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MattFIconWeek 3 - Push31-05-2010 @ 21:08 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Ok, for week three the tempo is staying at 3-1-3, but the rest between sets is going down to a strict 30 secs (inbetween new exercises the rest is setupo time, so about 1m30s).

Warmup - CMJ x 4; x 4

Working Sets

Push Press (this obviously will not be to the tempo, but still has the 30s rest)
50kg x 10 (easy enough, lower back on right felt it most nearly cramping)
40kg x 10 (good, rest made it difficult despite weight)
30kg x 10

Incline BB (about 30 degrees)
45kg x 10
35kg x 10
30kg x 10 (no spot so took super slow, 3 concentric, 1 hold, 5 eccentric, rest a killer again)

Incline Hammer Strength Press
10kg each side x 10
10kg x 10
10kg x 10 (felt a good pump, very nice stretch because the machine's arms are very deep set)

Tricep Dip Machine (elbows were kept tight)
35kg x 10
35kg x 10
35kg x 10 (hard last set, especially on delts)

Pec Flye Machine (each set was a dropset)
Plate 5 then Plate 3 x 10; x 10
Plate 6; Plate 4 x 10; x 10 (first set too easy so upped weight, much better)

DB Pullover
Started with a 35lbs db but my left pec was so tight decided to change to make this a stretch
1 1/2kg plate each hand x 10
1 1/2kg plate each hand x 10 (think this was well worth doing, think because of where the the stretch hit most pec major is tight?)

Static stretched pec minor major and lats.
MattFIconWeek 3 - Legs02-06-2010 @ 16:27 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
30seconds rest and 3-1-3 tempo (unless stated)

Wup - Just stretching wrists/forearms with the bar for front squats and some bw squats

Working Sets

Front Squat
50kg x 10
50kg x 8 (felt like leg pum/strength was never an issue, but breathing was so discontinued and will re-introduce when reps are lower than 8)

SO - decided to do back squats

Back Squat
70kg x 10
70kg x 10 (easy, thought it would be harder due to last week being 70;65 with no FSQ before and less rest, but not so should have gone heavier)

Barbell Lunge (once I had taken the lunge position I kept my feet planted for the set)
40kg x 10
40kg x 10
40kg x 10 (Completed all left sets with 30 secs rest, then all right, this was a killer and wiped me out for the rest of the session)

Had planned to do lateral stepups and SLDL but they quickly got scrapped, so...

Lying Hamstring Curl (no tempo adherence)
Plate 4 x 10 (talking to someone about squat form so didn't keep to 30 secs rest, hence added extra set)
Plate 4 x 10
Plate 4 x 10
Plate 4 x 10

Seated Unilateral Hamstring Curl (eccentric only - the weight was brought down with both legs and controlled up at a slow tempo (around 5-3 secs), all left sets, then right)
20kg x 10
20kg x 10
20kg x 10 (the control on the last sets were fairly pitiful, but felt like they still did the job re. injury prevention and rehab of my left hamstring)

No stretching due to time constraints (getting s**t at the stretching so need to allocate more time to it)
MattFIconWeek 3 - Pull04-06-2010 @ 12:08 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Warmup (This took a while, started training at 7am so I'll put it down to that)

Clean and Jerk
Stick x many; Bar x many; 40kg x 3

Muscle Clean and Press (all one motion, not sure on the proper name)
40kg x 3
50kg x 3
50kg x 3
50kg x 3 (all went well, 3rd being the slowest on each set as would be expected)

30 seconds rest and 3-1-3 tempo unless stated otherwise
Working Sets
100kg x 10
100kg x 8 (stopped because right side of lower back felt a slight pull and didnt want to aggrivate - until then sets felt fine)

So to replace and not to put under more pressure...

BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10 (got a good pump on hams and glute/lower back)

Widegrip Parallel Pulldown
Plate 9 x 10
Plate 8 x 10
Plate 8 x 10 (felt most on brachiallis and grip)

Unilateral Supinated Pulldown (all left sets, then right)
Plate 3 x 10
Plate 3 x 10 (grip for left was an issue on 6th-10th rep so these were completed without the 3-1-3 tempo)

Seated Unilateral Row - Hammer Machine (was going to be bent over row but didn't want to worsen back)
25kg x 10
25kg x 10
25kg x 10 (comfortable, probably should have gone heavier but tried to concentrate on scapula retraction)

Barbell Shrug (very slow to act as a grip and upper trap pump)
60kg x 10
60kg x 9
60kg x 9 (nothing left hence 9 and not 10)

Static stretched lower back (definately did something with the SLDL, but on slight strain), lats, shoulder girdle and glutes.

Ok session.
Plate 2 x 10
ThingIcon...04-06-2010 @ 12:13 
a large fingered spastic that demolishes plant
Member 89, 31706 posts
SQ 260, BP 220, DL 290
770.0 kgs @ 142kgs UnEq
how are you finding the shortened rest period son you training
MattFIcon...04-06-2010 @ 12:55 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
To be honest the rest periods don't seem to be the issue as much as the tempo, which becomes less of an exact measure as fatigue sets in. My plan is to taper next week and then hit 10s-6s for the four weeks after, keeping low rests around 1min, but lifting explosively.

