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Skinny bastards aim to get a bit less skinny

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JaakoIcon...17-12-2009 @ 23:07 
Mr. Abb.
Member 239, 581 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 100, DL 212.5
485.0 kgs @ 74.1kgs UnEq
Cheers, Good4!

I don't normally use any spotter. I need to sort out some kind of safety stands. I'm thinking of just getting a pair of saw horses initially as I can't aford anything fancier at the moment. So far whatever i've been benching has been light enough for me to roll it off the belly if I miss a rep but I'm more concerned if I have an accident like a muscle tear or black out or something, and the bar end up on my throat.

Cycle 8 - week 2


Front squats
60kg x5
80kg x2
100kg x2
120kg x1,1,1
100kg x5,5,5
Upper body was very tight so had to use the straps hold right away and lower back was tired so couldn't go heavier. Did all reps with a decent pause at the bottom instead and they were all pretty smooth. Focused on form more than anything.

Back squats - paused
100kg x5,5,5
First time in about 3 months that I've back squatted. No pain whatsoever. Still light but considering that I haven't even been able to get in position with an empty bar, this is good. Good pause at the bottom, and felt that hamstrings are not used to these anymore.

20kg x10
60kg x5
80kg x3
90kg x1
100kg x1,1,1 paused
90kg x6,6,6
No pain in shoulder after the squats here either. Sweet!

Seated wide grip row
15# x10,10,10

DB Bench
37.5kg x5,5,5
Not sure if this is a PB... Defenitely a weight I can build on now.

Triceps push downs
30kg x15
25kg x20
20kg x25

I'm off on holiday now so not sure how I'll train. Will just have to wing it, maybe some conditioning style training.
For initial weight drop I'm cutting out all the 3 pints of full fat milk and the fouth pint I'm substituting with either cottage cheese or skimmed milk as a postworkout drink. That's a cut of 1000kcal/day at least. Should take me down a few kg initially at least.
good4gainsIcon...17-12-2009 @ 23:54 
good with physics, not so with grammar
Member 900, 2544 posts
SQ 300, BP 220, DL 350
870.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
what are saw horses jakko and isnt there any 1 in the gym you could just ask for a spot seems like alot of trouble rolling it off ye chest mate especiually 110kg Eek
JaakoIcon...05-01-2010 @ 23:52 
Mr. Abb.
Member 239, 581 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 100, DL 212.5
485.0 kgs @ 74.1kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 05.01.2010 @ 23:53 PM by Jaako
good4gains, here's a pic of a saw horse

Had a guy spotting me today and it sure beats any other kind of setup hassle wise, as long as the guy who spots knows how to.

Seems like I forgot to post my two X-mas holiday workouts.

Wednesday 23 Dec

70kg x10
120kg x4
170kg x1,1,1
140kg x4
First time sine September or so that I have back squatted a bit heavier. Shoulder felt ok once I realised that Ive been making the mistake to lift my chest too much at the top of the squat and thus have had to lift my elbows more to keep the bar in place which has aggravated the shoulder. Managed to fix this issue simply by stopping the upper back extension during knee lockout.
Another issue is that I experienced a sharp pain in the left side of my groin during the top part of the hip extension in the last 170kg single and the 4th rep with 140kg. Probably gone in too heavy too quick. Good thing is that they were all easy otherwise.

Squat machine thingy
150kg x10,10,10
This machine was quite nice actually for high rep work. Wish my gym had one of these.

60kg x5
80kg x2
90kg x1
100kg x1,1,1
90kg x4,3,3
80kg x10

Power shrugs
150kg x5,5,5

Wide parallel grip Pulldowns
75kg x5
70kg x5
65kg x5
60kg x6
55kg x8

BW x10,10,10

Tuesday 29 Dec

70kg x10
120kg x4
170kg x1
180kg x1
Felt the pain in my left side of the groin again. Think it might be hip flexors that are acting up. Feell good for 190kg now if I can just avoid injuring myself.

Front squats
70kg x3
90kg x1
120kg x1
130kg x1
142.5kg xF
120kg x3
110kg x3,3,3
130kg felt strong so went for a PB atempt but it turned out I didnt want it enough.

