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Flash A-ah

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RodgerIcon...07-12-2011 @ 19:58 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Your lifting is pretty incredible mate. How long you been training?
FlashIcon...08-12-2011 @ 13:07 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Rodger said:Your lifting is pretty incredible mate. How long you been training?

Don't know about incredible yet mate but im working on it Wink And thanks a lot. Your quite a strong bas***d yourself if I remember from Dragons.
Been strength training for just over a year now but had a good backgound in weights etc thanks to semi-pro rugby. Had to retire from that thanks to to many concussions though. Then started training for strongman with Bish after I saw him doing log in the gym and got chatting to him. Never looked back really.
RodgerIcon...08-12-2011 @ 13:42 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Flash said:
Don't know about incredible yet mate but im working on it Wink And thanks a lot. Your quite a strong bas***d yourself if I remember from Dragons.
Been strength training for just over a year now but had a good backgound in weights etc thanks to semi-pro rugby. Had to retire from that thanks to to many concussions though. Then started training for strongman with Bish after I saw him doing log in the gym and got chatting to him. Never looked back really.

Ah a good base then
Happy Cool
FlashIcon...08-12-2011 @ 19:50 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Yeah Roger a good base indeed. But wasnt used to all the heavy weighted stuff when first started but loving it now.

Thursday 8/12

Front Squat

Loads of stretching first
Bar xloads
60kg x3 (2sets)
100kg x3 (2sets)
Belt on
120kg x1
130kg x3 (3sets) - Very happy with how quick and easy these were. Finished my last programme doing 3x3 on this weight and I felt that was my max. To start on that weight this new programme and find it easy put a smile on my face.

Olympic Back Squat

60kg x4
100kg x4
140kg x2
Belt on
160kg x4 (2sets)
140kg x6 (Paused reps)- Plan was to do 4x4 but legs were done so decided to do some paused reps. Really enjoyed these and feel they will help strengthen my legs. Gonna try and do them every week now.

Push Press

60kg x6
70kg x3
80kg x1
90kg x3
95kg x3 (2sets)

BTN Push Press

90kg x4 (2sets)
92.5kg x4 (2sets)

BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press

65kg x6 (3sets)

Dumbell Hammer Front Raises

22kg's x6 (3sets)

Lateral Raises

16kg x6 (3sets)

Face Pulls

stack x10 (3sets)strict reps, 4's negatives

Then finished with 3 sets of a hanging leg raises and hanging knee raises superset doing 15 reps on each.

Good session today, loads of work and some good rep stuff on some good weights. Training feels good at the moment.
BoarIcon...08-12-2011 @ 19:53 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
and if i recall correctly flash , you have a very fit girlfriend !! (i had to warn her off bothering me at the midlands, it happens alot ...)

great volumatic session !
FlashIcon...12-12-2011 @ 18:05 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Ha, yes Boar. She was probably attracted to your extreme manliness. And your amaing competition hats.

Monday 12/12

Strict Press

bar xloads
50kg x6
60kg x6
70kg x5
80kg x3
82.5kg x3
85kg x3 - Rep PB. Very happy with this, as after consulting my journal only a month ago my 3 rep max was only 77.5kg. Progression!

Barbell One Motions FTOH

60kg x4
62.5kg x4
65kg x4
67.5kg x4

Strict Press Lockouts from pins

60kg x6
80kg x6 (3sets)

Flat Bench

60kg x6 (2sets)
100kg x2 - paused reps
122.5kg x6 (3sets)
60kg x6 - paused reps

Incline Bench

60kg x6
80kg x6
90kg x6

Decline Bench

60kg x6
130kg x6 (3sets)

Cable Crossover

stack x10 (3sets)

Concept 2 - 500m x4 with 2 minute rest periods. Best time of 1:45.9. Did what Boar said and messed about with the settings and got official times. Knackering after a big session.

V-sit ups x20 (3sets)

Godd session, the end!
FlashIcon...13-12-2011 @ 19:10 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Tuesday 13/12

16" Deadlift

Bar x6 (2sets)
60kg x6
100kg x6
140kg x3
180kg x3
220kg x1
240kg x3 (3sets) - Still to high for me to get my legs into the lift which is no good for a leggy puller. I think I will pull 3 3's with this weight all the way to the floor. The first set was a real grinder but sets 2 and 3 were loads better. All reps wee clean pulls, no hitch.

Defecit Deadlift of 5 1/2" block (all sets strapless)

100kg x4
140kg x1
140kg x4
180kg x4 (2sets) - was meant to be 4x4 but felt a twinge in my glute, which is never good Wink and I knew I had RDL to do so left it there. They were quick reps though which is nice.