My biggest problem will be the stength phase because I have always lifted fairly controlled and need a lot more power.
MattFIconBack after slight back injury and exams11-06-2010 @ 19:35 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Off due to SLDL pulling right QL a bit a week ago and exams which r still ongoing, but thankly not as frequent. Plan for the coming 4 weeks is to bring reps from 10-6, and include some events.

Because this week was planned to be a deload missin it has not been a real problem. Today played with some new kit.

Log x few cleans to test out my back (pressing needs to improve)
80kg stone over Yoke 54":
80 x 1
80 x 1
80 x 3
80 x 3
80 x 3 (this might be a lie, can't remember how may triples)

I like the stones, i f**king hate tacky.
JamesIcon...11-06-2010 @ 19:45 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
good stuff today mate sotnes got better quickly 2 weeks time 120!
MattFIcon...11-06-2010 @ 20:07 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
your saying that tongue it cheek, but definatley smashin u at them within 6 months, its f**kin on, chump, typo sorry, champ.
JamesIcon...11-06-2010 @ 20:12 
Worlds Strongest Man u90kg
Member 1137, 2099 posts
SQ 285, BP 170, DL 312.5
767.5 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
i was just saying it to be nice but now some cold hard facts. by the time your playing with the 120 i'll be playing vollyball up north with clegg and his 200. Tongue
MattFIcon...11-06-2010 @ 20:14 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
If by volleyball u mean clegg will throw it at u 2 shut u up and it will pummel u into the ground then maybe.
oliIcon...13-06-2010 @ 19:11 
the big O
Member 1370, 570 posts
SQ 192.5, BP 140, DL 250
582.5 kgs @ 88kgs UnEq
Good session today mate. How's the hand?
MattFIcon...13-06-2010 @ 19:14 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Wouldn't even noticed I've done it to be honest, but then haven't used it. Again glad it happened to me and not the champ.
MattFIcon2nd Event Day13-06-2010 @ 20:08 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Got some more events training in today, all went really well until slight mishap at the end...

60kg x 20m

Farmer's and Sled Drag (20m - 20m)
100kg x 20m (this took about 6/7 pickups and 3mins+); Drag 200kg (ok, but needs work, took a good min)

100kg x 20m (sorted my grip and did it in one); Drag 200kg (not great, infact slow)

Can't remember if I did another 100 run or not?

110kg x 7m then finished with 100kg x 13m (one drop when put the weight to 100- felt strong)

Then brought the 80kg farmer's back for James to do a run (literally), got 3m from the line, lossed my left grip, looked at my hand and was 2 calouses down.

Apart from the ripped calouses really enjoyed the events work.
MattFIcon1st Week of Str-End - Push16-06-2010 @ 15:53 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Hitting 10 reps today, no tempo, around 1m30s rest. Hadn't eaten, just an amino drink and lucozade sport, also had had an exam in the morning and only 30mins to fit in a wkout, so...

Military Press
wup - bar x 5
40kg x 10
40kg x 8
35kg x 9 (took 10 secs between reps 7 and 8)

Incline (20-30deg) BB Bench
60kg x 9?
50kg x 10
50kg x 8

Incline (60deg) DB Palms facing Press
35lbs x 10
35lbs x 10
35lbs x 10 (i'm s**t at pressin, so with this trying to recreate log position)

Dip Machine (elbows tight)
60kg x 10
60kg x 10
60kg x 10

Today was ok, not rushing the build up to strength because want to build and build so need the foundation, but triceps are very weak and a limiting factor and left notably weaker. Calouses held out ok.
MattFIconWeek 1 StrEnd - Legs18-06-2010 @ 14:14 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Split today into 2 small sessions, legs early, then some atlas stones...

Rest for legs was between 1 and 1min30 today.

wup - bw x a few; bar x alot; 60kg x 4 x 2 sets

80kg x 10 - good rhythm, but left knee a bit sore
80kg x 10 - better form, more upright
80kg x 10 - slight pref. for right side? Also although not hard,last 3 reps slow, so need power work.

BB Lunge - All right, then left
42.5kg x 10
42.5kg x 10 - fine, left was notably stronger and more stable, but that is jerking, jumping, etc. leg.

Side step up to bench (with slow eccentric) - both right sets, then left
bw x 10
bw x 10 (poor lateral control on these and to be honest they were quite difficult, made so by the control/ balance aspect.

Seated Ham Curls
35kg x 10
40kg x 10 - easy, just wanted to work hams at the knee for injury's sake.

All in all 70% session volume and intensity wise which will increase next week

STONES (or more accurately, stone)
after a a bit to eat and about 2 hours had passed from the gym did some atals stones -
54" Platform:
80 x 1
80 x 1
80 x 1
80 x 1
80 x 4 in 45 secs
80 x 5 in 60 secs
61" platform:
80 x 1 (just wanted to see if I could do the height, was fine)
Need a 100kg stone now, because 120 (which we have) is probably too big a leap, but 80 just seems like a warmup weight.

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