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Flash A-ah

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FlashIcon...30-12-2011 @ 17:50 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Cheers for the comments lads, really really helps. Especially the Salt Ayre lads that witnessed my dumbell. And yeah Shane, curse of the f**king camera.

Friday 30/12

Strict Press

Bar xloads
50kg x5 (2sets)
60kg x3
70kg x1
80kg x1
90kg xff - Really annoyed with this, should have been there, but wasnt. Should have stuck to the plan.
60kg x10 (2sets)

Push Press

60kg x3
80kg x1
90kg x1
100kg x1 - this flew up, so......
110kg xff - Should have learnt from the strict press, STICK TO THE PLAN!

Shrugs (light)

100kg x10
140kg x10
180kg x10
140kg x20

After the s**te start I decided I would do some weighted circuits as it seems all the rage at the minute. The first one focussed on shoulders, the second was a sort of rehab for my glute and the last was for arms and shoulders.

Hammer Front Raises - 20kg each arm x10 (3sets)
Lateral Raises - 16kg each arm x8 (3sets)
Wide Grip Upright Row - 40kg x6 (3sets)
Roll Outs - 20kg x10 (3sets)
Burpees - bw x10 (3sets)
Did this for 3 sets with 90 seconds rest in between each set. Kind of a made u circuit and it took me back to my rugby days, was knackered after but will help in the long run.

Oly Back Squat - 60kg x10 (3sets)
RDL - 60kg x10 (3sets)
Hanging Leg Raises - bw x10 (3sets)
Hanging Knee Raises - bw x10 (3sets)
Again 3 sets with 90 seconds rest in between sets. Another good one, felt like it was nicely stretching my glute out.

Standing Barbell Curl - 20kg x20
Standing French Press - 20kg x20
Standing Bradford Press - 20kg x40
V-sit ups - bw x20
Just 1 set on this cause I was about to throw up all over the gym. In the tempory Powerbase at Loughborough their is no air con so it gets hot, especially when your doing stupid exercise stuff Happy

That was that, all in all good session and after the sick feeling had gone away I actually felt really good. Gonna keep doing the circuits and get fit for the new season I think. Could have been in a real bad mood after the pressing disaster at the beginning but im now buing for events tomorrow.
ursusIcon...30-12-2011 @ 17:54 
Man up and have a fuckin coffee
Member 2086, 9717 posts
SQ 340, BP 252.5, DL 300
892.5 kgs @ 158kgs UnEq
Tremendous dumbelling flash well done ! Your events work is great at JTs at the moment ................i predict good things bud ! Cool
FlashIcon...30-12-2011 @ 18:11 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
ursus said:Tremendous dumbelling flash well done ! Your events work is great at JTs at the moment ................i predict good things bud ! Cool

Without brown nosing too much mate, my dumbell has been flying since you gave me the advice to lean to the left slightly. That simple movement has improved my technique and allowed me to shift about 13kg (and counting) more.
ben66Icon...30-12-2011 @ 18:14 
Why get fat to look big?
Member 1330, 4797 posts
SQ 300, BP 200, DL 305
805.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Strong looking sessions Flash Happy
ursusIcon...31-12-2011 @ 00:49 
Man up and have a fuckin coffee
Member 2086, 9717 posts
SQ 340, BP 252.5, DL 300
892.5 kgs @ 158kgs UnEq
Flash said:
Without brown nosing too much mate, my dumbell has been flying since you gave me the advice to lean to the left slightly. That simple movement has improved my technique and allowed me to shift about 13kg (and counting) more.

great news im chuffed lets see you head on the road to 70kg mate,i might let you into a secret or two Wink
andydanjoshIcon...31-12-2011 @ 11:40 
^^ thats me that is !! ^^ (the hair is a wig)
Member 776, 8709 posts
SQ 140, BP 127.5, DL 180
447.5 kgs @ 74kgs UnEq
nice session big man Wink

FlashIcon...02-01-2012 @ 17:37 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Thanks alot for the kind words Ben, Jay and Andy. Had some great sessions recently which makes my recent news f**king crap for me. So, Just to fill in I had an events session saturday and realised the pain in my glute was just so bad I couldn't go on, so I decided to see someone about it and they have told me I have a small tear in my left glute and need to take a month off any lower body weighted exercise, as well as any upper body stuff that involves standing, i.e. strict press. So I'm pretty bummed (no pun intended) about this but it gives me time to work on my pressing which needs to improve, and get a massive upper body. Just hoe I dont loose to much strength on my squat and deadlift in this month whilst I recover. Anyway onwards to the sessions.

