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cowieIcon...24-03-2013 @ 20:44 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
18/03/13 Comercial Gym in Piracicaba Brazil

Pretty fancy place if you like that sort of thing with loads of new CV equipment & weight machines.
They also have some benches & a squat rack which everbody seems to use with big elastic band thingies.
Got a few half decent big bars big bars probably around the 15kg mark and all plates are the hexagonal type.
All the guys are doing arms & all the girls doing legs/arse, more of a social event really for most people here with loads of bonding going on.
Ive been in many gyms worldwide & this place has the most amazing quality of women ive EVER seen, concentrating is not going to be easy.

Strict Press (from rack)
3 x 3 @ 110kg

Rev Grip Bench Press
3 x 6 @ 120kg

3 x 1 @ 220kg

Finished of with high rep Face Pulls & 1 Arm Pulldowns
cowieIcon...24-03-2013 @ 20:56 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
21/03/13 Old Skool Body Building Gym in Piracicaba Brazil

Loads of old machines, skinny bars, cast plates, old posters of the greats on the walls, juiced up posers & one big bar which is smooth with no markings, handy for a Scotsman training in a tropical climate.
Once again the quality of the birds was awesome.

5 x 3 @ 135kg

Push Press (from rack)
3 x 5 @ 95kg

1 Arm DB Press
1 x 3 @ 40kg (L & R)
1 x 3 @ 48kg (L & R)
1 x 3 @ 54kg (L & R)

14 x 1 @ Bodyweight
cowieIcon...02-04-2013 @ 19:01 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
02/04/13 Commercial Gym, Piracicaba Brazil

5 x 3 @ 180kg

Smith Machine Partials (around 19Ļ)
1 x 10 @ 140kg
1 x 10 @ 180kg
1 x 5 @ 220kg

High rep stuff for lower back, core & biceps

iphone not working so no classic Italian 90s house music to lift the spirits today.
On the scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worlds worst workout today felt like an 8
cowieIcon...04-04-2013 @ 13:28 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
03/04/13 Commercial Gym, Piracicaba Brazil

Strict Press (from rack)
1 x 3 @ 100kg
3 x 3 @ 115kg

Rev Grip Strict Press (1st rep from floor)
3 x 6 @ 80kg

Incline Bench
5 x 5 @ 100kg

Finished of with high rep pulley stuff
cowieIcon...05-04-2013 @ 01:46 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
04/04/13 Old Skool Body Building Gym, Piracicaba Brazil

Zercher Squat
1 x 5 @ 100kg
1 x 5 @ 110kg
1 x 5 @ 130kg
1 x 3 @ 154kg

Leg Press & Calves
High Reps/weight ?

Rev Grip Bench Press
5 x 5 @ 105kg

15 x 1 @ Bodyweight

High Reps/weight ?
Funky_monkeyIcon...05-04-2013 @ 15:02 
403 forbidden message
Member 160, 5121 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 225
552.5 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
All sorts of exotic training locations (Aberdeen, Brazil.)

Do you find that training at different gyms this often increases motivation to due the variety, or makes things pants as you can't keep track due to different bars, benches, machines etc.
cowieIcon...06-04-2013 @ 02:25 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
Funky_monkey said:All sorts of exotic training locations (Aberdeen, Brazil.)

Do you find that training at different gyms this often increases motivation to due the variety, or makes things pants as you can't keep track due to different bars, benches, machines etc.

Thatīs a good question now.

The crude answer would be that sometimes you just have to piss with the cock that you have got.
When i train at my regular gym back home i mainly only use a Oly Bar, Power Rack & a Log, simple as they may be but it is very unlikely to fine 2 of that 3 in most gyms ive been to world wide.
What i tend to do these days is have 2 or 3 regular routines that use progressive resistance when at home & just go with whats available when away but still try to keep the basic compound movements in.
s**tty bars are my biggest problem but something is better that nothing, i always take with me Liquid Chalk, Wrist Supports & Smelling Salts & dont take a belt away to stop me doing anything to stupid and also to keep up my core strenth.
I also find that my motivation can increase when using a new gym, im not a big lifter by Sugden standards but you would be suprised how a gym come to a standstill when there is someone performing a half decent lift.
I know there are strenth athletes from all over the world but the majority of places seem to be obsessed with how good you look and not what you can lift, albeit not giving a f**k about doing leg work. Itīs not unusual to be in a gym where am the only person to ever deadlift or squat where as everone else is doing arms AGAIN.
Anyhoo i think this is turning into a bit of a rant now so i shall stop here.
Got a project coming up in Angola soon so another experiance awaits
cowieIcon...11-04-2013 @ 01:29 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
10/04/13 Commercial Gym, Piracicaba Brazil

