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AppetiteIcon...07-02-2015 @ 12:01 
Let do this.
Member 3512, 2473 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 252.5
592.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
Veebs said:

General feeling:
Did not come prepared to this session and head was elsewhere --> not a good feeling.
Bench felt awkward due to Olympic bar (narrow and spinny).

Basically tonight I simply moved stuff around: having no plan when going to the gym is like not hitting depth on a squat; tonight I achieved no lift.

You say this but if you look back at what you did it was a very strong workout. Especially those deads. When you are on it there will be PBs in there.
VeebsIcon...09-02-2015 @ 21:55 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 09.02.2015 @ 21:56 PM by Veebs
Weight: 105.9kg (after work out around 7.00pm)
--> going out drinking and take awayS (yes capital S) do not help

Training with Bim
Squat and deadlift session


Warm up for squat
x10 with bar
x5 at 60kg
x3 at 100kg

Actual work
x1 at 130kg
x1 at 140kg
x3 at 160kg
x3 at 160kg
---> tried something new tonight: tucking elbows right under the bar - feeling:not backy compared to what I have done last thursday (video to come and comments on form and/or depth are encouraged guys)

Warm up for deadlift
x5 at 60kg
x3 at 100kg

Actual work
x1 at 140kg
x1 at 180kg
x1 at 200kg
x5 at 180kg setting off every 30sec
--> defo felt it but in a good way: back alright.

General feeling:
Happy to come back n a better move and pull the 160s: tried a russian program end of last year and I could not get them in.
Enjoyed this sessions

Appetite said:
You say this but if you look back at what you did it was a very strong workout. Especially those deads. When you are on it there will be PBs in there.

Cheers Kit --> added accessory exercises for bench now as this is the PB I want badly.
BimIcon...09-02-2015 @ 23:36 
Member 3359, 3677 posts
SQ 250, BP 210, DL 295
755.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Squat, 160x3x2

Very first rep looks high, it looks like an awkward rep for some reason, all the rest are well in.
VeebsIcon...10-02-2015 @ 18:31 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 10.02.2015 @ 21:59 PM by Veebs
Bim said:Squat, 160x3x2

Very first rep looks high, it looks like an awkward rep for some reason, all the rest are well in.

I do not know what happened on that first rep. Did it make it better that I paused the very last one?
VeebsIcon...10-02-2015 @ 22:06 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Training alone
Bench session only

Warm up for bench
x10 with bar
x5 at 30kg

Actual work
x5 at 40kg
x5 at 50kg
x3 at 60kg
x3 at 70kg
x2 at 80kg
x2 at 80kg
x2 at 80kg

Close grip
x3 at 72.5kg
x3 at 72.5kg
x3 at 72.5kg

Incline chest press (machine)
x8 at 40kg
x8 at 40kg
x8 at 40kg
--> discovered that flared elbows will make chest painful - that can only be good: if it hurts it works, right?

Regular chest press (machine)
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 70kg

Lat pulldown to chin
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 60kg
--> not liking this machine: will have to try something else. Any suggestions welcome.

General feeling:
Nice and enjoyable session, nothing that particularly made me tick re form or set up. Need to do again.
VeebsIcon...12-02-2015 @ 22:29 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Training alone
Squat only session


Warm up for squat
x10 with bar
x5 at 60kg
x3 at 100kg

Actual work
x1 at 130kg
x1 at 140kg
x3 at 160kg
x3 at 160kg
x3 at 160kg
--> felt harder than Monday but no grinders

Accessory work
Leg extensions
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 65kg
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 70kg
--> as a first session re accessory work I tested and I know I can up the weight next time

Hamstrings curls
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 65kg
x8 at 75kg
x8 at 75kg
x8 at 75kg --> failed at first rep as felt a hard pinch in left mid back so stopped straight away

General feeling:
Happy I got another set of x3 at 160kg and enjoyed the accessory work: walking feels weird now.

Will have to take care re hamcurl and back pain
AppetiteIcon...13-02-2015 @ 08:44 
Let do this.
Member 3512, 2473 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 252.5
592.5 kgs @ 80kgs UnEq
The first rep being the worst one is a habit i am trying to shake. On the platform you only get 1. I find that not moving on from a warm up weight until the weight moves nicely helps. Sometimes the first set at 60 will be good, sometimes it will take 3 or 4, sometimes my 140 wont move so well so I will have to take a couple of goes at it.

Having said that, strong work.
VeebsIcon...13-02-2015 @ 21:27 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Training with Bim
deadlift + quick bench session

Warm up for deadlift
x5 at 67kg
x3 at 120kg

Actual work
x1 at 170kg
x1 at 180kg
x1 at 200kg
x1 at 210kg
x1 at 220kg --> PB hard at lock out
x1 at 200kg
x1 at 200kg
x1 at 200kg
x1 at 200kg

Warm up for bench
x10 with bar
x5 at 30kg

Actual work
x5 at 40kg
x3 at 60kg
x1 at 80kg
x1 at 85kg
x1 at 95kg --> failed
x1 at 95kg --> failed

General feeling:
happy with PB no need to say.

