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TravisFandangoIcon...25-04-2013 @ 23:52 
Member 1093, 5446 posts
SQ 160, BP 105, DL 225
490.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Bestest of luck for the comp Mr Matt! x
MattFIcon...26-04-2013 @ 00:02 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Thank you Trav, I am nervous and feel feeble but will endeavor to go f**king mental on each event
MattFIcon...29-04-2013 @ 13:57 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 29.04.2013 @ 14:22 PM by MattF
Busy weekend with work, the comp and now just done my driving, so first time I have really had to sort out a post-comp write-up.

Firstly, thank you to Dave and his refs, time keepers, scorers and loaders for the day, from the weighing, to the briefing and events, everything was explained, prepared and above all enjoyable.

Weighed in at 86.5kg clothed

Event 1: 105 Axle Clean and Press (from chest after first clean)

The most I have ever put overhead is 90kg, but on comp day I thought there was an outside chance that I could manage this. Belt cleaned the axle comfortably and it felt fine on my chest, had to attempts to press it and then dropped it after these failed in order to have one more go. Again cleaned the weight without drama, but just didn't have the strength and indeed belief to put it overhead, my best attempt saw the bar reach forehead level.


Event 2: Max Deadlift

My pb was recently set at 210kg. I pulled a comfortable 200kg (the mandatory opening weight) and with the 20kg increases, pretty much had my path set out, 220, then if successful 240. I hit the 220 well and pretty quickly, giving me enough belief that if the 240 moved it would go... it never moved and didn't go.
220kg a pb by 10kg and that gave me


Event 3: Yoke 240kg / Farmer's 110kg both 15m

I had done this in 24.4 seconds in training and knew I would do okay. Got a good clean pickup with the yoke and moved well if not lightningly quick, had a quick transition with the farmer's and again moved fairly well with them. Finished in 23.7 seconds.

7th (apparently there was only 1.5 secs difference between my time and 4th)

(After an intermission)

Event 4: Sandbag 110kg for 30m (turn at 15m)

Bearhugged and small fast steps with this, felt quick enough and I would guess I took around 15seconds. Unsure on placing, but happy with my speed.


Event 5: Axe hold 15kg

We were belted to the yoke for this so had to remain upright, therefore I did wank, but couldn't really fight when my left arm went, it just seems to go out of position in the joint and then switch off. 24 seconds ish and I think last.

10th (?)

Event 6: Atlas Stone 130kg over Yoke 48"

Had a pb of a 132kg stone to 53" and hadn't practiced stones, thought at this height I could get a couple of reps and did. 2 reps, but just didn't have the energy to lap for a third attempt. The first rep was clean and the second needed a push.

Finished 9th, two points off Ed in 8th. Hit my expectations and was happy. Enjoyed the day. Thanks again to all who competed, organised and spectated. I will do next year and improve on this.

Edit: also did a chest session when I got back to Crewe.
TravisFandangoIcon...29-04-2013 @ 15:47 
Member 1093, 5446 posts
SQ 160, BP 105, DL 225
490.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Good stuff Mr Matt and congrats on the deadlift PB!!
Cleaning such a weighty axle is jolly impressive too! Happy
oliIcon...30-04-2013 @ 08:10 
the big O
Member 1370, 570 posts
SQ 192.5, BP 140, DL 250
582.5 kgs @ 88kgs UnEq
Good to see you on Sunday mate looked in good shape and had a good day with a nice on on the deadlift too. Well done!! Happy
MattFIcon...01-05-2013 @ 15:22 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Thanks Trav and Oli.

Thought I'd use my suit post comp to see what I could get.

Suited Deadlifts
Bar x 12rdl
Bar x 6rdl
60kg x 3
100kg x 3
140kg x 1
Suit on straps down, belt on
140kg x 1
180kg x 1 straps down belt on
200kg x 1 straps up from now belt on
220kg x 1 suit and belt
230kg x f - the suit was ludicrously tight and just didn't give it much.

After all the effort I pulled the same suited as I did without on Sunday, therefore I think I am going to sell the suit, I don't really like using it.

Bar x 5
Bar x 3
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
60kg x 1 with a s**t split jerk
60kg x 2 from hang
60kg x 1 failed second cause it slipped out of my hands (lost the hook grip)

Bit of abs.
WILLSANIcon...01-05-2013 @ 15:28 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
great competing with you at the weekend mate. did you get the vid I emailed you ok?
MattFIcon...01-05-2013 @ 15:34 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Not yet mate (well at least not through to my phone). I will check on mycomputer in case it went through to the junk email. Thanks. And also, good to compete with you as well.
WILLSANIcon...01-05-2013 @ 15:43 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
Ok mate. Let me know if it didn't work and ill try again.
RutledgeIcon...01-05-2013 @ 21:56 
Member 2176, 48 posts
SQ 170, BP 140, DL 250
560.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Sounds like you gave 100% mate. Nice pb. Keep doing what your doing and hopefully you will qualify next year
MattFIcon...01-05-2013 @ 23:25 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Cheers Michael.

(Thanks to Will) here is my 220kg deadlift pb from Midland's

grantyIcon...02-05-2013 @ 09:08 
hernia returning due to hobby of patient
Member 1306, 1907 posts
SQ 270, BP 202.5, DL 340
812.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Wtf! You could of repped that!
WILLSANIcon...02-05-2013 @ 20:55 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16708 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq

my dad only just caught you putting down the farmers so the medleys not on there. too quick! Grin
MattFIcon...05-05-2013 @ 12:02 
'I'm not coming onto you.... but'
Member 1366, 1596 posts
SQ 155, BP 100, DL 180
435.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Cheers Will. Mitch managed to get all but my deadlift pb

british_beefIcon...05-05-2013 @ 12:37 
Member 1031, 1149 posts
SQ 140, BP 120, DL 240
500.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
looks solid mate ..always seem to be improving
so whats next ?

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