Power Shrugs
150kg x8,8,8

150kg x15,15

60kg x5
80kg x3
90kg x1
100kg x1,1,1 paused
90kg x4 paused, x5,5 touch n go

BW x8,8,5

Medium width parallel grip pulldowns
80kg x5
75kg x5
70kg x5
65kg x5
60kg x6
55kg x8

Sunday 3rd Jan

Conv. DL
60kg x10
100kg x5
140kg x2
180kg x1
200kg x1
140kg x11

Power Shrugs
160kg x5,5,5


Cycle 1 - week 1

Starting the count of my cycles for the new year, but in reality my workout layout is very much the same as what I've done last half year.


40kg x15
60kg x8
80kg x3
90kg x1
100kg x2*,2*,2*,1*+1**,1* PB! for paused double
90kg x4*+1**,4*,3*
80kg x7**
*paused rep(s)
**touch'n'go rep(s)
Very strong benching today. Have done a touch'n'go double once before but never a paused double, and it was pretty neat too. 4th double was the first rep was paused and second more of a touch'n'go. Damn, I'm still learning the technique on this bas***d of lifts. Something of tightening up at the bottom and using brute strength instead of trying to "technique" it up, clicked today.

Seated Wide PG Row
84kg x10,10,10
God, I love this machine at this gym. And I'm definitely stronger in it compared to last time I used to use it.

Incline Smith Press
40kg x15,11,10
This one felt really nice too. Next week I'll try the proper BB inline bench.

Triceps OH pulley extensions
Super setted with chins
28.75kg x15,12
26.25kg x12

BW x8,8,8

This was a surprisingly fun workout.
JaakoIcon...10-01-2010 @ 15:35 
Mr. Abb.
Member 239, 581 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 100, DL 212.5
485.0 kgs @ 74.1kgs UnEq
Missed the Thursday and Friday workouts due to sorting out everything to get the new flat. Decided to just get the squats in as I did some DL's last Sunday at least.

I've also dropped down to 80.5kg the last week, but think it's mainly from carrying less food in the system and possibly a bit less water. Will continue with what I've been eating the last week or two and see where it takes me before changing anything. Not sure how many workouts I'll be able to do following weeks in Jan as (as long as we pass all agency checks) we get the new flat on the 23rd and the week after I have to clean the old flat. I'll send in my application for the SE Qualifyer, and if I can make it that's great and if I can't it's not the end of the world.

Cycle 1 - Week 1


Front Squat
60kg x5
80kg x1
100kg x1
120kg x1
130kg x1
120kg x2
As I had locked my car key in my car and my belt and shoes were in there I just went ahead squatting in my trainers. It wasn't the greatest and I ended up tilting forward a lot and getting the bar in my hands.

100kg x5
140kg x5,5,5
Same her, no belt and in trainers. Wasn't too bad. Not done three sets of fives for a long time and I have a feeling that I'm going to get bad DOMS from this. I also realised that having a bit too high rack hight forces me to lift elbows and shrug the bar while being on tip toes, which is not good for my shoulder. Shoulder didn't complain but as I was working in with another guy and racked the bar on the higher pair of pergs for his next set I realised that it's something i need to avoid at all costs.

Power Shrugs
160kg x6,6,6

140kg x20

DB Bench
34kg x8,8,8

Breaking in to my car
20 seconds PB! Grin
Best tools I've used so far: a wire coat hanger and a wooden door stop. I've done it with a bike break wire once before while another guy (kebab chef) held the top corner up with a crow bar, which left a dent in the car frame and scrathed the door up quite a bit. Today I just pulled the door corner up with my fingers enogh to get the wooden door stop in, much quicker and neater. Maybe I should learn how to hot wire a car for a really rainy day...
JaakoIcon...12-01-2010 @ 17:14 
Mr. Abb.
Member 239, 581 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 100, DL 212.5
485.0 kgs @ 74.1kgs UnEq
Cycle 1 - week 2


40kg x10
60kg x5
80kg x3
90kg x1
100kg x2,2,2,3*,1+F paused
90kg x4,4,4 touch'n'go
80kg x8,7 touch'n'go
* this set was done "All you, bro!" style :roll:
Solid benching today again. Fourth set had to get a spotter and the brother couldn't keep his hands off the bar so ended up doing three assisted reps. He kept insisting that I got three because of the psychological factor that he had his fingers on the bar. Last set with 100kg he got the gist and only helped me out once I stopped halfway up on the second rep and asked him to take the bar. He still insisted that if he just had had his fingers on the bar I would have gotten three reps again because it's psychological. Sigh!

