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Flash A-ah

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Wayne_CowdreyIcon...14-11-2015 @ 15:20 
Still got a little bit of strength
Member 400, 22366 posts
Strong legs Mr Flash Cool
JCarter123Icon...14-11-2015 @ 15:36 
Member 3757, 1746 posts
SQ 202.5, BP 110, DL 255
567.5 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
I am envious of your squats flash
WILLSANIcon...14-11-2015 @ 16:08 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
Flash said:
Cheers Will, want 240 on Sunday then I will step back from the heavy squats as its been tough on my body and limited what else I can train. Will focus around another lift I think.
I do dehydrate yeah. Will usually walk round about 83.5, maybe 84, depending on whether the show is 24 hour weigh in or on the day. I was 85 the day before England's strongest u80 this year and to loose 5kg and compete on the day was tough, probably too much. Luckily I was that amped I won the first three events, but then faded very quickly, had it not been for the first three event wins I would of been f**ked.
I would say, to operate, train and walk round at 84 is idea for u80 comps. The dehydration isn't hard once you get the hang of it. Just got to get the dehydration and rehydration spot on. Be good to do some u80 shows with you mate.

that is good news. just broke below 84 for the first time today and it has been murder this week! I will pester you for a dehydration plan in the future.

yeah thatd be good. lost my motivation a bit lately so hopefully getting my sights on some u80 comps will bring it back.
FlashIcon...15-11-2015 @ 15:28 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Sunday 15/11


70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
120kg x3
150kg x1
180kg x1
200kg x1
220kg x1

Log - all reps clean and press

45kg x3 one motion
45kg x3 push press
65kg x3 one motion
65kg x3 push press
85kg x3 one motion
85kg x3 push press
100kg x5 one motion in 43 seconds
100kg x6 push press in 49 seconds

Abz x10 mins

Disappointed with squat, but 220 was all I had in me today. Peaked at 230, not all that bad. Maybe if I rested all week 240 would of gone today, but hey ho. Log was decent though, looks like it's push press next week. 7/8 must be there on the day.

FlashIcon...15-11-2015 @ 15:31 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Wayne_Cowdrey said:Strong legs Mr Flash Cool

Thanks mr Wayne, I need 12 weeks of build up to hit but squats, not like you Grin

I need to learn the lazy gains method Grin
FlashIcon...15-11-2015 @ 15:35 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
JCarter123 said:I am envious of your squats flash

Thanks mate I think.

Been a big build up with lots of heavy reps, but feel I can now rep heavy, which I couldn't before, it was heavy singles, and anything g over 180 I just couldn't rep.
FlashIcon...15-11-2015 @ 15:38 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
that is good news. just broke below 84 for the first time today and it has been murder this week! I will pester you for a dehydration plan in the future.
yeah thatd be good. lost my motivation a bit lately so hopefully getting my sights on some u80 comps will bring it back.

I got my plan of Bishy Block head, and it certainly works, just takes getting used to. I would recommend a trail run about a month from comp, then train a run through of comp so your body is ready for it.

I look forward to competing again, we always have good battles.
RodgerIcon...15-11-2015 @ 20:20 
salad dodger *missing*
Member 1805, 10367 posts
SQ 215, BP 121, DL 240
576.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Nice log push presses buddy, and all is good cheers mate. Just trying to get gym lifts up
FlashIcon...16-11-2015 @ 18:48 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Rodger said:Nice log push presses buddy, and all is good cheers mate. Just trying to get gym lifts up

Cheers mate, should have more there but my conditioning is way off the mark. Hope adrenalin will pull me through at my comp.

Your lifts seem to be coming on mate, squats look good and your pressing is improving, keep at it.
FlashIcon...16-11-2015 @ 18:48 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Monday 16/11


70kg x3, x3
120kg x3, x3
150kg x3
180kg x1
200kg x1
220kg x1
240kg x1
250kg x1
220kg x6
200kg x10

I hate deadlift reps so much. Oh well, no more reason to do them now, Yey! Hopefully hit minimum 13 at the weekend. Just hard to fit more in in 60 seconds.

Strict pin press

60kg x3, x3
80kg x3
90kg x1
100kg x3
102.5kg x3
105kg x3


70kg x6
120kg x6
170kg x6
200kg x6
250kg x6, x6, x6

Wide upright row - 3x10
Neutral seated DB press - 3x10
DB lateral raises - 3x10
Rear delt cable pulls - 3x10
Face pulls - 3x10

Abz x10 mins

Good progress again. Weightlifting session tomorrow focussing on speed, then rest till Sunday. Will get my excuses out the way now, feel s**t and weak so don't expect anything at the comp. just going up for a laugh really.

vausieIcon...16-11-2015 @ 20:09 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
good luck at the weekend matey
FlashIcon...17-11-2015 @ 21:08 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
vausie said:good luck at the weekend matey

Cheers bru, potty you won't be there, you keep dodging me Wink

Tuesday 17/11

Snatch - 1 power, 1 full from the hip


Power clean

60kg x3, x3
80kg x3, x3
90kg x1
95kg x1
100kg x1
105kg x1
110kg x1

Paused front squat - 3 second pause, beltless

60kg x3, x3, x3
80kg x3, x3
100kg x3
120kg x3, x3, x3

Abz x10 mins

Felt like s**te tonight. Not ready for the comp at all, just gonna go have some fun and expect nothing.

vausieIcon...17-11-2015 @ 22:09 
in real life im massive like big fridge
Member 1317, 7144 posts
SQ 220, BP 147.5, DL 290
657.5 kgs @ 94kgs UnEq
f**king dam right I'm dodging you my massive 74kg frame has all the power of a carrot ATM mate if I can get in shape for next summer we will meet at England's for sure
FlashIcon...29-11-2015 @ 18:15 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
vausie said:f**king dam right I'm dodging you my massive 74kg frame has all the power of a carrot ATM mate if I can get in shape for next summer we will meet at England's for sure

Looking forward to it.

