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» Impressive social media lifts (Go to post)08-01-2019 @ 21:24 
Post Edited: 08.01.2019 @ 21:25 PM by Tom_Martin
umpalumpalifter said:
Monstrous squat, didn't look like he could even support it when first untracked the amount of tension/shaking.
Feel this does show the difference between monolift and walking a squat out - bit like sleeves/raw versus wrapped when comparing?

Nah, I've walked out and squatted 330 as a very skinny 80kg lifter, it took me less than a year to do this from a starting point of having never squatted more than 200 or so, plenty lighter have done a lot more, this isn't making an insurmountable amount of difference
» Impressive social media lifts (Go to post)25-10-2018 @ 19:04 
slimsim said:
Not high though

Well that's a slightly different question, and is demonstratable with my own profile picture that this is clearly the case but this is just the limitations of squatting in tight wraps and maybe possibly being 20kg heavier in bodyweight too. Thanks for clarifying the 2nd part though, I do still intend on lifting by the rule book and not a lenient interpretation of the rule book
» Impressive social media lifts (Go to post)25-10-2018 @ 13:12 
lol does anyone actually think that 400 was high...
» 2017 WPC Europeans live stream (Go to post)06-07-2017 @ 09:55 
slimsim said:
Oh f**k! Unhappy
Just watched the livestream where it appears to have happened. I'm amazed that Tom didn't react to it at all. It's like he didn't even notice, although watching his bicep shoot upwards mid lift makes it look almost certainly like a detachment. bo***cks.

I didn't notice! I felt a bit of a ping and then the bar came out of my hand and I was a bit upset that the bar came out of my hand rather than worrying about why it had come out of my hand, and then I noticed my bicep wasn't there anymore.

Confirmed at hospital anyway, complete detachment of the tendon from the radius.

Thanks for the support guys!
» 360kg squat PB :) (Go to post)11-05-2017 @ 22:49 
Cheers guys!
» 360kg squat PB :) (Go to post)11-05-2017 @ 02:43 
Proud of this one as i failed it the last 2 times in comp and have never been near it in training!

Cheers guys!
» who tbe heck is this and why? (Go to post)23-03-2017 @ 22:54 
whatever you think of the lifts he's doing, the guy is STRONG AS f**k
» Tom Martin (Go to post)14-03-2017 @ 00:05 
Cheers guys!

Plans are fill out the 110's (gain another 7kg or so...!)
Immediate short term goal is 406kg deadlift on the platform to take Pozdeev's 110 record.
Keep my shoulder healthy and string more than 3 weeks of bench together and press onwards to 220.
Stop being a pussy in training with squats and get some big weights on my shoulders every week if I hope to push on past 350...
» training advice - plan/coaching (Go to post)09-02-2017 @ 22:44 
rawlifter said:any other suggestions

how do I contact Tom does he have a web/facebook page or something?

Send an email to

Cheers guys!
» What is the correct way of wrapping knees? (Go to post)08-02-2017 @ 14:32 
I go from one full wrap width JUST below the knee, up 5 times to just above the knee, once more around the top layer, cross down over the knee, cross back over the knee then twice around the top again.
» Tom's training log... (Go to post)26-12-2016 @ 23:33 
» 932.5kg / 2056lb total, 380kg/838lb deadlift at 99kg bw (Go to post)03-11-2016 @ 11:15 
slimsim said:Phenomenal!

Since you're bodyweight has increased have you put on any "timber" or are you still as lean or even leaner than you used to be? You seem to carry 99kg very well.

I've spent all year recomping back and forth around 100kg, I was leaner than ever this weekend but that's my absolute limit now, without significant compromise to strength gains there is nothing more I can do without moving up a class now.

Thanks everyone!
» 932.5kg / 2056lb total, 380kg/838lb deadlift at 99kg bw (Go to post)03-11-2016 @ 09:33 
Post Edited: 03.11.2016 @ 09:34 AM by Tom_Martin

347.5kg squat
205kg bench
380kg deadlift

» 800 and 900 totals in britain (Go to post)31-10-2016 @ 14:43 
AdamT said:Tom is the best in the Country. He could probably still get 950+ at 100kg. He would definitely get it easily at 110.

Tom failed all 3rd attempts.

His total is f**king amazing for 6/9 lifts.

He went for broke and chased a massive total.

He could of hit 350/207.5/385 if he wanted.

I'm annoyed to have missed lifts but at the same time, pretty pleased with myself that I got under weights that up until very recently would have made me the best 100kg lifter ever and they weren't TOO crackpipe. Yuri Belkin has already spoilt that dream though so off to 110s Happy
» GPC lifting log (Go to post)31-10-2016 @ 01:00 
It was you! You GAYLORD!

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