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Flash A-ah

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FlashIcon...09-05-2016 @ 19:12 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Sunday 8/5

Tyre toss - 10 sets of 4 tyres over rugby posts. Felt decent this week.

Monday 9/5


60kg x6, x6
100kg x6
120kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x3
180kg x12 - decent
150kg x6, x6 - all reps on these 2 sets paused

BTN jerk

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x1
142.5kg x1
145kg x1

Strict press

60kg x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
95kg x3
97.5kg x3, x3

Standing Strict pin press

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
102.5kg x3, x3


60kg x10
100kg x10
140kg x10
180kg x10
230kg x10, x10, x10

Raises Finisher - 6kg x1 set
Hanging leg raises - 3x10 superset
Hanging knee raises - 3x10
Plank - 3x30 seconds

Good session tonight in the heat. Will do cardio and finish the assistance I missed tomorrow night.

FlashIcon...10-05-2016 @ 21:52 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Tuesday 9/5

Wide upright row - 60kg 3x10
Klokov press - 65kg 3x10
Seated neutral DB press - 36kg es 3x10
DB lateral raises - 24kg es 3x10
Rear delt cable pulls - 3x10
Face pull - 35kg 3x10
Bicep curl - 3x10
Rope curl - 3x10
Machine curl - 3x10
Crucifix press ups on rings - 3x10
Plank - 3x30 seconds

Bike x20 mins

Dat pump, in and out in an hour 10.

More squats and overhead tomorrow, Yey!

FlashIcon...11-05-2016 @ 20:31 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Wednesday 11/5


60kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x1
140kg x1
160kg x1
180kg x1
205kg x1
210kg x1, x1

Push press

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
117.5kg x3
120kg x3
122.5kg x3
100kg x10 - very routine, pleasing


60kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x5
160kg x5, x5, x5

NG bench press

60kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x1
165kg x3, x3, x3

BB lunges - 120kg 3x10
Leg press (plt wt) - 280kg 3x10
Calf raises (plt wt) - 240kg 3x10
Leg extensions - 125kg 3x10
Leg curl - 80kg 3x10
Standing ab crunch - 42.5kg 3x10 superset
Seated ab crunch - 42.5kg 3x10
Woodchop - 32.5kg 3x10
Plank - 3x30 seconds

All good tonight. Push press was fast and squats were so much better than last week. These actually felt like daily singles! Needed some effort, but defo no where near max or failure like last week. Bench feels strongest ever currently, actually, all pressing does. Good news.

FlashIcon...13-05-2016 @ 23:00 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Friday 13/5


60kg x3
100kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x1
220kg x1
240kg x1
250kg x1 - well, that was decent. Happy as a pig in s**t. Most I've pulled since November last year.

Front squat

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x1
160kg x3, x3, x3

Log clean and strict press (clean and strict every rep)

45kg x3
65kg x3
75kg x3
85kg x3
90kg x1
100kg x3, x3, x3

NG decline bench

60kg x6
100kg x6
120kg x6
150kg x6, x6, x6

Weighted pull up - +20kg 3x10
V sit ups - bw 3x20 superset
Plate twists - 25kg 3x20 superset
Jackknifes - 3x20

Very pleased with that. Back seems to be healing well. Won't pull anything heavy now. Might have something respectable in me after all.

FlashIcon...16-05-2016 @ 20:15 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Monday 16/5


60kg x6, x6
100kg x6
120kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x3
180kg x13 - +1 on last week, gains
140kg x6, x6 - these two sets all paused

BTN jerk

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
130kg x1
145kg x1

Strict press

60kg x3
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x1
97.5kg x3
100kg x3, x3

Standing strict pin press

60kg x3
80kg x3
102.5kg x3
105kg x3, x3


60kg x10
100kg x10
140kg x10
180kg x10
240kg x10, x10, x10

Wide upright row - 62.5kg 3x10
Klokov press - 67.5kg 3x10
Seated neutral DB press - 38kg es 3x8
DB lateral raises - 24kg 3x10
Rear delt cable pulls - 3x10
Face pulls - 37.5kg 3x10
Raises finisher - 6kg x 1set
Hanging leg raises - 3x10 superset
Hanging knee raises - 3x10
Plank - 3x30 seconds

Squats wiped me out tonight. Rest of session was pretty turd and a real grind. Ah well, last one with all the volume. Comp 2 weeks today, then if I qualify for England's will drop all accessories and just focus on getting strang.

I ain't afraid of Toby Strang!

FlashIcon...17-05-2016 @ 21:31 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Tuesday 17/5

Watt bike - 20 mins

Weighted pull up - 25kg 3x10
Bent over row - 80kg 3x10
Lat pull down - 125kg 3x10
V bar pull down - 95kg 3x10
Neutral low row (plt wt) - 150kg 3x10

Crucifix press ups on rings - 3x10
Dips - 3x20
Decline crunches - 3x20

Good bit of fluff, more squats tomorrow.

