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Do drugs improve sporting performance?

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JCIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:38 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
brownbear said:
Still is
One of the best drugs to combat breast cancer and stop recurrence in estrogen receptor tumours!

I didnt know if it was still used! It;s f**king scandolous when you think about it!
brownbearIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:38 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Tom_Martin said:
Agreed, diabetes being in the family, I'm on your side with that one, it's not something I'd wish upon myself.
However that's a bit irrelevant to the point that medical grade insulin purchased through the proper channels is ridiculously expensive and I bet 'recreational users' aren't paying anywhere near that!

It is said overweight Asians with a positive family history have a 100% risk near enough of developing diabetes!

Unhappy Unhappy Unhappy

I'm f**ked
Tom_MartinIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:40 
No one believed him anyway.
Member 958, 11411 posts
SQ 410, BP 215, DL 425
1050.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
brownbear said:
It is said overweight Asians with a positive family history have a 100% risk near enough of developing diabetes!
Unhappy Unhappy Unhappy
I'm f**ked

Type I or Type II ?
brownbearIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:40 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
JC said:
I didnt know if it was still used! It;s f**king scandolous when you think about it!

Well it is still used some times BUT other drugs are preferred like Arimidex and Raloxifene
JCIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:41 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Tom_Martin said:
Type I or Type II ?

Type II it will be
JCIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:41 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
brownbear said:
Well it is still used some times BUT other drugs are preferred like Arimidex and Raloxifene

Arimidex, although more expensive than Novaldex, is still pretty cheap!
brownbearIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:42 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Tom_Martin said:
Type I or Type II ?

Type 2!

Asians don't seem to get type 1

But also if you don't have type 1 by the time you're a teenager, it's very very very unlikely you'll get it! Completely different mechanism of diabetes!
JCIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:44 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
brownbear said:
Type 2!
Asians don't seem to get type 1
But also if you don't have type 1 by the time you're a teenager, it's very very very unlikely you'll get it! Completely different mechanism of diabetes!

Indeed...still f**king got me at 21 though! It was the better of 2 evils, as I thought I had AIDS at first lol Wink
Tom_MartinIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:45 
No one believed him anyway.
Member 958, 11411 posts
SQ 410, BP 215, DL 425
1050.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
JC said:
Type II it will be

I'm going to go with it being a case of s**tty habits being passed down from the parents then instead of a hereditory condition, just because brownbear included the stipulation that the family are overweight.

Look after yourself brownbear....
brownbearIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:45 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
JC said:
Indeed...still f**king got me at 21 though! It was the better of 2 evils, as I thought I had AIDS at first lol Wink

You must have been the only person who jumped up in excitement at that news then!
JCIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:45 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
brownbear said:
You must have been the only person who jumped up in excitement at that news then!

Lol...indeed Grin
brownbearIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:47 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
Tom_Martin said:
I'm going to go with it being a case of s**tty habits being passed down from the parents then instead of a hereditory condition, just because brownbear included the stipulation that the family are overweight.
Look after yourself brownbear....

Its a combination but it is hereditary to an extent as well!

An overweigt Caucasian male with a family history won't have anywhere near 100% risk, probably 30-50% if I had to guess

Asian and Afro carribean people's pancreas just seem to give in earlier plus worse dietary habits
NamonsterIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:48 
always trolling for a reaction
Member 753, 1280 posts
brownbear said:
It is said overweight Asians with a positive family history have a 100% risk near enough of developing diabetes!
Unhappy Unhappy Unhappy
I'm f**ked

So am I! My family is rife with diabetes. I'm overweight and Panjabi. Heart disease and diabetes are so waiting to jump out.
chaosIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:49 
An amazing human being
Member 2047, 17156 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 170, DL 300
732.5 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
brownbear said:
Asian and Afro carribean people's pancreas just seem to give in earlier plus worse dietary habits

ANd yet you continue to put pictures on fbook of all the filthy s**t you are eating whilst pissing about in Malaysia!!!!

Another feckin hypocritical doctor wannabe........................Grin
brownbearIcon...24-04-2012 @ 15:53 
Morrisons - rump - 7£
Member 2206, 11578 posts
SQ 228, BP 150, DL 260
638.0 kgs @ 98kgs UnEq
chaos said:
ANd yet you continue to put pictures on fbook of all the filthy s**t you are eating whilst pissing about in Malaysia!!!!
Another feckin hypocritical doctor wannabe........................Grin

f**k off John

I went to hard rock cafe yesterday

Had a 10oz beef abd turkey bacon burger AND a BBQ half chicken!


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