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Oxman said:Epic rows as ever you nutter..bench sounding solid too mate.

Ha I do love a good DB row. I was a bit narked with bench tbh, I could have got more reps and would have done if I hadn't hit the rack. The real problem however is time, not adjusted to my new schedule yet so i rushed and ultimately that's what cost me the reps.
stephen9069 said:lol your almost rowing the weight im using with one hand you beast

lol well they're about to get funky as I mix it up a bit. I may even (dare I say it) use straps Eek. I find it important to get the strict reps in but at the same time I thing rows should be viewed as a power movement and so should be trained heavy and treated as a whole body movement.
Thursday 7th September 2017

A1 Hip Thrusts
x 10 reps
x 10 reps
x 10 reps
x 10 reps
x 10 reps

A2 Squats
70kg x 5 reps
90kg x 5 reps
120kg x 5 reps
140kg x 5 reps
--Belt on
160kg x 10 reps --Hit the rack (AGAIN!) on the last rep, almost lost it but managed to finish the rep.
--Reverse Bands on
235kg x 3 reps --Moved well but the walk out is a problem. The squat itself was easy enough.

A3 Sledgehammer Swings
x 5 reps (Each Side)
x 5 reps (Each Side)
x 5 reps (Each Side)
x 5 reps (Each Side)
x 5 reps (Each Side) --Each and every rep swung with a passion and a fury, each strike delivered with venom. It was fun

A4 Barbell Curls
40kg x 5 reps
40kg x 5 reps
40kg x 5 reps
40kg x 5 reps
40kg x 5 reps --Lol

Damn mate squats are looking strong AF!! Quality work of late mate.
Oxman said:Damn mate squats are looking strong AF!! Quality work of late mate.

Slowly coming back, I think I've got 220 whenever I want it. Once again there some rep goals formulating in my head. I think I need to put them in a spreadsheet and hit them in a progressive manner. Actually I'll go do that now. great idea, thanks Dave Roll-Eyes
Very strong squatting mate
stephen9069 said:Very strong squatting mate

Cheers mate, legs are certainly feeling it now, especially hams.
Bloody awesome squatting mate and benching.

I like your goodself, enjoys some good rowing and that sir is some mighty fine rowing
Post Edited: 08.09.2017 @ 09:17 AM by nails
taz said:Bloody awesome squatting mate and benching.

I like your goodself, enjoys some good rowing and that sir is some mighty fine rowing

Cheers mate, as ever I want to get my squat numbers up. My rep goals will be (sorry for the s**t format, wee need tables in this forum):

Weight____Reps____Predicted Max

That Should keep me busy for a bit, I've hit a few already but I want all of them.

I'm still hunting for 100x10 for 1xDB rows. It's a long term goal but will go in the end. I'm going to add straps next time and see if it makes any difference. I don't think grip is my limiting factor, it probably should be though.
Friday 8th September 2017

Landmine Lateral Raises
3.75kg x 5 reps (Each Side)
3.75kg x 5 reps (Each Side)
3.75kg x 5 reps (Each Side)
3.75kg x 5 reps (Each Side)
3.75kg x 5 reps (Each Side)

A1 Landmine Press
15kg x 10 reps (Each Side)
30kg x 10 reps (Each Side)
45kg x 5 reps (Each Side)
60kg x 5 reps (Each Side) --This is the heaviest single arm strict press I've ever done. Maybe 60kg is doable on my right on a good day, maybe. This is an amazing lift and I can see it doing good things for me. I guess it's like a poor cousin to a Viking press.

A2 Meadows Rows
15kg x 10 reps (Each Side)
30kg x 10 reps (Each Side)
45kg x 5 reps (Each Side)
60kg x 5 reps (Each Side) --Massive grip challenge, no only is this a thick grip row but it rotates as well.

B1 Boat Rope Chin Ups
x 5 reps
x 5 reps
x 5 reps
x 5 reps --Hands getting used to the tension, grip improving.

B2 Dips
x 12 reps
x 12 reps
x 12 reps
x 12 reps --Adding more and more reps every week, much easier than expected.

Monday 11th September 2017

Recently I've been doing a bit of flitting around. One week it will be heavier, then next aiming for reps and basically lacking consistency. This has to stop. I think I was on to something a month or 2 back when I started adding in extra top sets in order to increase volume. I think I just didn't go far enough. therefore the aim will be to complete 3-5 tops sets depending on the lift. I also need to make sure I'm working at or above 70% of max for the main lifts. The specifics may changes but more reps at above 70% needs to be core.

A1 Trap Bar Rows
bar x 10 reps
65kg x 10 reps
95kg x 10 reps
125kg x 5 reps
105kg x 5 reps

A2 Press
bar x 10 reps
60kg x 5 reps
70kg x 5 reps
80kg x 5 reps (69%, oh so close)
--Belt on, wrist wraps on
87.5kg x 5 reps
87.5kg x 5 reps
87.5kg x 5 reps
87.5kg x 5 reps
87.5kg x 5 reps --Video. Very nearly died here, the last rep was like moving through syrup. 25 reps @ 76%, that's what I'm talking about

A3 Kneeling Rollouts
x 12 reps
x 12 reps
x 12 reps
x 12 reps
x 12 reps

A4 Trap bar Farmers Walk
bar x 5m + 5m
65kg x 5m + 5m
95kg x 5m + 5m
125kg x 5m + 5m
105kg x 5m + 5m

Ran out of time for anything extra and tbh I wouldn't have been able to get anything meaningful, shoulders had died.

good work once again mate
yiannis said:good work once again mate

Cheer mate. I've been a bit lost at sea recently but I've found my way again now.
Beast mate you made that pressing look easy
stephen9069 said:Beast mate you made that pressing look easy

It didn't feel easy though mate. The volume really caught up with me on the last 2 sets. Feels like it will be productive though.


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