Saturday 31/12

Events at the Cauldron HTC

15" deadlift (Thought I could pull, turns out the pain was too much)

Bar x6
70kg x3 (2sets)
120kg x3 (2sets)
170kg x2
200kg x1
230kg x1
250kg x1
270kg xf - too painful, had the strength to pull it, but it just hurt to much.

Inch Dumbell Press

I was in that much pain at this point I had to get Skip to move the dumbells into the correct position on the floor so I could clean it up and press. In hindsight not the best idea but I knew I had a PB in there.

35kg x6
50kg x1 (2sets)
56kg x2 (2sets)

64kg x1 PB

Loving the dumbell at the moment.

Steep Incline Axel Bench Press

50kg x10 (2sets)
70kg x5
80kg x3 (2sets)
85kg x3
90kg x2, got cramp called it a day and went to see the physio.

Monday 2/1

Seated Military Press

bar x6
60kg x6 (2sets)
70kg x3
80kg x3
85kg x3
80kg x3
70kg x3
60kg x6 (2sets)

BTN Seated Military

60kg x4
70kg x4
75kg x4
70kg x4
60kg x4

Seated Shoulder Lockouts

60kg x6
80kg x6
90kg x6
100kg x6 (2sets)

Flat Bench Press

70kg x6
90kg x3
110kg x1
130kg x3 (3sets)

Incline Bench Press

Bar x6
60kg x4
80kg x4
90kg x4 (3sets)

Decline Bench

60kg x6
100kg x3
120kg x6 (2sets)
60kg x20

Cable Crossover ss with Dips

32.5kg x10 (3sets)
Dips - bw x10 (3sets)

Crunches on GHR - bw x15 ss with
Hanging Leg Raises - bw x10 (3sets of each)

Loads of pressing obviously and my triceps were shot. Hopefully will see aa nice improvement in my pressing after all this volume.
jamspasticIcon...02-01-2012 @ 17:42 
just call me J-spaz.
Member 1160, 1556 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 02.01.2012 @ 18:27 PM by jamspastic
Bad news about the injury. I'm sure you wont lose much strength in a month though. Maybe throw in some seated good mornings??
jtIcon...02-01-2012 @ 18:22 
old age traveller
Member 332, 7917 posts
i'll do some 1 legged squats and deadlifts with you if you come over on saturdayHappy
WILLSANIcon...02-01-2012 @ 18:28 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
crap news on the injury mate. some great dumbelling nonetheless!
bigbadbishIcon...02-01-2012 @ 19:54 
A World class farmer
Member 576, 3429 posts
SQ 350, BP 200, DL 400
950.0 kgs @ 136kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 02.01.2012 @ 20:00 PM by bigbadbish
What are you taking about? That is good news. I shall explain...

1. You now know what is wrong.
2. You have caught it early and have avoided a higher grade tear or full rupture.
3. You have no comps coming up soon so can afford some time off.
4. You can now just train da shoulderz and gunz in a lazy seated fashion.

Seriously though mate, better to take the time off now than have a grade II glute tear which trust me is not fun! AND is a minimum of 10 weeks. Rest up and recover.
ursusIcon...02-01-2012 @ 20:00 
Man up and have a fuckin coffee
Member 2086, 9717 posts
SQ 340, BP 252.5, DL 300
892.5 kgs @ 158kgs UnEq
upper body here we come , shame about the ass mate take care
shanejerIcon...02-01-2012 @ 20:16 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Good luck with rehab mate! I've torn my left glute before and it's not nice!!
SkipIcon...02-01-2012 @ 23:23 
too large
Member 2411, 824 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 300
702.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
Bad news pal with the glute. Maybe time to train towards a 170 bench and beat Ian Hamster? Happy
FlashIcon...03-01-2012 @ 14:36 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Thanks for the kind words guys, helps alot. To help me out has anyone got any advice on stretches etc or exercises I could do in order to help me get over it?

J-Spaz - How are you doing the seated good mornings? Banded or barbell?
JT - Ha, one legged deadlift and one legged squats for MAX?
WILLSAN - Cheers mate, thats good coming from someone as good on the dumbell as yourself.
Bish - Hearing this has made it a bit better. Da gunz is coming on man. Any advice on stretches rehab etc?
JP- Big upper body, only gonna help on that road to 70kg dumbell.
Shane - How long it take you to get back to fitness etc?
Skip - Ha ha, spoke to Ian today and he says he refuses to be drawn into this "anti-banter".

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