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paddys great expectations

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paddymc1986Iconpaddys great expectations10-02-2012 @ 22:51 
dieting is not the way to go
Member 1539, 5526 posts
SQ 330, BP 230, DL 350
910.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 20.02.2013 @ 21:49 PM by paddymc1986
hi lads iv been having a think about what i want out of my training and ive decided that dieting is not the way to go. iv always wanted to be as big and as strong as i can and ive done ok up to this point so why change it now.
since im no longer on a diet i need a new log and since iv got a new log i need some new goals so here goes.

deadlift now 330 goal 360
push press now 180 goal 200 DONE
bench now 220 goal 240
squat now 240 goal 300 DONE
log now 175 goal 190
strict press now 150 goal 170 DONE
axle ftoh now 166 goal 190
yoke now 340 goal 400 20m
farmers now 140 goal 160 20m
stone now 182 goal 200 to 50+
db now 80 goal 100

i understand that these are BIG BIG lifts and there not going to come overnight, but its training with beasts like hixxy,shane,ben and jack that makes me believe that with a few years of HARD graft that these lifts are possible.
now so i dont go a starting new logs all the time this one is staying put until iv reached my goals Happy
ThingIcon...10-02-2012 @ 22:57 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
Jus make sure you put on good size buddy. And go for it
shanejerIcon...10-02-2012 @ 23:00 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
awsome work paddy!!!

You need an avatar, where is boar when you need him.....
paddymc1986Icon...10-02-2012 @ 23:01 
dieting is not the way to go
Member 1539, 5526 posts
SQ 330, BP 230, DL 350
910.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq

stiffleg deadlift

70 x 6
110 x 6
150 x 3
190 x 2
230 x 1
250 x 1
275 x 3


60 x 6 (strict)
100 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 3
160 x 1
170 x 1+1f (this was more like a split jerk lol)
185 x 2f this didnt feel to far away

side lats 3 sets

rear delts 3 sets

db trisep extentions 3 sets

bb overhead trisep extentions 1 set

pushdowns 3 sets
paddymc1986Icon...10-02-2012 @ 23:09 
dieting is not the way to go
Member 1539, 5526 posts
SQ 330, BP 230, DL 350
910.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Thing said:Jus make sure you put on good size buddy. And go for it

i will mate cheers,gunna have to start doing more rep work to put the extra size onGrin
paddymc1986Icon...10-02-2012 @ 23:11 
dieting is not the way to go
Member 1539, 5526 posts
SQ 330, BP 230, DL 350
910.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
shanejer said:awsome work paddy!!!

You need an avatar, where is boar when you need him.....

cheers mate, u will have to give me a kick up the arse iv i start slackingWink
IrishMarcIcon...10-02-2012 @ 23:27 
no really Irish
Member 1196, 5908 posts
SQ 312, BP 230, DL 320
862.0 kgs @ 114kgs UnEq
Gonna be looking at this one with interest lad
paddymc1986Icon...10-02-2012 @ 23:52 
dieting is not the way to go
Member 1539, 5526 posts
SQ 330, BP 230, DL 350
910.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
IrishMarc said:Gonna be looking at this one with interest lad

could be a bumpy road but think iyl get there in the end
ursusIcon...11-02-2012 @ 07:50 
Man up and have a fuckin coffee
Member 2086, 9717 posts
SQ 340, BP 252.5, DL 300
892.5 kgs @ 158kgs UnEq
thats more like it ....the bigger the better !
Ben_FIcon...11-02-2012 @ 12:57 
vegetarian with a big deadlift - who would have thought...
Member 340, 13300 posts
SQ 315, BP 190, DL 350
855.0 kgs @ 110kgs UnEq
Now we're f**king talking!!! You're going to be a monster Paddy. Cool Angry
General_illIcon...11-02-2012 @ 13:04 
3rd place Europes strongest man 2016 U90kg
Member 1239, 13275 posts
SQ 280, BP 155, DL 310
745.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
shanejer said:awsome work paddy!!!

You need an avatar, where is boar when you need him.....

Yes and a tag line.

All the best Beast.
shanejerIcon...11-02-2012 @ 13:54 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Reading your current lifts and goals shows what a monster you are lol
chaosIcon...11-02-2012 @ 13:57 
An amazing human being
Member 2047, 17156 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 170, DL 300
732.5 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Unfortunately we already have king mong your gonna have to be queen mong! Grin BEAST
paddymc1986Icon...11-02-2012 @ 20:20 
dieting is not the way to go
Member 1539, 5526 posts
SQ 330, BP 230, DL 350
910.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
chaos said:Unfortunately we already have king mong your gonna have to be queen mong! Grin BEAST

as much as id like the title queen mong, with me being from rochdale i could never be classed as mong royality only hixxy,kenny and shane can have that honourHappy
paddymc1986Icon...11-02-2012 @ 20:24 
dieting is not the way to go
Member 1539, 5526 posts
SQ 330, BP 230, DL 350
910.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
got a letter today, iv got a pre op next sat so hopefully have this knee sorted soon Happy

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