Push Press (from rack)
1 x 3 @ 100kg
5 x 3 @ 120kg

Second from last set i got a big into trouble from one of the gym trainers for hogging the squat rack, despite the language barrier i think he got the jist of my feelings in the matter. got invited to the manageress office at the end, dont know what she wanted but was very friendly & smokin hot.

Rev Grip Bench Press
3 x 5 @ 120kg

20Ļ Partial Deadlift on Smith Machine
1 x 10 @ 60kg
1 x 10 @ 100kg
1 x 10 @ 140kg
1 x 10 @ 180kg
1 x 8 @ 220kg

All done on the bounce in quick time but really struggling to get traction on the silky smooth bar

Finished of with high rep pulldown stuff
Funky_monkeyIcon...11-04-2013 @ 10:45 
403 forbidden message
Member 160, 5121 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 225
552.5 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
cowie said:
Thatīs a good question now.
The crude answer would be that sometimes you just have to piss with the cock that you have got.

Crude answer. Offshore rigs. Hehe. I'm assuming that pun was intended. If not, you've been working for the same place for far too long. I like your quote, I'll have to use it one day. Great answer nonetheless and it didn't sound like a rant.
cowieIcon...14-04-2013 @ 21:06 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
14/04/13 Mastrick Gym

5 x 3 @ 170kg

Strict Log (1st rep from floor)
3 x 5 @ 110kg

Log Push Press (from rack)
5 x 3 @ 117.5kg

Flat Bench Log
3 3 4 @ 120kg

10 x 1 @ Bodyweight
cowieIcon...18-04-2013 @ 21:19 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
18/04/13 Mastrick Gym

3 x 3 @ 180kg
1 x 1 @ 200kg
1 x 1 @ 220kg
1 x 1 @ 230kg

Strict Press (from rack)
1 1 2 @ 112.5kg
First couple of singles were real grinders so repped out with a few sets @ 60kg

Finishing of with high rep pulldowns & some tricep work
cowieIcon...21-04-2013 @ 22:05 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
21/04/13 Mastrick Gym

3 x 2 @ 170kg

Zercher Squat
3 x 5 @ 100kg

Strict Log (from rack)
5 x 5 @ 80kg

3 x 10 @ 60kg

Total pish today if it wasnt a 60 mile round journey i would have binned the session after the first set of squats.
cowieIcon...26-04-2013 @ 10:59 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
25/04/13 Mastrick Gym

3 x 3 @ 190kg

15" Deadlift
1 x 3 @ 180kg
1 x 3 @ 190kg
1 x 3 @ 200kg
1 x 3 @ 210kg

Strict Press (from rack)
5 x 5 @ 80kg

Rev Grip Bench Press
5 x 5 @ 100kg

Fine easy session today & had to cut short due to Mrs C locking herself out the house FFS
cowieIcon...29-04-2013 @ 21:44 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
Post Edited: 29.04.2013 @ 21:45 PM by cowie
29/04/13 Mastrick Gym

1 x 20 @ 100kg

Strict Log (1st rep from floor)
5 x 5 @ 85kg

Log Press (from rack)
3 x 5 @ 100kg

Flat Bench Log
3 x 10 @ 90kg

Finishing with: Calf Raises, KB Swings & Rev/Hammer Curls

Another easy session to start building on
cowieIcon...02-05-2013 @ 19:48 
Member 3740, 1619 posts
02/05/13 Mastrick Gym

1 x 3 @ 190kg
1 x 3 @ 200kg
1 x 3 @ 210kg

15" Deadlift
1 x 10 @ 140kg
1 x 10 @ 160kg
1 x 10 @ 180kg

Strict Press (from rack)
5 x 5 @ 85kg

5 x 3 @ 100kg

8 x 1 @ Bodyweight

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