Seated Wide PG Row
84kg x11,11,11 PB!

Smith incline bench
50kg x10,9,8

BW x11,8,8

Tri OH Pushdowns
26.25kg x15,15,15

Pulley curls
26.25kg x15,15,15
just_tIcon...12-01-2010 @ 17:14 
Member 164, 5028 posts
SQ 170, BP 135, DL 230
535.0 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
its all you bro Grin
good4gainsIcon...12-01-2010 @ 20:06 
good with physics, not so with grammar
Member 900, 2544 posts
SQ 300, BP 220, DL 350
870.0 kgs @ 95kgs UnEq
never seen them horses b4 and ye id always ask some1 to 2 spot me saves the hassle and i get what ye mean by bad spotting i hate it when they take the bar far too early but what can i expect really
paul_richardsIcon...12-01-2010 @ 22:46 
I personally prefer the stiffest possible.
Member 158, 3110 posts
SQ 170, BP 107.5, DL 222.5
500.0 kgs @ 67.4kgs UnEq
breaking into some cars is scary easy, done it myself and actually shocked myself
JaakoIcon...15-01-2010 @ 21:50 
Mr. Abb.
Member 239, 581 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 100, DL 212.5
485.0 kgs @ 74.1kgs UnEq
paul_richards said:breaking into some cars is scary easy, done it myself and actually shocked myself

Yeah, it's well too easy. At least with old cars that have those 10pin bowling kind of locks on the inside.

Cycle 1 - week 2

Front Squats
40kg x10
80kg x3
110kg x1
130kg x1,1
120kg x1
Kept losing the bar forward...

100kg x5
140kg x5,5,5
Massaged my left glute yesterday with a tennisball as it was quite tight. Today it felt bruised as I was squatting, so hope I haven't aggravated anything.

Power Shrugs
160kg x8,8,8

140kg x20

DB Bench
34kg x8,6

Then I was kicked out of the gym as it was closing....
JaakoIcon...19-01-2010 @ 14:14 
Mr. Abb.
Member 239, 581 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 100, DL 212.5
485.0 kgs @ 74.1kgs UnEq
Cycle 1 - Week 3


80kg x10
100kg x10
120kg x10
140kg x5
160kg x2
Had to stop at two reps with 160kg as on the second rep I felt a bit of a heat twinge in the left sid eof the groin/adductor area. Felt very strong otherwise.

Conv. DL
100kg x5
140kg x3
180kg x4
Couldn't lock out upper back on the 5th rep, it was litterally just a matter of an inch but just couldn't get it. I was fighting it at the top for ages but just couldn't get that last half inch. Was quite funny.

140kg x5,5,5

Damn, my conditioning sucks. I was sweating like a pig and huffing and puffing like never before.
JaakoIcon...31-01-2010 @ 21:02 
Mr. Abb.
Member 239, 581 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 100, DL 212.5
485.0 kgs @ 74.1kgs UnEq
Was supposed to have been at the SE qualifyier today but with all the stress I haven't been feeling well and to be honest i'm not really sorry about a year ahead without any comps. Feel like I will have just as a progressive year anyway.


20kg x10
40kg x5
50kg x5,5
60kg x1
No shoulder pain! Hooray!

60kg x10
80kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x5
No shoulder pain here either.

60kg x5
80kg x5
90kg x1
100kg x2 Paused
90kg x5 t'n'go
80kg x9 t'n'go
Suprised I managed the paused double and felt fairly strong in general.

BW x10,8,8

60kg x10
80kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x10

Power shrugs
140kg x10

The bread and butter done at least. Not sure when i'll get a chance to train until next Sunday again.
JaakoIcon...01-02-2010 @ 23:43 
Mr. Abb.
Member 239, 581 posts
SQ 172.5, BP 100, DL 212.5
485.0 kgs @ 74.1kgs UnEq

Military press
20kg x10
40kg x5,10,10

60kg x5
100kg x5
140kg x5

65kg x10,10,10

BW x10,8,8

One arm KB Press
16kg x20,15,15

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