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Pros and cons of multi category strongman comps

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WILLSANIconPros and cons of multi category strongman comps07-05-2014 @ 13:54 
Trump will get another four years
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What are the pros/cons of multi category strongman comps?

Is it better to run a single class for each comp or can a limited number work well? If so, how many classes is too many?
chaosIcon...07-05-2014 @ 13:56 
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Post Edited: 07.05.2014 @ 13:57 PM by chaos
Ben's Salt Ayre Classic always worked very well, had number of classes all competing at same time and comp always ran smoothly and timely! So from that point of view I'm all for them.

The real hard work I suppose was in the scoring but the patented Sanderson Scoring system made light work of it!

(even when that c**t Bryce was in charge of scoring)
WILLSANIcon...07-05-2014 @ 14:04 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16707 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
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SA is a slightly different format with all the classes going in against each other. so do you think thats why it works well? or that multi class comps are generally a good thing?
deleted2_20210523Icon...07-05-2014 @ 14:06 
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JCIcon...07-05-2014 @ 14:08 
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Post Edited: 07.05.2014 @ 14:09 PM by JC
The success of multi cat comps depends on a number of factors, the two most important being:

1) number of participants in each cat
2) number of events that are head-head

If (1) is high then you must have (2) as the majority of events

If (1) is low (5-6) you can afford to have (2) as only a few

If you have high or moderate (1) and f**k all (2) then athletes, loaders and spectators are in for a long as hell, boring day
bryceIcon...07-05-2014 @ 14:34 
Juice loose aboot this hoose
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SA classic works well but its not really multi category.

Helped at Yorkshire novice a couple of years ago and it had U90/105/opens and was a right mess really. We had enough space to have all the events set up and each class moved around them, pretty terrible for the spectators to be honest.
Funky_monkeyIcon...07-05-2014 @ 14:41 
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I'd go for u90 or u105s and opens. Keep things simple. I would be put off entering an open class competition, especially at 82kg bw. 2 or 3 is fine, anything more is silly.
WILLSANIcon...07-05-2014 @ 14:52 
Trump will get another four years
Member 126, 16707 posts
SQ 160, BP 110, DL 225
495.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
bryce said:Helped at Yorkshire novice a couple of years ago and it had U90/105/opens and was a right mess really. We had enough space to have all the events set up and each class moved around them, pretty terrible for the spectators to be honest.

I think when you start moving away from a 'show' and towards a production line of people lifting weights things are definately going wrong.

after a couple of experiences when I first started competing of comps that dragged on forever I have generally steered clear of multi category comps or comps that have a large amount of competitors so I cant speak with a huge amount of experience. As a promoter though, I think id find it tough to run a show to the standard id want with say 3 or more categorys of 20 competitors.
blinkiIcon...07-05-2014 @ 14:56 
Member 5256, 54 posts
Post Edited: 07.05.2014 @ 14:58 PM by blinki
I think it's mainly a trade off between spectators being able to follow it and opportunities for competitors.

I watched a comp with 7 categories. It allowed a wider of variety of guys to compete and if it wasn't that broad there wouldn't have just been other comps because of limited time and resources. As someone who's U80 and not very good that's great to see because there's not much else I could enter.

It was well run (a lot due to capping numbers which made it a bit uncompetitive with most categories having 3 guys) but it's too much information to keep a sense of how well everyone is doing. You'd give yourself a headache trying to keep track of it as a comp so I watched it as more of a demonstration.

7 is a bit extreme but 1 category can be tricky to follow without the score card in front of you so even 2 can be difficult, especially if you want to draw in more casual fans who are less familiar with the scoring.
hillikerIcon...07-05-2014 @ 18:54 
Member 1025, 1032 posts
First comp I did was London's at some school in East London. There were 3 catergories and it took about 7 hours to get through it and we only did 5 events. Anyone who came to watch had left by the 3rd event because they were so bored and fed up. From that day on I realised multi category comps were s**t. Comps should run nice and quick so as not only the crowd stay interested but the competitors too. I heard stories that at the ESM under 105kg a few years back in reading the comp went on so long and was so poorly run that some competitors feigned injury so they could leave, and that is a final. Nice short and well presented comps are the way forward.
LessThanLukeIcon...07-05-2014 @ 18:56 
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hilliker said:First comp I did was London's at some school in East London. There were 3 catergories and it took about 7 hours to get through it and we only did 5 events. Anyone who came to watch had left by the 3rd event because they were so bored and fed up. From that day on I realised multi category comps were s**t. Comps should run nice and quick so as not only the crowd stay interested but the competitors too. I heard stories that at the ESM under 105kg a few years back in reading the comp went on so long and was so poorly run that some competitors feigned injury so they could leave, and that is a final. Nice short and well presented comps are the way forward.

This. This is why the Salt Ayre comps are so good.
macrothIcon...07-05-2014 @ 19:58 
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We currently have only 3 comps/year in Switzerland. They all run 6 categories:

Open men
Open women
Novice women
Novice men u90
Novice men u105
Novice men 105+ (same events as u105, separate ranking)

In April, there were 28 athletes in total, and all events are run two categories at a time, so it doesn't make for an overly long competition.
MarkCleggIcon...07-05-2014 @ 20:05 
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hilliker said:I heard stories that at the ESM under 105kg a few years back in reading the comp went on so long and was so poorly run that some competitors feigned injury so they could leave, and that is a final. Nice short and well presented comps are the way forward.

Them stories are true .. We were kicked out of the venue and had to do stones in the carpark when it was dark .

The organiser also said "The score sheet blew away in the wind"

My missus and a few mates came watching and still talk about it to this day as the most boring day of their lives !!!
PikefingersIcon...07-05-2014 @ 20:35 
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PRO: They promote the sport of strongman by allowing more athletes to get involved by offering them a level platform to compete on.

CON: They cause people to post s**t threads (not this one) on Sugden.
hillikerIcon...07-05-2014 @ 21:06 
Member 1025, 1032 posts
Pikefingers said:PRO: They promote the sport of strongman by allowing more athletes to get involved by offering them a level platform to compete on.

CON: They cause people to post s**t threads (not this one) on Sugden.

They promote the sport and then kill it in one afternoon


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