Re the failed attempts I do not know what to think of it: came off chest and then simply stayed there. Videos to be uploaded and any comments welcome guys.
BimIcon...13-02-2015 @ 23:24 
Member 3359, 3677 posts
SQ 250, BP 210, DL 295
755.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Bench, 95x1 fail

Got stuck at your weak point, just not strong enough tonight.
VeebsIcon...16-02-2015 @ 21:24 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Weight: 106.3kg (after work out around 7.00pm)

Training with Bim
Squat and deadlift session


Warm up for squat
x10 with bar
x5 at 60kg
x3 at 100kg

Actual work
x1 at 130kg
x1 at 140kg
x4 at 160kg
x4 at 160kg
x4 at 160kg
x1 at 170kg --> felt alright

Warm up for deadlift
x5 at 60kg
x3 at 100kg
x1 at 140kg

Actual work
x1 at 170kg
x1 at 180kg
x1 at 200kg

accessory work
paused deadlift
x3 at 140kg
x3 at 150kg
x3 at 160kg
--> felt hard as first time doing them

General feeling:
Nice enjoyable session.
Happy about the 160kg sets. Defo liking this way of training
VeebsIcon...17-02-2015 @ 21:56 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Training alone
Bench session only

Warm up for bench
x10 with bar
x5 at 30kg

Actual work
x5 at 40kg
x5 at 50kg
x3 at 60kg
x5 at 70kg
X5 at 70kg
X5 at 70kg
x2 at 80kg
x2 at 80kg
x2 at 80kg

Close grip
x4at 70kg
x4at 70kg
x4at 70kg

Incline chest press (machine)
x8 at 45kg
x8 at 45kg
x8 at 45kg

Regular chest press (machine)
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 70kg

T bar row
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 60kg

General feeling:
happy with the increase at 70kg. Tried a slightly wider grip and it felt alright so will need to carry on exploring on grip

Tomorrow is rest day and then I am off to Scotland so I will see you on Monday.
VeebsIcon...23-02-2015 @ 21:21 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Weight: 105.9kg (after work out around 7.00pm)
Looks like going away and having a rest, eating fried breakfast + having every single meals in restaurants is the way forward!

Training with Bim
Squat and deadlift session


Warm up for squat
x10 with bar
x5 at 60kg
x3 at 100kg

Actual work
x1 at 140kg
x1 at 160kg
x1 at 190kg --> PB
x5 at 160kg --> rep PB

Warm up for deadlift
x5 at 60kg
x3 at 100kg

Actual work
x1 at 140kg
x1 at 180kg
x1 at 190kg
x1 at 200kg
x1 at 225kg --> fail

General feeling:
Happy about weight going down again as well as PBs. Made a couple of mistakes re loading bar for myself and/or for Bim which bugs me a - need to focus.

Videos to follow - any comments welcome.
BimIcon...23-02-2015 @ 23:19 
Member 3359, 3677 posts
SQ 250, BP 210, DL 295
755.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Squat, 190x1, 160x5, dead 225xf:

VeebsIcon...24-02-2015 @ 22:09 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Training alone
Bench session only

Warm up for bench
x10 with bar
x5 at 30kg

Actual work
x5 at 40kg
x5 at 50kg
x3 at 60kg
x5 at 70kg
X5 at 70kg
X5 at 70kg
x2 at 80kg --> felt hard and second one moved up at a snail's pace
x2 at 80kg --> repeat of first set so left it there

Close grip
x5 at 70kg --> felt hard and last two were slow moving
x5 at 70kg --> last two did not happen...

Incline chest press (machine)
x8 at 30kg
x8 at 35kg
x8 at 40kg
x8 at 40kg
x8 at 40kg

Regular chest press (machine)
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 70kg
x8 at 70kg

T bar row
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 60kg --> changed to narrow grip clip on and it felt better

General feeling:
What a crap session: defo lost strength on bench and as it is already my weakest lift I need to pay more attention. Will need to ease back into it
VeebsIcon...26-02-2015 @ 22:38 
Loves bim.
Member 5603, 385 posts
SQ 210, BP 112.5, DL 245
567.5 kgs @ 103.5kgs UnEq
Training alone
Squat and bench accessory session


Warm up for squat
x10 with bar
x5 at 60kg
x3 at 100kg

Actual work
x1 at 130kg
x1 at 140kg
x1 at 150kg
x1 at 160kg
x1 at 170kg --> slow mover
x1 at 180kg --> felt hard
x3 at 162.5kkg --> slow movers

Pin press
x5 at bar
x5 at 40kg
x5 at 50kg
x5 at 60kg
x5 at 65kg
x5 at 70kg

Lat pulldown (one sided machine)
x5 at 35kg per side
x5 at 35kg per side
x5 at 35kg per side
--> not liking those at all: feeling like lats are not working

Tbar row with narrow grip clip
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 60kg
x8 at 60kg

General feeling:
Ran from trai station to home yesterday - moderate pace for 15min. I could defo feel it this session and I did not like that. Even now right hamstring feels tight and small pain in left knee.

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