17-12-2011 @ 19:05 
Dropped a bollock somewhere
Member 808, 1241 posts
SQ 225, BP 120, DL 250
595.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Flash said:
Thanks SO much mate Wink

Nice effort on the farmers today
Don't take the piss Grin
FlashIcon...19-12-2011 @ 23:52 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Cheers for the kind words guys, especially Pikey Dan Happy Gonna kee plugging away and get as strong as possible.

Monday 19/12

Todays session was hard, my body was still screaming from satudays events and I horribly overslept. Just decided to do a little bit of work and rest for the day ready to hit it hard tomorrow.

Strict Press

Bar xloads
50kg x6
60kg x5
70kg x3
82.5kg x3
85kg x3
87.5kg x2
60kg x6

On the 87.5kg set the third was so very nealy there. Another day I would have had it. Considering my current PB is 90kg I'm still happy.

Flat Bench Press

Bar x6
60kg x6
100kg x3
120kg x1
140kg x1
150kg x1
160kg x1
60kg x6

Just thought I would see where my bench was at. The 160 was a real grinder but at least its still there. I was happy with this especially after pressing befoe hand. I think if I was fresh I would have more in me.

Split Rope Pulldown

Stack x10 (3sets)

Then did about 5 minutes of continuos weighted ab work.

Like I said only a small session today, needed the rest and now feel ready to give it some tomorrow.
FlashIcon...20-12-2011 @ 00:05 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Also these are my videos from events at the weekend.

280kg 17"

105kg stone load no tacky v JT

54kg Doomsday Dumbell

JT making some good noises in the background

120kg Farmers

Axe Hold

FlashIcon...20-12-2011 @ 18:12 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Tuesday 20/12 - Training at a top secret location

My glute was in absolute agony today and as this was my deadlift day I was not happy. I decided to get something done although it wasn't my greatest session.

Sumo Deadlift - tried this, didnt like it

50kg x6 (2sets)
100kg x3 (2sets)
150kg x1 Double Overhand
150kg x3
180kg x1
200kg xf - Hated sumo deadlift, not for me at all, and my glute hurt. Many excuses

Conventional Deadlift

200kg x1
200kg x2
200kg x1 - my glute was killing now so I had to take the weight off and get my work in another way.

Speed Pulls

130kg x1 (10 sets) 1:1 rest with my secret training partner


100kg x20 - this hurt
100kg x10

Single Arm Dumbell Row

30kg inch replica dumbell x6 each arm (3sets)

Bent Over Row

100kg x6 (3sets)

Wide Grip Chins

bw x10
bw x10
bw x12

Neutral Grip Chins

bw x10
bw x10
bw x8

Rope Chin Ups

bw x8
bw x9
bw x10

Then did 3 different sets of differen bice exercises to finish. Managed to get some good work in even though I seem to be injured. Will hopefully be better soon.
bigbadbishIcon...20-12-2011 @ 18:21 
A World class farmer
Member 576, 3429 posts
SQ 350, BP 200, DL 400
950.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Nice lifting brother!

As for the secret location... in future avoid showing a video of said loaction in order to keep it secret. Not many small gyms out there that well equipped! Grin

Furthermore avoid your camera man shouting out his new favorite catchphrase Grin
JHIcon...20-12-2011 @ 19:39 
Member 1739, 1266 posts
SQ 365, BP 245, DL 332.5
942.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Sorry to hear about your glute strain rest up, sumo not that easy is it.
I thought you failed your 160 as your bum come off the bench a lot? Your close grips are a lot more fluid then your wide grip bench.
andydanjoshIcon...23-12-2011 @ 16:22 
^^ thats me that is !! ^^ (the hair is a wig)
Member 776, 8709 posts
SQ 140, BP 127.5, DL 180
447.5 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
nice looking sessions dan

FlashIcon...24-12-2011 @ 16:47 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Cheers Andy, be good to see how skinny you are after Christmas!