FlashIcon...19-05-2016 @ 19:34 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Thursday 19/5


60kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x1
140kg x1
160kg x1
180kg x1
210kg x1
215kg x1, x1 - no dramas. Decent squats

Push press

60kg x3, x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
122.5kg x3
125kg x3 - good reps


60kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x5
170kg x5, x5, x5 - no pain, nice!

NG bench press

60kg x3, x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
167.5kg x3, x3, x3 PB - these were very nice. 1 set was rapid. Pressing in a very good place currently.

BB lunges - 120kg 3x8
Leg press (plt wt) - 300kg 3x10
Calf raises (plt wt) - 240kg 3x10
Leg extensions - 125kg 3x10
Leg curls - 80kg 3x10
Standing ab crunch - 45kg 3x10 super
Seated ab crunch - 45kg 3x10
Woodchop - 32.5kg 3x10
Plank - 3x30 seconds

Good session. Rest tomorrow, then iron pit on Sunday for events and then a couple of lighter sessions, then it's comp time. Lovely!

FlashIcon...21-05-2016 @ 14:19 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Saturday 20/5

Down the iron pit with the General, Kyle and Big Ben.


60kg x3, x3
80kg x3, x3
100kg x3
110kg x1
120kg x1
130kg x1


50kg x3
70kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x1
130kg x1
100kg x12 - 1 clean reps, from chest, gassed. Done in 35 seconds!

Yoke - 40m course, drop turn @20m

250kg - 18 seconds

Farmers - 40m course, drop turn @20m

110kg x20m - 9 seconds

Yoke into farmers - 20m each implement

250kg into 110kg - 22 seconds

Maybe overkill on pressing. All pressing movements felt s**t. It's felt so good recently, but might have done to much. Moving was really good! Happy with that.

FlashIcon...23-05-2016 @ 19:43 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 23.05.2016 @ 19:44 PM by Flash
Lol at my journal. 0 comments in a month, dull as f**k.

Monday 23/5


60kg x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
140kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x1
220kg x1, x1

Front squat

60kg x3
80kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
165kg x3, x3, x3

Power clean and strict press

60kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3, x3, x3

NG decline bench

60kg x6
100kg x6
140kg x6
155kg x6, x6, x6

Wide grip pull ups - 3x10
Bent over row - 90kg 3x10
Neutral SA low row - 80kg each 3x10
V sit ups - 3x20 superset
Plate twists - 25kg 3x20 superset
Jackknifes- 3x20
Plank - 3x30s

Nice little hit out. 1 session left on Wednesday just hitting some squats and power movements, make sure I'm feeling quick for Monday. Feel good!

fctilidieIcon...23-05-2016 @ 20:24 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
I'm still in here all the time. I'm just a bit lazy with leaving comments.
FlashIcon...25-05-2016 @ 22:16 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
fctilidie said:I'm still in here all the time. I'm just a bit lazy with leaving comments.

Thanks mate. To be honest, I shouldn't moan as I read everyone's journal, but like you, am lazy with comments.

Wednesday 25/5


60kg x3, x3
100kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
160kg x3
180kg x3, x3, x3

Power snatch

40kg x3, x3
50kg x3, x3
60kg x3, x3
70kg x3, x3

Power clean

60kg x3, x3
80kg x3, x3
90kg x3, x3
100kg x3, x3

Squat jumps - 60kg 6x3 on the minute every minute for 6 minutes

NG incline bench

60kg x6
80kg x6
100kg x6
115kg x6, x6, x6

Box jumps - 90cm 5x5
Depth jumps - 60cm to 20cm 3x5
Slam ball push press - 6kg 5x5 superset
Slam ball slams - 6kg 5x5
Weighted plank - 25kg 3x30 seconds

Done. It's game time. Rest and eat big and we go to war again.

LessThanLukeIcon...25-05-2016 @ 22:26 
his poor male ego must be crushed
Member 883, 6251 posts
SQ 290, BP 180, DL 420
890.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 25.05.2016 @ 22:28 PM by LessThanLuke
I always read! Smash it mate.
unit94Icon...25-05-2016 @ 22:42 
what is everyone's fran time?
Member 3986, 10452 posts
SQ 340, BP 200, DL 400
940.0 kgs @ 129kgs Eq
Yeah I'm here just very lazy about typing Tongue
FlashIcon...25-05-2016 @ 22:46 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
LessThanLuke said:I always read! Smash it mate.

Thanks mate, will do. I got this
FlashIcon...25-05-2016 @ 22:47 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
unit94 said:Yeah I'm here just very lazy about typing Tongue

Thanks mate, same in your journal.

It's good to feel the love

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