160kg x6 (3sets)
100kg x10

Bent Over Row

100kg x6 (3sets)
suerset with Underhand Bent Over Row 80kg x6 (3sets)

Lat Pulldown

100kg x6
105kg x6
110kg x6

Underhand Lat Pulldown

85kg x6
90kg x6
95kg x6

Standing Bicep Curl

22kg each hand x10 (3sets)

Finished on leg raises of a bench for 3 sets of 20. Felt nice and pumped after the session. I no if I can get a good lockout combined with my current speed from the floor I will be able to pull something tasty. More work will be done.
BoarIcon...14-12-2011 @ 18:57 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
Considering the large amount of graft you put in flash, the 500m split times are great !
pikey_danIcon...14-12-2011 @ 19:15 
Dropped a bollock somewhere
Member 808, 1241 posts
SQ 225, BP 120, DL 250
595.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Some nice sessions going on flash
FlashIcon...15-12-2011 @ 20:56 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Thursday 15/12

After walking round London for 10 hours with the missus yesterday and being up for 23 of 24 hours on 2 1/2 hours sleep coz of work I wasn't that hopeful for todays session, however I was pleasantly surprised.

Decided to ow first this session to try get a fresh time in however it was probably worse than my normal one. I did a 5 minute warm up where I rowed 1000m, then did 500m x4 with 2 minutes rest periods. Best time was a modest 1:44.3. MUST do better.

Power Cleans

warmed up with hang cleans and high pulls on 50kg
60kg x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3

Push Press

60kg x5
70kg x3
80kg x1
90kg x3
95kg x3
97.5kg x3 - Getting closer to the 100kg x3 target I set myself for this 5 week block and I'm only in week 2 so happy days.

BTN Push Press

90kg x4
92.5kg x4 (3sets)

Strict BTN Snatch Press

65kg x6 (3sets)


70kg x10
120kg x6
170kg x6
220kg x6
240kg x4

Face Pulls

Stach x15 (3sets)

Hammer Front Raises

22kg x6 (2sets)
22kg x10

Lateral Raises

15kg x10 (3sets)

Finished with a superset of hangin leg raises and hanging knee raises. Did 3 minutes of constant work and walked out with a very sore core. Good session all things consideing. A squat session tomorrow then some fun at the Cauldron with the crew on the weekend. Boom!
SkipIcon...15-12-2011 @ 21:02 
too large
Member 2411, 824 posts
SQ 240, BP 162.5, DL 300
702.5 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
TBH mate, i think the key to a good training session is to have minimal sleep the night before! Grin Good work today. Drive more with ur legs on the push presses and they'll fly up! Saturdays gonna be goood!
FlashIcon...17-12-2011 @ 03:00 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Friday 16/12

Quick lower body session today before I smash some events at the Cauldron on saturday morning. Cannot wait.

Front Squat

bar x6 (2sets)
Loads of stretching coz I felt very tight
60kg x3 (2sets)
100kg x3
120kg x1
132.5kg x3 (3sets) - Happy with this as it was a rep PB and I feel my front squat is getting a lot stronger. Gonna look for 140kg x3 at the end of this programme.

Oly Back Squat (all reps paused)

100kg x4
140kg x4 (4sets) - These were tough. I was touching my arse on my calves then pausing then being called up by the pasty powerlifter. Im very weak out the hole so I hope these will help me drive better from that position.

Good mornings

80kg x6 (3sets)

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat

60kg x6 each leg (3sets)
Superset with walking lunges for 25 meters (3sets)

Inbetween my paused oly squats, good mornings and lunges I did core rollouts with a barbell. I managed 10 sets of 15 reps.

Left it there for today to make sure I wasnt to burnt out for events on saturday.
JHIcon...17-12-2011 @ 06:14 
Member 1739, 1266 posts
SQ 365, BP 245, DL 332.5
942.5 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Flash said:Friday 16/12

Quick lower body session today before I smash some events at the Cauldron on saturday morning. Cannot wait.

Front Squat

bar x6 (2sets)
Loads of stretching coz I felt very tight
60kg x3 (2sets)
100kg x3
120kg x1
132.5kg x3 (3sets) - Happy with this as it was a rep PB and I feel my front squat is getting a lot stronger. Gonna look for 140kg x3 at the end of this programme.

Oly Back Squat (all reps paused)

100kg x4
140kg x4 (4sets) - These were tough. I was touching my arse on my calves then pausing then being called up by the pasty powerlifter. Im very weak out the hole so I hope these will help me drive better from that position.

Good mornings

80kg x6 (3sets)

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat

60kg x6 each leg (3sets)
Superset with walking lunges for 25 meters (3sets)

Inbetween my paused oly squats, good mornings and lunges I did core rollouts with a barbell. I managed 10 sets of 15 reps.

Left it there for today to make sure I wasnt to burnt out for events on saturday.

You took a platform up to do that, pfttt! Lol
jamspasticIcon...17-12-2011 @ 11:44 
just call me J-spaz.
Member 1160, 1556 posts
SQ 205, BP 140, DL 260
605.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Some great training going on in here mate!
FlashIcon...17-12-2011 @ 14:01 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
pikey_dan said:Some nice sessions going on flash

Thanks SO much mate Wink

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