Saturday 24/12

Am up in morecambe visiting my mum for Christmas so arranged to get a session in with the mongs at salt ayre. Was a quality session with a great bunch of lads and a good atmosphere. Got some good tips as well so quite happy.

Went into the session knowing my glute injury was still playing up, but needed to put some weight through my body. Knew I wouldn't be lifting at max today but was happy with what I got. Right excuses over, onto the training.

Max log

50kg x6 (strict)
70kg x4 (strict)
80kg x3
90kg x1 - hard
95kg x1 - easy
102.5kg xff - just didn't have it, glute starting to hurt. Was nearly there on both, just couldn't push through.


50kg x40m
150kg x40m
230kg x20m
270kg x20m - all comfortable and I was pleased seen as I hadn't done yoke for ages and I'm injured. Think a heavy yoke is in the pipeline for 2012.

18" deadlift - only coz Shane was doing them

100kg x6
140kg x6
180kg x3
250kg x1
280kg x1
310kg xf - only tried that coz hixxy bullied me into it. Never even budged. That weight is a target for 2012.

SS Dumbell

I had never used one before and had heard mixed reviews, but I really wanted a shot. I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

53kg xf
53kg x1 (3sets)
53kg x2
53kg x3
64kg x1 PB on any dumbell! - then when I got the camera out I failed the press about 3 times, but the first one shot up. Made the whe session worth it.

Great session and thanks to the morecambe beasts for having me.
andydanjoshIcon...24-12-2011 @ 16:50 
^^ thats me that is !! ^^ (the hair is a wig)
Member 776, 8709 posts
SQ 140, BP 127.5, DL 180
447.5 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
Flash said:Cheers Andy, be good to see how skinny you are after Christmas!

Saturday 24/12

Am up in morecambe visiting my mum for Christmas so arranged to get a session in with the mongs at salt ayre. Was a quality session with a great bunch of lads and a good atmosphere. Got some good tips as well so quite happy.

Went into the session knowing my glute injury was still playing up, but needed to put some weight through my body. Knew I wouldn't be lifting at max today but was happy with what I got. Right excuses over, onto the training.

Max log

50kg x6 (strict)
70kg x4 (strict)
80kg x3
90kg x1 - hard
95kg x1 - easy
102.5kg xff - just didn't have it, glute starting to hurt. Was nearly there on both, just couldn't push through.


50kg x40m
150kg x40m
230kg x20m
270kg x20m - all comfortable and I was pleased seen as I hadn't done yoke for ages and I'm injured. Think a heavy yoke is in the pipeline for 2012.

18" deadlift - only coz Shane was doing them

100kg x6
140kg x6
180kg x3
250kg x1
280kg x1
310kg xf - only tried that coz hixxy bullied me into it. Never even budged. That weight is a target for 2012.

SS Dumbell

I had never used one before and had heard mixed reviews, but I really wanted a shot. I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

53kg xf
53kg x1 (3sets)
53kg x2
53kg x3
64kg x1 PB on any dumbell! - then when I got the camera out I failed the press about 3 times, but the first one shot up. Made the whe session worth it.

Great session and thanks to the morecambe beasts for having me.

i will be 90+ lol

nice work dan

shanejerIcon...24-12-2011 @ 16:55 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
The 64 FLEW UP!!

Curse of the camera!!! Nice to have you down
tazIcon...24-12-2011 @ 16:56 
he who does the volume wins
Member 2498, 3652 posts
SQ 160, BP 125, DL 225
510.0 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Nice to meet ya today mate.

That Yoke was impressive mate, good foot speed, a heavy one is defo gonna be there in the near future.

The logs were bloody close, that 102.5kg+ is gonna go soon aswell!!

That 64kg DB lift was an absolute peach, thought i'd better come on and give the eye witness account before the non-beleivers start Happy
SkipIcon...24-12-2011 @ 17:13 
too large
Member 2411, 824 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 300
702.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Nice looking sessions Flash!

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