Write up from UKs strongest u80kg Arnold qualifier

Was not really up for this comp, but had been half called out by some people on Facebook, so got my entry in, and a few weeks of training, and made the journey up to the north east to compete. Had been sitting around 84kg so the cut wasn't an issue, weighed in at 79.7kg and then went and gorged for the day before comp.

Arrived early and the venue and got down to stretching and doing some mobility. We were then called to warm up, not much chance to get a lot done, so did some strict log with 75kg, then a double on 100kg and it was go time.

Event 1 - 100kg log clean and press for reps in 60 seconds

As I said, not much warm up, but got on with it. Was out last so knew what I needed, 4 reps was in the lead so I needed 5. Knew I should get this easy, but the logs were awkward as f**k, so needed to concentrate. Hit 4 in 30 seconds, took a breath, confirmed I needed 5 to win, then cleaned it and pressed it, simples.

5 reps, 1st place

Event 2 - 200kg deadlift for reps in 60 seconds

Only warm up for this was 2 reps at 160 so no idea how I was gonna do. Was a bit of confusion around the running order for the event and then Bob had a fit and I had no idea what was happening, lol. Had barely got my breath back from log and I was up. Lots of people were hitting 11 and 12 reps so knew I had to rep fast. Was two out after me, but was confident teens reps would win. I blasted out 14 in 50 ish seconds, and it was enough. I now needed to vommit big time.

14 reps, 1st place

Event 3 - 22kg keg hold

No idea where I was at this point, comp was running at a furious pace and I couldnt keep up. Was called up and still couldn't breathe after deadlift. Just grabbed hold of the keg and stood there, people shouting go to another place and believe me I was, I had no idea where it was though. Dropped it at 39 seconds which was good enough for the win.

39 seconds, 1st place.

Event 4 - 250kg tyre flip for 10 reps

Just what I needed, a cardio based event. Was out second group on this, and still needed to vom. Just went quick as I could under the circumstances and did it in 38 seconds. Was leading until last two, and they both just pipped me. Comp had only been running for 55 minutes at this point.

38 seconds, 3rd place

Event 5 - 120kg stone over 4ft bar in 60 seconds

Ran to the bog after the tyre coz thought I was gonna hurl, but kept it down and got ready for stones. Was 5.5 points clear at this point so knew what I needed. Was shocked to see people hitting 8s, 9s and 10s on reps here, as 120 ain't that light. Plewsy was in second going into this event and he got 9, so knew 8 would guarantee me the win. Lapped the first rep and popped it over, at this point the stone felt light as, it was 120 apparently, but as it had a small diameter it was easy to man handle. Hit 10 one motions before I knew what was going on, then finished at 12 reps (11 one motions) to win the event and the comp by 8 points.

12 reps, 1st place

Overall, 1st place

Happy with that. Gutted I didn't win tyre and make it a clean sweep, but hey ho. Think I proved something to a few people and happy to have dominated this category all year. Thanks to Bob and elite strongman for the comp, quickest I've ever done, 5 events in 80 minutes and all rep based. Not sure how I got through it Happy well done to all the competitors on the day, shows the u80s is growing and becoming a great division. Long may it continue. 4 weeks of tech training for me, then it's back to full on lifting again in prep for the Arnold. Goons beat them muricans this time Happy

FlashIcon...29-11-2015 @ 18:19 
King of the impossible
Member 3130, 2082 posts
SQ 310, BP 200, DL 310
820.0 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Back to some tech training after he comp. focussing on squat tech and some deadlift work. Lots of volume, nothing too heavy, building blocks for next year. Done 3 sessions up to now, see below Happy

Friday 27/11

Front squat

70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
130kg x3, x3, x3


70kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
180kg x5, x5, x5

Paused back squat - 3 second pause, beltless

70kg x3
100kg x3
130kg x3, x3, x3

NG bench press

60kg x3
100kg x3
120kg x8, x8, x8

First time benching since July. Felt alien!

Guns and abz x20 mins

Nice session to get back in after last week. Have written myself 4 weeks of training as a stop gap before the new year, nothing heavy, just some good gainz. Then onto Arnold's prep, set over 2 four week phases. Really buzzed for it.

Saturday 28/11

Back squat

70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3
140kg x3
170kg x3, x3, x3

4" Deficit deadlift

70kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
180kg x5, x5, x5

Paused front squat - 3 second pause, beltless

70kg x3, x3
100kg x3, x3, x3

Push press

70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x8, x8, x8

Shoulder raises fluff and abz x30 mins

No dramas, good work.

Sunday 29/11

Front squat

70kg x3, x3, x3
100kg x3, x3
135kg x3, x3, x3


70kg x3
120kg x3
140kg x3
190kg x5, x5, x5

Paused back squat - 3 second pause, beltless

70kg x3
100kg x3
135kg x3, x3, x3

Strict press

60kg x3, x3
70kg x8, x8, x8

Shrugs - up to 180kg x8 for 3 sets
Wide up right row - 3x10
Face pulls - 3x10
Rear delt pulls - 3x10

Abz x10mins

Sore as f**k, volume suuuuucks!


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